Home > Rare Danger(21)

Rare Danger(21)
Author: Beverly Jenkins

“I’ve made that decision numerous times, much to my detriment, but you have a better sense of self than I do. I’m always looking for love in the wrong places with the wrong somebodies.”

Terri paused before adding, “Jas, if you feel like this is the man who’ll put the cherry on the top of your soda, go for it. Time shouldn’t be a factor. And I’m going to tell you now, if you don’t want him, I’ll take him off your hands in a Motown minute. No problem.”

They laughed.

Jas said seriously, “Thanks so much for finding him that night.”

“It was so weird. I’d just gotten back from a media interview and was on my way home when something told me to stop by and see you. So, I made a detour to do it, and when I walked to the door, there he was, out cold, clutching a small Casa Blanca lily in his hand.”

“Oh my God. It must have been the one I had in my hair.”

“Well, he scared me to death, especially since I didn’t know who the hell he was. Had no idea where you were either. Called your phone and it went to voice mail—that scared me even more. Called 911, then Mama Ellen. So glad you’re okay.”

“Me too.”

Terri stood. “I’m going home. If you need anything, call me.”

“I will.”

“And call your man. You don’t want him to start thinking you were just using him for that gorgeous body.”

“We haven’t actually done the thing yet.”

Terri threw up her hands. “Jesus! Call that man and get yourself some loving. You’re way overdue.”

Jas laughed. “Yes, ma’am.”

Terri shook her head. They shared a hug, and Terri left.

Jas spent the rest of the afternoon settling back into her house and thinking about Torr. She put on some music, cooked herself a nice meal, and took a nap. When she awakened, she thought about Torr. After a long bubble bath, he was still on her mind, so she came to a decision. Channeling Terri, she called him.

“Hey,” she said when he picked up. “Just called to check on you and to let you know I’m missing you.”

“Missing you too, lady. Are you still at your parents’ place?”

“No. Came home today. Are you busy?”

“No, just sitting on the porch, watching the moon come up, and thinking about you.”

She smiled. “Can I come over and bring my nightgown?”



“Don’t tease me, girl.”

“Not teasing. I promise.”

“Okay. How about I come get you?”

“That’s fine.”

“Be there in a few. And I’m telling you now: you probably won’t need the nightgown.”

The call ended. Grinning, she ran to her room to pack her overnight bag.

As soon as she opened the door to let him in, he drew her close and treated her to a series of sweet, hot, wandering kisses that stole her breath, fired her blood, and made her want to be taken right there in the doorway, the neighbors be damned.

“Now we can go,” he whispered. “Where’s your bag?”

Jasmine’s brain was so hazy, she didn’t even know her name, let alone where she’d left the overnight bag. She finally remembered and pointed. He picked it up. She somehow managed to remember to turn off the lights, set the alarm, and lock the door, but she wasn’t sure if she needed to do anything else. The only thing she was sure of was wanting more of his kisses.

When they walked into his place, he gave her more. Many more. He plunged her into a world of so much pleasure, she came back to herself naked and spread out on the crisp, fresh sheets of his bed in his candlelit bedroom. His hands and lips made her feel treasured, worshipped, adored. His loving was languid, slow, hot—so hot she had her first orgasm before he even entered her. Her second rose from his searing, scandalous mouth between her thighs, and her third from her back being sensually blown out by a man with the erotic prowess of an obsidian god. When he finally withdrew, her nipples were pebble hard, her thighs soaked, and her body kiss-swollen everywhere.

Afterward, he held her against his side in the silence while the candles sputtered on wicks, nearly spent. “You know I’m never letting you go home, right?”

She laughed softly.

He placed a kiss on her forehead. “Did you and your nightgown enjoy yourselves?”

“We did, although I’m not sure how the nightgown felt about being left in the bag.”

“I’ll let it have a turn next time.”

She quieted and was overwhelmed by the pleasure she’d received. “So, where do we go from here?”

“I already told you, you’re never going home.”

“Be serious, Torr.”

“I am. Do you want your ring now or in six months?”

Her mouth dropped. While it was open, he leaned over and kissed her. “Marry me, Jasmine Ware.”

Her heart began racing. Speech failed her.

“Unless you don’t want to.”

She studied him and wished there was more light so she could see his features better. “Are you serious?”

He went silent for a moment. “How many times do I have to answer that question?”

“I just . . .”

“Just what?”

“I’ve never had a man propose to me before.”

“Good thing, because if you already had a husband, he’d probably be mad as hell right now for you making the two-backed beast with me.”

She dropped her head and smiled. “You’re a mess.”

“And I want to be your mess until death do us part, or your daddy locks me up for being in love with his youngest. Yes, we just met, but life is short. Let’s not waste any more sunsets without each other.”

She knew he was right. “Survey says, yes!”

He laughed. “And you called me a mess. Family Feud, really?”

She shrugged. “I couldn’t resist.”

“And I can’t resist you. Come here.”

He pulled her close and kissed her, and they made love until sunrise.




Elliot Vernon turned the Timbuktu astronomy book over to the FBI, who sent it to the State Department, who returned it to Mali. He pleaded guilty to receiving stolen goods and trafficking antiquities and was sentenced to three years in prison. The judge also told him to never operate an antiquities business again, and to make restitution for the fake goods he and his partner had sold. The order pleased Jasmine, who’d been told about the fake maps sold to her during a call from Agent Tsang. True to her word, Loretta divorced Elliot as soon as she got back to Detroit and wanted to divorce him again after seeing the damage inside her home. Gabriel and his minions were given life sentences by the Canadian court after being convicted of murder in the case involving the Toronto man. Torr got his chopper back due to the controversy surrounding military equipment being given to local police departments. However, he was told to never unleash a missile inside the US again without orders.

Torr and Jasmine held their engagement party Labor Day weekend on Detroit’s Belle Isle. Jas and her sisters weren’t sure how their daddy would react to having a new son-in-law, but he spent the day grilling and talking weapons with Torr, much to everyone’s surprise. Jasmine was worried about her cop parents getting along with Torr’s diplomat mother and physicist dad, but his parents ruled the bid whist table and were right there when the time came for the Electric Slide, not missing a step or a turn.

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