Home > Clash Of The Nannies (Turf Wars #5)(9)

Clash Of The Nannies (Turf Wars #5)(9)
Author: Bella Jewel

They scoff the entire way out, and only when they’re gone do I finish up with Star and head back out.

To the war zone.

This should be fun.



“WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?” Delilah hisses, grabbing my arm when she locates me a few hours later.

I’ve been hiding under a shady tree, trying really hard not to stand out.

It’s not working. Everyone notices me.

“First of all,” I growl, snatching my arm out of her grips, “do not put your hands on me. And secondly, if you’re talking about your stuck-up friends maybe you should reconsider.”

“They told me what you said to them. How dare you?”

“Did they tell you what they were saying about Hugh? About me? Oh, I bet they left that one out.”

Delilah’s face scrunches. “They were talking about Hugh?”

“Yes, they were. Words like scum were being thrown around freely. They were bitching about you. They’re not friends. I was sticking up for him which is what you should be doing instead of standing over here going off at me.”

She swallows and takes a step back. “I didn’t know that. What were they saying exactly?”

I tell her, word for word. Her face goes a little pale. “That’s what they think of the situation? That’s not good. God, if I had known people were looking at me like that I would have reconsidered coming.”

“You?” I say, brows raised. “You’re worried about how this looks for you?”

She scowls at me. “Some of us actually have goals for the future. I want to be something, and I need to have a good reputation to do so. If Hugh is going to affect that, then I need to work on his presence.”

“Should have considered that before fucking a biker,” I mutter.

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t stutter, Delilah. Hugh is who he is. He’s a biker and he is loyal. He is strong and, given the chance, would take care of his family fiercely. Maybe if you stopped trying to change him and started appreciating him for who and what he is, you would find this situation a whole lot easier. He wasn’t made to fit into your world, and he doesn’t deserve those gossiping trolls to be talking trash about him. It shouldn’t be me defending him, it should be you.”

Her face goes red. She leans down and snatches Star out of her stroller. “I’m going to introduce her to my friends.”

With that, she turns and walks off.

“I hope you fall on your god damned face,” I mutter under my breath.

“Not nice.”

A male voice has me spinning around to see Hugh appearing from behind the large tree I was sitting by. I didn’t know he was there; I’m guessing he is hiding too.

“Eavesdropping is rude, Hugh,” I say, hand pressed to my chest. “You scared me.”

“Heard what you said just now.”

I shrug. “I speak the truth, even if she doesn’t like it. I’ll probably get fired, but at least I’m true to myself.”

“You won’t get fired, and I appreciate it. You stickin’ up for me.”

I hold his eyes for a minute, and then take a deep breath. “Want to go for a walk?”

He nods. “Fuckin’ yeah I do.”

We disappear down the long path that surrounds the large lake. As you walk farther in, people become more scarce. We get some interesting looks, but when we’re finally alone, I exhale and sit down on a log by the water, kicking my tight shoes off. Hugh undoes his tie and leans back, popping the top buttons of his shirt. “This ain’t goin’ to work, is it?”

“Between you and Delilah?”

He nods.

“I can’t answer that for you. I think the problem is she’s so stuck in her world she isn’t willing to look past it. Delilah is a product of her environment and the only way to get her out of that is for her to want to change. I think you need to talk to her, very honestly, and tell her exactly what you think. If she wants it to work, she’ll change.”

“Problem is I am strugglin’ to see how we’ll ever connect. There’s nothin’ there. No sexual attraction. Nothin’.”

“Yeah, but that can be built,” I say, giving him a small smile. “It takes effort.”

“Our worlds will never come together.”

“You need to tell her this stuff,” I offer again. “I’m just a nanny.”

“You’re more than a fuckin’ nanny, Maggie. Nobody has ever defended me the way you just did.”

I look to him, and the expression takes me by surprise. It’s intense and deep, his eyes are locked onto mine, and my heart feels as though it might just explode. When he reaches over, his hand swiping a stray piece of hair off my face, the breath in my lungs suddenly feels as though it is being pushed out. I don’t breathe, even as he leans in close, his hand curling around my neck.

Even when his lips press against mine.

Even when the most incredible feeling explodes inside of me.

I don’t breathe.

I can’t breathe.

I also can’t do this.

I’m not that person. I can never be that person.

I pull back, even though it takes everything inside of me to do so. “I can’t,” I whisper. “I can’t, Hugh. You’re taken, and I’m not the kind of person who messes with that. You have to figure yourself out.”

“You’re fuckin’ beautiful, Maggie,” he growls.

God damn.

Luckily for me, I’m a strong woman because this gorgeous biker saying those words makes me weak inside.

“You’re deflecting, Hugh,” I say softly. “You’re looking for a connection. You made a promise to your daughter, to Delilah. You need to stick with it, or you need to cut it off. I know you’re not the kind of man to do the wrong thing by her.”

His face softens, a touch. “Fuck, you’re right. I’m not. You’re not makin’ this easy on me. Bein’ so fuckin’ smart, and beautiful.”

“I’m sure if you say those words to Delilah, you might just see a change in her.”

“She hasn’t earned those words.”

I smile. “Have you given her the chance?”

He grunts. “Now you’re bein’ cocky with all the smart talk.”

I laugh. “Come on, we better get back before the rumor train takes off.”

“Too late for that, it’s off and running.”

Oh, I have no doubt.

No doubt at all.






“Wait, what?” Gabby hisses, leaning in close. “Hugh kissed you?”

“Shhhh, girl, your voice is loud,” I scoff.

“What did you say?” Ramona says, her eyes widening. “Did I hear what I think I just heard?”

“Oh, you heard it alright.” Poppy nods. “Hugh kissed Maggie.”

“He what?” Eve laughs, clapping her hands. “No way.”

“Stop it, you four, you’re all a bad influence!” I say, pressing my finger to my lips. “She could hear you!”

We’re sitting out the back on the large patio having a few drinks. Hugh and the guys are all joining us momentarily, and they’re going to have the club meeting here tonight so Delilah can meet everyone. She’s nervous as all heck, inside cooking up a storm, but I must say after my little talk to her the other day, she has been making more of an effort. Hugh too, I suppose. He still seems hesitant, but they have definitely relaxed around each other after he took her on a ride.

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