Home > Married to My Stalker(2)

Married to My Stalker(2)
Author: MINK

“You’re in trouble.” Nova leans against the doorframe behind me.

“I tried to get back as fast as I could.” I turn to meet her chiding expression head on.

“She was going to wear a nightie. A sweet little white one.”

My cock likes the sound of that. Actually, anything to do with Quinn. My sweet little wife is an absolute sex bomb; she just hasn’t realized it yet.

“And she made you dinner and cupcakes. But you didn’t show.” Nova tsks and shakes her head.

“I’m going to make up for it.” I point to the animal carrier I put on her entry table.

She casts a glance at it. “I saw it. ” She raises a brow. “You know my last boyfriend was a cat person.” She shivers. “I’d wake up at midnight with his cat on my chest, just staring down at me with murder in her eyes. Like she was jealous, you know? I don’t know how I survived it, to be honest. Seems like dog people are saner, maybe?”

“This cat isn’t like that.” At least I think it’s not. I picked it up from the pound this afternoon. To its credit, it let me do my work assignment without making a peep and accepted treats and pets from me once we were on our way home.

“We’ll see.” She peers into the cage. “Don’t hurt my girl, lil feline.”

“Not on my watch.” I grab the cage and gesture toward the door. Nova opens it for me. “Good luck. I cheered her up as much as I could, but you’re definitely in the doghouse. You have to get a grip on your calendar. You’re a married man now. You can’t be coming and going at all hours.”

“I’ll handle it. These contracts have to slow down sometime soon.” I wait for her to close the door behind me, then hit the elevator to the penthouse.

When I walk in, the place is quiet. I can smell the lingering scent of spaghetti sauce and garlic bread. My stomach growls as I place my briefcase and cat supplies on the kitchen counter, then continue toward the master bedroom with the cage in hand.

“Sugar?” I call quietly as I enter the room.

She’s asleep in bed. Wearing one of my shirts, she’s got her head on my pillow. Damn, I love this woman.

When I place the cage on the bed, she stirs.

“Hey, sugar. I’m sorry I’m so late.” I sit down beside her and cup her warm cheek. “Are you okay?”

“I am now that you’re home.” She turns toward me. “But you missed dinner.” She blinks the sleep from her eyes. “And I made cupcakes.” She takes a deep breath. “And we need to talk.”

I guess Nova was right. I’ve fucked up bigtime if Quinn’s telling me we need to talk. “I’m sorry, and I know. I should’ve been here. But I was a little preoccupied earlier.”

“Preoccupied?” She sits up, suspicion flitting across her face. “With someone else?”

That draws a laugh from me, but Quinn isn’t smiling. I stow my amusement. “Quinn, there’s no one else in the world I’d rather spend time with than you. I can promise you that.” I take her hand and kiss it. “You’re my everything. My wife, my future. Everything.”

She starts to smile, then turns her head when a meow sounds from the crate. “Is that…” Her eyes widen. “Is that a kitten?”

“Go look and see my tiny preoccupation.” I reach over and turn the crate around so the door is facing Quinn.

She puts a hand to her mouth. “Oh my. Oh. My.” Tears spring to her eyes as I open the door. “Really, Logan? It’s mine?”

“He’s yours.” I kiss her forehead then sit back and watch as the fuzzy tabby steps from the crate and sniffs the bedspread.

“Hi,” Quinn coos and scoops him into her arms. “Hi, little baby. I’m Quinn. I’m your mommy.”

Just seeing her like this gets me choked up. Damn, I’m losing it over her calling a kitten her baby. We both want children so badly, but we haven’t had any luck yet. But I already know she’ll be a wonderful mom, and if this kitten is any indication, she’ll take to parenting like a duck to water.

“What’s his name?” She snuggles him, letting him paw her hair.

“I figured that would be up to you.”

“Me?” She pulls him away and looks into his face as he purrs. Scooting closer to me, she rests between my legs and leans against my chest. “That’s such a big responsibility. Naming something like this.”

“You can do it.” I wrap my arms around her, then press my lips against her ear. “Do you forgive me?”

She turns her head, and I kiss her full on the lips. God, I’ve needed her today. Her touch is the only thing that can soothe me when I’ve done any particularly vicious jobs. It’s a hitman’s life, but one she can’t know about. As far as she’s concerned, I run a company from a neat corner office in a high-rise nearby.

“How about, umm, Harley?”

“Harley?” I nibble her bottom lip.

“Like Harley Quinn. From the comics!”

“I love the way your mind works. Have I mentioned this?” I kiss her neck.

“Maybe a few times.” She giggles.

“I’m sorry, sugar. I really am. I hope the kitten makes up for some of it. And I hope you’ll let me stroke your kitty to make up for the rest.”

She gasps and covers Harley’s ears. “Not in front of the baby.”

I can’t help my smile. When Quinn is happy, I’m happy. And I intend to make her happy every day of our lives together.

My phone vibrates again.

She looks over her shoulder as the kitten snuggles against her chest. “Work?” she asks.

“It’s nothing.” My phone vibrates again.

She arches a brow and scoots to her side of the bed. Putting the kitten down, she strokes his fur as he purrs and claws at her pillow.

“He’s already starting his shift at the biscuit factory.” She scratches his chin. “Good kitty.”

My phone is full-on ringing now. Fuck.

“I should take this.” I stand.

“Okay.” She hides her hurt, but I can sense it. Fuck. Maybe Nova was right. Maybe I’m screwing this whole thing up.

I snatch my phone and walk into the bathroom. “What?” I bark into it.

“Clevenger would like a word.” Sister Jezebel’s tone is clipped. Her boss, Clevenger, the leader of the Brotherhood of Assassins, isn’t happy with me.

“I’m busy.” I glance back toward the bedroom. “Tell him I’ll call him back.” Sister Jezebel’s startled noise of protest is cut off as I hit the end button and hold the side button to turn my phone off entirely.

Dangerous and stupid, my decision might not be what’s best for my career, but it’s certainly what’s best for my marriage. Right now, Quinn needs me. And, as I strip out of my clothes and hit the shower, I already know I’m going to fuck her until she passes out tonight. After all, she’s my sugar, and I’m dying for a taste.









Harley curls up into a little ball and purrs away as he starts to fall asleep. My mind begins to wander as I wait for Logan to come back from taking his call. Why does he always have to step out of the room when he makes a phone call? I heard him snap at whoever it was. I swear I heard a woman's voice.

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