Home > Totally Schooled(5)

Totally Schooled(5)
Author: Nicole Dykes


I make my way back into Hailey’s room and see her sitting up in bed, covered in pink goo. Shit.

“I threw up.”

I nod, smoothing my hand over her back. “It’s okay, baby. Let’s go take a bath.” She’s tired and out of it as I clean her up, change her sheets, and then tuck her back into bed. I sit down on the twin bed with her, my body crowding hers. But at the moment, she doesn’t mind. She snuggles into me and closes her eyes.

My phone pings, and I see an email from her teacher.


* * *


I’m sorry Hailey isn’t feeling well. I’ll let the office know. Please let me know if you need anything at all.

-Nolan Burke

Nolan. His name is Nolan.

I stare at the email for far too long. I want to ask him why he’s up at two in the morning, especially when he has school tomorrow. I want to ask him a lot of things. So many things. Nothing specific. Just every little thing. I’m not sure I’ve ever been this instantly enamored with someone before. We spent a total of ten minutes talking, and I can’t get him out of my head. It’s disturbing.

I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t reply at all. There isn’t a reason to. We aren’t friends. He’s my kid’s teacher.

That’s all.



* * *


I sit on my couch staring mindlessly at the television and decide that there are so many better ways to be spending my Friday night than this.

I need to get laid.

It’s been what . . . two months? Jesus.

Although, admittedly, when school starts, I tend to not date as much.


That’s all I’m doing now. No more hookup apps or clubs. Well, sometimes clubs, but just to dance and have a good time.

No more casual hookups. I promised myself I’m done with that. No more trainwreck men, and no more casual fucking. I want more. Maybe it’s cliché, but my thirtieth birthday will be here before I know it, and I want to settle down.

I want a healthy, strong relationship where I’m not constantly cleaning up messes or wanting so much more than they’re willing to give.

I look through the messages on the dating app I downloaded a couple of months ago.

Pass. Pass. Pass.

Every single one just wants a dick pic.

Oh, that’s nice. This guy doesn’t give a fuck about my dick but wants to see my feet.

I’m about to give up and toss my phone when an email notification pops up. I shouldn’t check it because it’s not my personal email. It’s from my school account, and the email is from Rafe Scott.



I do.

I open the email so fast it’s pathetic.

Mr. Burke,

Fuck, that should not be hot. It shouldn’t. I go by Mr. Burke every single day at school.

I know this is totally inappropriate, and I shouldn’t be emailing you on a Friday night.

I wonder if Hailey is sick again? She was able to come back after being out three days this week, but she was definitely still tired today at school. No, why would he be emailing me about that?

I continue to read.

Hell, it’s probably inappropriate to be emailing you at all about this, but I’m not really sure what to do. I was wondering if you have plans tonight?

I think my heart just stopped beating. Holy fuck.

I was wondering if you could watch Hailey for me. I know it’s late, and you probably won’t even get this in time. If not, just please ignore it.

This was stupid.


I stare at the email for far too long. He wants me to watch Hailey? Yeah, that’s really not in my job description. At least not on a Friday night, but I can’t seem to fight my stupid fingers as I hit reply.

Is this an emergency? Are you and Hailey okay?

-Nolan Burke

There, that wasn’t so bad. If it’s an emergency, maybe I can direct him somewhere. Or help him figure it out. I’m a teacher after all, it’s in my blood to help.

The reply is quick.

Not necessarily. I caught a late shift and really need to go in, but I don’t have anyone to watch Hailey. I know you aren’t a babysitter. I’d never ask you to do this if I had anyone else.

Well, damn. That hit me right in the heart. This man is trying desperately to stay afloat and raise his daughter on his own. I’d have to be a monster to not help him out. I did tell him to reach out if he needs anything.

Before I can overthink it, I reply, asking for his address. He replies quickly, and I grab my car keys and drive to his place, lecturing myself the whole time. This is inappropriate. I know that, but my student needs help. Okay, my student’s parent needs help, but that’s kind of the same thing.

When I reach their apartment, I knock lightly, and the door is pulled open. Rafe stands in the doorway, looking bewildered. And so damn gorgeous in tight, clean jeans and a t-shirt that shows every single ridge of his abs.

Yeah, quit drooling. That would be great.

“Hi, um . . .” I clear my throat. “Mr. Scott.”

His nose wrinkles, and he shakes his head. “Rafe is fine.”

“Right. You can call me Nolan.”

He nods, studying me for a moment before moving out of the way and letting me into his home. The apartment is small but neatly kept. Especially when a five year old resides here. “You really don’t have to do this.” I look at Rafe, who looks even more tense than usual. “I would have asked Emily.” He quickly explains, “the girl who puts Hailey on the bus every morning, but she’s on a date tonight.”

Oh. He seems annoyed by that fact, and I briefly wonder if he’s jealous. If he and Emily have a thing. But I try to shake it off. “It’s fine. Really. I didn’t have anything else to do.”

I wince. Way to seem pathetic. He nods at that, and his voice is deep and rich when he speaks, “I normally wouldn’t have jumped at the opportunity to fill in tonight, but Hailey was sick for three days, and I haven’t hit ninety days on the job yet, so I had to go without pay.” His cheeks redden, and I suddenly have an urge to comfort him that I can’t ignore.

“I understand that.” I smile. “Kids are expensive.”

He grins and doesn’t argue. “They are. She’s worth it though.”

Damn him for being so fucking adorable. I mean, he really, really loves his kid. And damn, if that doesn’t pull on every single heartstring I have. “Where is she?”

“Oh, um . . .” He looks over his shoulder, toward a narrow hallway. “She’s already asleep. That cold really wore her out.”

“Yeah, that will do it. She was pretty quiet in class today.” I smile fondly, thinking that was so unlike Hailey.

He laughs. “Yeah, that’s weird for her.” He grips the back of his neck, his bicep flexing and showing off lean, toned muscle I need to look away from. He’s not a gym rat. I wouldn’t think he has time for that like I do. Instead, his muscles are sculpted from hours of hard labor, if I had to guess. “Anyway. She’s asleep. And my shift starts when I get there, but I’m off at two.”

He flinches like he just realized how late that is. I raise my hands to silence his worry. “I’m usually up late.”

Like when he emailed me to let me know Hailey was sick. I shouldn’t have been up so late that night with school the next morning, but something had woken me, and I always find it difficult to go back to sleep.

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