Home > Snowy Ever After(47)

Snowy Ever After(47)
Author: Samantha Chase

Oh. My. God.

Had she fallen in love with Brock because he’d become Sean while filming her movie?

Lily’s mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. Before her mind unstuck itself, the inn’s front door burst open, and her family flowed through in one noisy huddle. Saved by the bell… for now. She jumped off the couch and raced out to the foyer, cheeks burning and her mind swirling like a tornado.

You need to un-think that thought right freaking now. You don’t love Sean… not anymore.

The bride and groom, Evie and Jasper, along with the rest of the Dunn family—her parents, cousins Katherine and Amelia, Aunty Patricia and Uncle John, Patricia’s mother, Vera—had all made it to Forever Falls. Her mum and dad immediately enveloped her.

“My little girl.” Her dad’s moustache scratched against her cheek. “It’s been far too long.”

For a moment, she felt utterly overwhelmed with emotion. As an only child, she was very close to her parents and living away from them and the place where she’d grown up was difficult. She sucked in the familiar scent of them and let herself be hugged. When she pulled away, her cousin was waiting.

Lily squealed. “You made it.”

Evie, who was born a scant three days before her, threw her arms around Lily’s neck. It had been way too long since they’d hugged in person, and hearing Evie’s tinkling laughter made it feel like she’d been transported all the way back to childhood. Amelia and Katherine joined in, making it a group hug with all the youngest generation of Dunn women.

There was chaos as everyone checked in, with more hugs and stories of travel disasters, waiting in long lines and a suitcase that took forever to come out at the baggage carousel, only to look like it had gotten in a fight with a bull. There were plenty of flights coming into Boston now, and hopefully delays wouldn’t affect anyone else.

As Lily stood around, catching up with her loved ones, she felt a presence behind her. Her intuition prickled for a moment before the touch landed—a hand at the small of her back. She turned to see that Sean had come up beside her and the hand at her back was only a warning. Now that he’d gotten her attention, he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

All three of her cousins turned their attention sharply toward where Sean’s hand curved over her hip. Lily tried not to shy away from the attention—this was part of the plan, after all, and Sean was playing the role perfectly.

So are you, if those butterflies in your belly are anything to go by.

No, the butterflies were definitely not part of the plan. She needed to appear smitten on the outside, not the inside. Butterflies were a warning sign!

“Is there something you two want to tell us?” Amelia asked, her eyes widening.

“Surprise.” Lily laughed weakly. “We’re dating.”

“Oh my goodness, that’s why you asked what flight she was going to be on?” Evie gasped. “Because you were dating, and you wanted to surprise her. That’s so romantic!”

Wait a minute. Say what now? Lily’s eyes slid over to Sean and she quirked an eyebrow. Sean raked a hand through his hair and looked more than a little sheepish. He’d asked what flight she was going to be on? Whatever for?

Everyone was watching them now. Bloody hell. She was supposed to fly under the radar, not grab even more attention. At least nobody should ask her about Brock now that her new “relationship” was out in the open.

“I want to hear all about this,” Evie said. Her dark eyes sparkled with interest.

“You’re supposed to be the star of the show. Enjoy the spotlight, girl!” Lily waved a hand like she didn’t have a care in the world. Perhaps being around actors for the last few years was paying off, because Evie didn’t appear suspicious. “I’m quite happy for my love life to not be the centre of attention right now.”

Lily was fully aware of the ripple of interest that went through her family, including her mother whispering something to her father. She loved her family more than anything, but they were absolutely the kind of family where everyone was constantly in each other’s business.

Perhaps she’d have a word to her mum later about making sure the focus stayed on the happy couple.

“I’m glad you guys made it,” Sean said, his rich, smooth voice taking command of the situation. “Are we still on track for the rehearsal dinner tonight?”

“We certainly are,” Evie said with a nod. “Zoey texted to say she and Mack got re-booked and they should be here within the next two hours. So, as soon as they’ve arrived, we can get started.”

“Nothing will stop this wedding. Not even a snowstorm,” Amelia said with a big smile. “Maybe it’s a good thing we broke the flights up with a night in a hotel. Personally, I was happy to get a few hours of shut-eye.”

“Speak for yourself. I’m craving cereal and it’s…” Katherine glanced at her watch. “Four-thirty in the afternoon.”

“Cereal is an all-day food,” Lily reassured her.

Seeing all these people she loved in one place was a strange feeling, indeed. It was comfortable and familiar and yet… it wasn’t. It reminded her she’d been very far away from home the last five years. People had changed. Her uncle had significantly more silver at his temples, and Amelia—who was only twenty-two when Lily left—now held herself with the grace and confidence of a young woman who’d come into her own. Even seeing her own parents, she noticed the five years on them. The way they moved a little slower, the extra lines around their eyes.

Slight differences, really. But they would continue to pile up the longer she was away. Time would march on and they would get older and… she would miss those years with them.

Hollywood is where your career is. It’s what you’ve always wanted. You made the right decision.

Seeing everyone here now and being confronted with how much she’d sacrificed already, Lily suddenly wasn’t so sure.






Later that evening, after completing the ceremony rehearsal and consuming dinner, Sean stood in front of the fireplace in the inn’s lounge with a glass of whisky in his hand. The fire crackled and popped, and it reflected the glow in the deep amber shade of his beverage. Laughter filled the air. Everyone seemed to have finally relaxed after all the travel debacles.

Well, everyone except you.

It was hard to be relaxed while pretending to date Lily, because everything about that woman had his body on edge. She was like the perfect wave—curved and beautiful, frighteningly powerful, ready to toss him into oblivion if he didn’t keep control of his footing.

Sean’s gaze drifted across the room to where she was standing, drinking champagne and talking with Evie and Amelia. All three women were dressed up and looking glamorous. But Lily… well, she looked as though she’d stepped right out of his fantasies.

Her dress was black and fitted, with daring cut outs at the back, which accentuated her shape. It sent inappropriate images flashing through his mind about what it might be like to peel the fabric from her skin. He guessed she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, based on the cut of the dress. A pair of black tights covered her legs, and she wore sexy ankle boots with gold, pencil-thin heels.

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