Home > Mr. Dale and the Divorcee(19)

Mr. Dale and the Divorcee(19)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“Maybe, although it does seem unlikely when she knows we need the supplies she was sent to buy. The trip should not have taken more than two hours at most.”

“I’m sure she’ll be back soon.”

Wilhelmina nodded. “I’ll check the road for her. Can you make some tea in the meantime? If dinner is to be delayed, a hot soothing drink will be in order.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you, Betsy.” Wilhelmina went to the front door and pulled it open. The late afternoon sun spread a warm glow upon her surroundings, sharpening the colors. Thankfully there were still a few hours left of daylight.

Wilhelmina walked toward the garden gate and scanned the road. It was empty, save for a couple of birds pecking after insects. Increasingly worried, she dragged her gaze across the rest of the landscape, until she spotted three people crossing a field. Wilhelmina raised her hand to shield her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when she recognized Cynthia. But she immediately stiffened the moment she realized who her daughter was with. Good heavens. What on earth were Mr. Dale and his son doing here?

Steeling herself for the difficult conversation she feared she would have to engage in, she opened the gate and stepped through it. But as the group drew nearer and the expression on each of their faces became more evident, Wilhelmina gave up imagining she could simply exchange a few awkward words with Mr. Dale and his son. Indeed, Mr. Dale himself looked more furious than she’d ever seen him. His son appeared almost equally cross while Cynthia herself looked slightly terrified.

Wilhelmina squared her shoulders. Clearly an altercation was brewing and if Mr. Dale had upset her daughter, then he would have her to deal with. She clenched her jaw, stiffened her spine, and balled her hands into fists at her sides. Raising her chin, she was prepared to stand her ground by the time the first angry words hit her.

“I believe I told you to keep your daughter away from my son,” Mr. Dale thundered. “Yet here she is once more, leading him astray.”

“Papa,” Michael warned.

Mr. Dale ignored him as he drew to a halt before Wilhelmina and pinned her with his dark gaze. Rage burned there with such forceful fierceness she had to fight the urge not to retreat.

“Again you seek to lay the blame at our door,” Wilhelmina clipped. “In case you’re unaware, however, the chance of a young woman forcing a man to submit to her lustful ways is far more unlikely than the reverse.”

“Mama,” Cynthia groaned.

“Your suggestion is not only vulgar but outrageous,” Mr. Dale seethed, “though it certainly is in keeping with your reputation.”

Wilhelmina glared at him. “You go too far, sir.”

“Really, madam. Am I to believe the two of you did not follow us to these parts?”

“Indeed we did not, Mr. Dale.”

“Considering your previous efforts to help them meet in secret,” Mr. Dale said with cutting force, “I’d not put it past you.”

Wilhelmina’s heart began beating faster. The man was in effect declaring her a meddlesome liar. “Well, you are mistaken, Mr. Dale. This is our home now, so if you happen to be visiting friends or relations in the area, our coming across one another is merely a coincidence. Though not a very happy one, I can assure you.”

He snorted. “I don’t believe in coincidences like this, happy or not. What’s far more likely is that you learned my family seat is at Clarington House and then set out to acquire a piece of property in the area. All so your daughter and my son would have some means by which to keep on seeing each other.”

Outraged, Wilhelmina leaned toward him, so close she could see flecks of gold in those brown eyes of his. “What you propose is preposterous, sir.”

“And yet, it is exactly the sort of thing I believe you capable of,” Mr. Dale seethed. “In light of the fact that I do not want my son anywhere near your daughter, I was not thrilled to discover the two of them having a tryst in a field.”

Wilhelmina’s gaze darted to Cynthia’s. Irritation pooled in the pit of her belly as soon as she saw the guilt there, but if Mr. Dale imagined she’d chastise her daughter with him bearing witness, he would be disappointed. “I trust you purchased what I asked for?”

Cynthia nodded. “Yes, Mama.”

“Then go inside the house and give the supplies to Betsy so she can get started on dinner. You can help her peel the carrots.”

“Michael, I—”

“Go,” Wilhelmina snapped, forcing Cynthia into the house before Mr. Dale exploded – as he appeared on the verge of doing. She stared the irate man down. “Just so you know, I purchased this property five years ago, long before I ever met you, Mr. Dale, and I can assure you that learning of your proximity to it, for however long you plan to be in the area, is most unwelcome. However, considering your presence, I promise to keep a vigilant eye on my daughter from now on. Perhaps you should do the same with regard to your son.”

“Oh indeed. He will be on the first coach back to London in the morning.”


Clearly this was news to Michael who looked like he was ready to spit nails.

“Provided, that is, Mrs. Petersen has no intention of giving chase,” Mr. Dale said, ignoring his son.

“Oh, I can assure you she will do no such thing,” Wilhelmina hissed. “In fact, I shall do all I can to save her from being related to you in any capacity whatsoever.”

Mr. Dale held Wilhelmina’s gaze for a long, steady moment before he eventually nodded. “I wish I could say it has been a pleasure. Good day, Mrs. Lawson.”

Wilhelmina silently cursed him while watching him walk away. How could she ever have enjoyed his company when he was without a doubt the most awful man she’d ever met? It baffled her mind. Although, to be fair, he did have cause to be angry if what he’d told her was true.

Returning inside, she sought out Cynthia, who was in the process of peeling potatoes while Betsy chopped some carrots. Tight-faced with glistening eyes, Cynthia clearly did her best to stop from weeping.

Willing herself to stay strong, Wilhelmina asked Betsy if she could give them a private moment. As soon as the maid was gone, she addressed her daughter in a firm voice. “Is Mr. Dale correct? Did he find you having a tryst with his son in a field?”

Cynthia’s lower lip quivered, but she forced herself to meet Wilhelmina’s gaze. “I was returning from town when I ran into Michael. He was out for a ride and I could scarcely credit him being here of all places. I was overjoyed to see him, Mama. He offered to escort me home but we both wanted more than a fleeting conversation we knew would end as quickly as it had begun.”

“While I can appreciate your wish to spend time with the man you love when given the chance, you knew Betsy and I waited for you. She and I have pushed ourselves to exhaustion all day, and yet you thought it all right to lie about in a field with a man you’re supposed to be staying away from?”

“I’m sorry, Mama.”

Wilhelmina sighed. “As am I. This business with Michael cannot be easy for you, but his father is adamant in his wishes and considering what he believes to be true, he’s not entirely wrong to be angry.”

“I disagree.”

“Of course you do.”

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