Home > Mr. Dale and the Divorcee(60)

Mr. Dale and the Divorcee(60)
Author: Sophie Barnes

For now, he just needed to love her. Even if it was awkward on the sofa in the parlor, and neither had the patience to divest of their clothes, it was as perfect as getting caught in a downpour on a hot day. With her skirts hitched up and his placket undone, she welcomed him with fervor, and laughed against his mouth when his movements nearly sent them both tumbling onto the floor. His hand gripped her thigh, his fingers curling against her flesh in order to hold her securely in place.

“I love you,” he told her fiercely while gazing down into her ocean blue eyes.

Her lips parted on an ardent sigh that nearly sent him over the edge. “I love you too.”

Dipping his head, he crushed her mouth with his while worshiping her with his body. How foolish he’d been to think he could ever forget her. His heart raced faster as passion careened through his veins. This was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She was his – would always be his – and as she found her release, he let himself soar as well, content in the knowledge that the bond they now shared was strong enough to withstand anything.



Weightless, with every limb reduced to jelly, Wilhelmina savored the weight of James’s body. He would probably feel obliged to move soon, but for now, she welcomed the feel of him. His body surrounded hers, still filled hers, while the musky scent of their lovemaking served as the sweetest reminder of what had transpired moments earlier.

She’d not come here for this, but as soon as he’d kissed her, making love had become as inevitable as a sunrise. Her fingers trailed loosely through his hair. A smile pulled at her lips. “You must think me an absolute wanton, letting you have me like this on your parlor sofa of all places.”

A chuckle resonated from deep within him, vibrating through her. He raised his head and met her gaze. Wolfish intent darkened his eyes while a wicked grin played upon his lips. “My dearest, Mina. I plan to have you a great many other ways in the future.”

His comment reminded her that there was so much she needed to say. “You cannot promise me that until I’ve shared all my secrets with you.”

He didn’t look convinced, but her words did prompt him to withdraw from her. Offering a smile, he pulled her skirts back down and set about putting himself to rights. Once done, he stood and crossed to the sideboard. She felt his absence immediately, but knew it could not be helped.

“Would you care for a drink?”


He filled two glasses and, taking a seat beside her on the sofa, handed one to her. She sipped the brandy and relished the burn. “This isn’t easy.”

“Would it help if I were to tell you that I won’t walk away from you, no matter what?”

She turned to him sharply. “You cannot assure me of that until you know all there is.”

Holding her gaze, he set his glass aside, then wrapped one arm around her shoulders and drew her against him. She leaned into his strength as he kissed the top of her head. “You’re wrong. Trust me, Mina. Nothing you can say will make me leave you now.”

A shuddering breath trembled against her breast as she exhaled and relaxed against him. She’d still been concerned he might do so, she realized, until he’d offered assurance.

Bolstered by his words, she began her confession. “When I was eighteen years old, the former Duke of Cloverfield and his wife attended a house party at Viscount Mayweather’s estate, which is located near my childhood home – on the outskirts of Wadefield. As part of the festivities, they had a garden party one afternoon. Mama and I were invited to attend, so we did. It was a great honor, you see, as well as an opportunity for me to associate with a class of people I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise. As my mother put it, there was little chance of my going to London for a Season, seeing as we had no London residence or relations able to put us up. So we had to make the most of every chance presented to us.

“Mama hoped I would win the heart of some upper-class gentleman. Instead I gained the wrong sort of attention.”

“How do you mean?” His whispered words were spoken with a slow sort of wariness that suggested he dreaded the answer.

Wilhelmina clasped his hand and closed her eyes. “A few days after the party, Mama received a letter, inviting me to visit with the Duchess of Cloverfield for a private tea. The lady claimed to have taken a liking to me and wanted to see if I might make a suitable match for a nephew of hers who was looking to marry.”

“That would have been quite the coup.” His thumb stroked carefully over her knuckles.

“Indeed,” Wilhelmina agreed, determined to force the rest past the knot in her throat. “Mama and I were honored and terribly excited by the thought of my having caught a duchess’s notice. We didn’t think twice about my joining her for the tea she’d suggested.” She swallowed convulsively as the memories flooded back. Her eyes squeezed tight with the instinct to block it all out as shame curled around her heart to produce a terrible ache.

“Did the duchess deceive you?” James asked, his words soft and steady.

She shook her head. “No. She wasn’t the one who summoned me. The duke was.”

Everything stilled. Not even James’s breath could be heard. “What?”

“I was shown into a small parlor at the back of the house where I waited nearly half an hour before the duke came to join me.” She recalled the gleam in his eyes, the satisfaction of knowing he could have anything he wanted. “He apologized for his wife’s absence and then he locked the door.”

“Good God.” Simmering fury encased each word as his hold on her tightened.

“He was very matter of fact about the whole thing.” In spite of every effort to keep her emotions under control, her voice shook as she spoke. “He said he’d be gentle as long as I did as he asked. That if I didn’t – if I screamed or tried to run – he’d ruin not only my reputation but my mother’s too. He threatened to destroy us.”

James’s breaths were slow and steady, but there was a raspy sound, indicative of his growing rage. “The bastard used his title against you in the worst way possible. I swear if he wasn’t dead already, I’d murder him myself.”

“I’ve never told anyone this, not even George.” She fought the tears that threatened. “I was too ashamed to let him know.”

She was suddenly pushed into an upright position and turned. James clasped her upper arms firmly and held her in place. “Look at me, Mina.”

Raising her chin, she met the intensity of his gaze and instantly felt herself break in response to the violent tempest she found there. Tears spilled from between her lashes and dampened her cheeks. A sob worked its way up her throat. “I’m so sorry.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed or sorry for,” he told her fiercely.

She wanted to believe him and yet she’d always blamed herself for being too trusting, too naïve, or simply too stupid. “I should have run, I should have fought him off, but I was scared.”

“For good reason, Mina. You were barely more than a child.” He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him while she cried, whispering words of endearment until her anguish lessened. “Forgive me for asking, but is Cynthia by any chance—”

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