Home > Clash Of The Nannies (Turf Wars #5)(27)

Clash Of The Nannies (Turf Wars #5)(27)
Author: Bella Jewel

That was, without a doubt, the best sex I’ve ever had in my life.

Hugh pulls out when he’s done, and reaches for me, pulling me up and taking me into his arms. He starts walking toward the bathroom.

“I can walk,” I whisper, smiling as he moves.

“Not once we’re done in here you won’t.”

I blink. “Done? Done showering?”

“Done fucking. You didn’t think that was it, did you?”

Oh my word.

“That was just the beginning, Maggie. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk without someone knowing exactly what I’ve done to you.”

Sweet Jesus.

I guess we’re not done, then.

Hell, I guess we’re only just beginning.

I can’t wait.



TWO SHOWERS, THREE fucks, five orgasms later, and we’re finally in bed, curled up in each other’s arms after what would have to be the most incredible night of my life. I’ve never felt anything that good in all my life and I’ve had some pretty great sex. I would say Dion was excellent in bed, but now I’ve met Hugh, nothing can compare.

It doesn’t get much better than this.

What that man can do with his mouth, his fingers, his cock, and his body are out of this world good. I am certain he has a line of women who wish every single day they had managed to tie this one down. He’s the one you want to marry, because you know, for certain, you’re going to have a life full of incredible sex.

I, for one, would take on the task.

Oh yes, I could keep this one.

We have breakfast together and it’s the first time since we met that I am in this house because I’m with him and not because I’m hired to be here. It feels different, nice, and our connection is undeniable. Every look, every touch, there is no doubt in my mind that we have something that is going to run deep. While that idea scares me, there is something about Hugh I trust.

I have a shower, get dressed, and just as I walk into the living area, the front door opens and Delilah walks in with Star in her arms. For a minute, I hold my breath, terrified of the reaction but she doesn’t seem angry. If anything, she seems relieved to see me here which is quite the change. I give her a weary smile and she returns one, and then bounces Star on her hip and says, “Someone has missed you.”

I exhale with relief and rush over, taking Star from her and pressing the little girl close. “Gosh, I’ve missed her, too.”

“Listen, Maggie, before Hugh comes out, I wanted to ... apologize.”

I blink, not sure I’ve heard her right. Apologize? Delilah wants to apologize?

“I know I haven’t been that nice to you, and after you left yesterday and I took a long walk on the beach, I realized that. You know I’ve never looked at my family in a different light until now but when you came into my life, you made me start to really think about what was right in front of me, things I had never taken notice of before. The reality is, there is so much fake around me, I didn’t know a real person until I met you.”

What is happening?

“I know I haven’t been nice, and I know I have been a stuck-up cow, but I couldn’t have done any of this without you. The way you are with Star ... You make my life so much easier and I didn’t realize how much I needed that until I was alone yesterday and my family had no interest in helping me with her because she is Hugh’s daughter, and my so-called best friend was more worried about the revenge I was going to seek on you for what you had done. It was in that moment I realized that without you, I was truly alone.”

I’m dreaming.

I must be dreaming.

There is no way Delilah is saying these words and actually means them.

No way.

“Look, I get it, you’re staring at me like I’ve lost it and I know why. You don’t trust me, and why should you? I haven’t done right by Hugh, Star, or you. I’m not standing here telling you I’m going to suddenly change. I’m not. This is my life and I like my life, what I’m telling you is I now see it in a different light and I don’t want to go down the road of becoming so emotionless and cold that I don’t see others around me. Believe it or not, as a child I was incredibly compassionate, and I want my daughter to be raised in the same way.”

I nod, because honestly, I’m still speechless.

“I want you to stay on with me. I know you’re going to be on Hugh’s side, and I want you to know I have no intention of taking Star away from him. I have a busy job and I want her with people who love her when I’m not around. So, I came up with a plan that I think might work for everyone.”

“Look, Delilah, what you’re saying is wonderful and I appreciate it so much, but I’m not a liar and I’m not a dishonest person, so before you go on, I need you to know that I was with Hugh last night. I’m not telling you to hurt you, I’m telling you because it’s just the person I am. I’m not going to work for you, for him, for anyone, with a lie hanging over my head.”

She swallows, and then nods. “I figured as much, and if I’m being honest, it does hurt a little but mostly because I’m let down that we couldn’t make it work. I feel like I’ve let Star down, but the truth is, Hugh and I were never going to make it and we both knew it. I wanted to try, I did, but our worlds will never fit together. My parents hated him, my friends hated him, and in the end, I treated him the way they saw him.”

I’m still convinced I’m dreaming.

“But I appreciate you telling me the truth, and that’s one of the reasons I want you to work for me. You are honest, Maggie, and it’s refreshing. I need some of that in my life and I most certainly want it in Star’s.”

I swallow. “Well, I appreciate it, but we need to discuss it with Hugh because he has a right to make decisions, too.”

She nods. “Yes, that’s why I’m here.”

“I’ll get him.”

“Don’t need to get me, already heard it all.”

I turn to see Hugh walking out, freshly showered and dressed, leather jacket on ready to go. He walks over to Star and takes her out of my arms. She smiles up at him in a way that makes my heart do a pitter patter. He kisses her and oh, my word.

“Well, considering you heard, I’ll get right to the point,” Delilah goes on. “I want to do half and half with Star, one week she is with you, one week she is with me, but on those weeks, Maggie comes where she is. I know it’s hard, and she’s only a baby, but I want her growing up knowing she’s loved from ... both worlds.”

Hugh studies Delilah, looking about as confused as I am about this change of heart. “I’m down with that, Delilah, but my issue is that right now, you’re calm and rational but I wonder what will happen when you’re not ...”

Delilah nods. “I figured you’d say that, so, we’re going in today to get it drawn up and signed, so nobody can change their mind.”


“But, I want Maggie to be on board, before we do. I don’t want two different nannies in each house, I want her, and I want to know she is with Star all the time. It’s the only way I’ll feel comfortable about her being ... near the club.”

Hugh grunts. “My club will do nothin’ but protect her.”

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