Home > Clash Of The Nannies (Turf Wars #5)(23)

Clash Of The Nannies (Turf Wars #5)(23)
Author: Bella Jewel

“I guess I had better get Star ready for the big dinner. How are Delilah’s parents treating you?”

“They don’t fuckin’ like me, but they’re tolerating me for her sake. I’m never goin’ to fit into their picture. Lucky I don’t fuckin’ care.”

I laugh. “I have no doubt.”

My phone rings in my beach bag beside me. I reach in and pull it out to see Dion’s number flashing across the screen. He has been playing games with me since our last encounter—one minute he ignores me and I think he has finally gone, then he’ll randomly text or call; he’s messing with my head and he knows it.

I press reject.

“Don’t want to answer that?” Hugh asks.

I shake my head. “I’d rather dive into the ocean head first into a pool of hungry sharks.”

“That good, huh?”

I grunt. “Oh, it’s that good.”

“Guessin’ it’s a guy, then?”

I shrug and then nod. “Yeah, a guy who loves to mess with me.”

“He botherin’ you?”

“He ... doesn’t like the answer no.”

“You want me to deal with him? I can. The fucker will leave you alone when I’m done with him.”

I smile, glancing at him. “While I appreciate that incredible offer, I can handle Dion.”

“You yell you need me, I can handle him, too.”

I stand and Hugh surprises me by reaching out for Star. “Leave her here.”

I can’t help it, my heart does a little dance, and as I walk away, I glance back at them and watch in utter admiration as he scoops her up and presses his lips to her cheek.

God damn you, heart.

You’re going to get me into trouble.






I take another drink of the sweetest, most expensive wine I’ve ever put near my mouth. It tastes like honey from heaven itself and I could spend the entire night drowning in its goodness, but, I’m not going to do that because I’m on baby duty and I’d never forgive myself if I wasn’t all there for Star.

Still, I’m going to enjoy every last drop.

I’m going to enjoy this fire.

The peaceful situation.

I’ve zoned out to the people around me; the nannies are in a group gossiping, the mothers are all drinking and giggling about something, and the men are all talking business up by the expensive table on the deck.

We’re down by the fire, and the only people here are the women, and Hugh.

Mostly because I can’t imagine Hugh wanting to go anywhere near those rich men, considering he’s probably thought about murdering them a few times already. Besides, they’re not a fan of him and I imagine the club, so they’re avoiding him at all costs.

Delilah is sitting beside Hugh, and as the night wears on and she becomes a little more drunk, she begins getting a little more hands-on with him. She’s touching him and kissing him and I can’t help but watch as he lets her. My heart thuds against my chest, because I hate that I’m feeling any type of way toward it, but I am.

“Could you stare any harder?”

I look away guiltily at Shakira’s snarky voice.

“Oh, would you look at her face,” Ramera, one of the other nannies, says.

They have taken me by surprise.

“What’s going on?” Delilah asks.

“Oh, nothing.” Shakira shrugs. “I just think your girl there has a crush on your man, she’s staring at the two of you like she wants to rip your head off, bury you, and take him.”

Oh, this is not happening.

I can’t even think of a comeback good enough that I’m not going to look like an absolute stuttering idiot. If I say she’s being ridiculous, she’ll just make it worse. If I admit she’s right, then hell will be unleashed.

“That true, Maggie?” Delilah asks.

I blink, shaking my head.

“That’s enough crap,” Hugh says.

“It’s just a question, babe.” Delilah shrugs. “I’m sure she doesn’t mind.”

“It’s fuckin’ rude is what it is, that bitch needs to learn to shut her damn mouth.”

Shakira’s mouth drops open. “How dare you call me a bitch!”

“Call it like I see it, and, woman, you’re a fuckin’ bitch. Leave Maggie alone.”

“Oh, wow,” Ramera says. “I guess Maggie isn’t the only one crushing.”

They all giggle.

“I’m not putting up with this,” I say, shaking my head and standing.

I walk off down the beach, my cheeks burning.

Fuck them.

They’re out for the attack and they’re going to do anything they can to bring me down. I’m done, fucking done with them, they want to mess with me then it’s on. It’s so far fucking on it’ll light up this god damned beach.

Yelling in the distance alerts me to a fight going on. I’m guessing by the sounds of it, it’s Delilah.


Here we go.

I find an old washed-up log and sit on it, exhaling.

This is meant to be relaxing, but it’s far from it.

Footsteps alert me to someone approaching, and I squint to see Hugh coming over to where I’m sitting. When he plonks down beside me, I can hear his angry panting.

“You okay?” I ask.

“I can’t fuckin’ do it, Maggie. I try, god knows I try, but that woman and I are never goin’ to work. I can’t fuckin’ take it any longer.”

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I should have said something back there, but I just didn’t want to give them a single reaction. It’s not worth it.”

“You don’t owe them a fuckin’ thing, and I’m sick of you bein’ treated like you’re trash. You’re the best fuckin’ person in this place, not a single one of them come close.”

I go quiet, holding my breath.

“I’m endin’ things with her. It’ll never work.”

I continue holding my breath.

“Were they right, Maggie?”

His voice is low, husky and oh god, if I open my mouth I’m afraid of what will come out.

“Answer me,” he growls.

“Yes,” I whisper, the sound barely audible over the crashing waves.

He turns.

“Hugh,” I say, my voice almost pleading as he reaches out, his hand cupping my jaw. “We can’t.”

“Oh, but we fuckin’ can.”

“No, you’re still with Delilah ...”

“Not for long.”

“But until you’re not ... we can’t.”

He growls and leans forward, pressing his forehead to mine. “When I finally kiss you properly, Maggie, you’re goin’ to wish we never waited so long. I’m goin’ to blow your fuckin’ mind every god damned day that I can.”

Oh. My. God.

“And when I fuck you, you’ll forget every man that came before me. I promise you that.”

My knees are shaking.

“Hugh,” I whisper.

“Tell me you don’t want it, and I’ll stop.”

I bite my tongue.

“Tell me, Maggie.”

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