Home > VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(61)

VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(61)
Author: Kym Grosso

Waverly pointed to an empty showcase. “The Monet?”

“Oui,” Viktor grinned. “It will do well for the world to see that particular painting. It reminds people that just because you don’t know something exists, it doesn’t mean it’s not real.”

“I can’t believe this is happening. I mean, I know there are private collections but these paintings…I don’t ever want to leave this room.” Waverly beamed.

“I do have my vices. I enjoy collecting the most beautiful, treasured pieces.” He gestured to the paintings. “Baxter would never allow me to have anything that brought me joy…no matter what it was. Like the monks I once lived with, love, a family, all those were out of my reach. And they’ve stayed out of my reach for centuries. Until now.”

“Viktor…” Waverly’s words failed her.

“I have something else to show you.” Viktor nodded his head toward the side table. “Over here.”

“I can’t believe this is real,” she managed as she followed Viktor back to the seating area.

“This piece must be kept sealed to account for humidity and whatnot. Come sit.” Viktor reached for a copper box, careful as he opened its lid.

Waverly slid onto the sofa next to him, her eyes wide as saucers as the item came into view. “Is that? There is no way. They were all destroyed.”

“Since we’re not in the library, it’s best we leave it concealed behind the glass. Do you recognize it?” he asked.

“I Modi?” Waverly gasped, her heart pounding against her ribs.

Viktor nodded.

“The Sixteen Pleasures. Marcantonio Raimondi. No, this isn’t impossible. The church had all copies of it destroyed,” she told him.

“This one includes the writings by Pietro Aretino. Good thing I was there to flash away a copy when the Pope sent out his order. Had to keep it hidden for years. The Vatican doesn’t know about this one.”

“I can’t believe I’m seeing this. Any of this.” A broad smile broke across her face. Heat flushed her cheeks. “Erotic, isn’t it? I can’t imagine what it would have been like to see this when it first came out.”

“Positively scandalous.” He grinned.

Viktor pointed to an image of a couple engaged in sex. “I think we should start with this position. We can work our way through the book. What do you say, pet?”

“You’re a naughty vampire.” Waverly shot him a sensual smile, her body thrumming with energy. The ache between her legs throbbed, and she was tempted to jump the vampire right there.

“You have no idea,” Viktor confirmed.

Waverly took a sip of her champagne in an attempt to cool down her libido. “Delicious.”

“Yes, you are.” Viktor brought the rim of his glass to his lips.

“Viktor…this is so special.” Her smile faded; her expression heated. “You’re special. I’m honored you’d share this with me. When we first met, I shouldn’t have judged you.” Waverly’s fingers curled around her glass, emotion tightening in her chest. “When all this is over. Because I believe it will be. I don’t know if it’s possible, but I want this…us.”

“I want us too. But you need to understand,” Viktor turned to her, his expression serious, “there are things about being with a vampire.”

“I know, but—”

“No. Hear me out. You’ve only spent a few days with me. The bonding. Once it’s done, we’ll be together. Eternally. You will remain human, but you won’t age.”

“That sounds pretty nice to me.”

“Ah, yes. But think of this. Because you won’t age, you won’t die. But everyone around you will. You will be forced to choose where to put your energy. Who deserves that loss you’re going to feel when they die? Because if you allow yourself to feel, that’s what’s going to happen. And the alternative is choosing the path I was forced upon…to never feel, to not care for humans.”

“Viktor.” Waverly reached for him; the vision slammed into her instantly. The whip cracked; his flesh sliced open with each lash. Viktor on his knees, in agony, refused to cry out.

“It was beaten out of me every chance Baxter could. No humans. No feeling. No relationships. But the thing is, it takes years to do this to someone. Humans are meant to be with each other, to care for others, so to take away that very thing, it’s very difficult but once it happens, the monster is created.”

“You’re not a monster,” she told him as she reached to cup his cheek.

“Once Baxter was dead it became an excuse not to feel. Quintus? He moved on. I, on the other hand, preferred to be insulated from the pain. I never formed relationships other than the casual acquaintance. I had no children until Rafe. And that happened by accident.”

“But you did it for a friend,” she challenged. “You seem close to Rafe.”

“I suppose he’s grown on me. Everything happened so quickly. Now the wolf is forever in my care.” Viktor shrugged. “And I don’t know I’ll be able to give him what he needs. Wolves are different than vampires. Vampires can be solitary creatures. Not wolves though. They live in packs. They have children. Families. That’s not something I have.”

“But I…” Waverly brought his palm to her cheek. “I could be your family. You don’t have to be alone.”

“You need to understand what it will be like. I won’t sugarcoat it.” Guilt dripped from him like thick molasses.

“I want this.” She kissed his palm and closed her eyes, leaning into his hand. “I want you. Us.”

“Mo chroí.” Viktor wrapped his arms around her and brought her into his embrace. “You must be sure of these things. We have time.”

“This is my choice.” While she understood his reasons, his hesitation stung. “I choose you.”

“You are the only one I’ve ever cared about. I will always choose you. But I must consider the consequences. Protect you.”

Waverly relaxed into his embrace and closed her eyes, reveling in his warmth and power. No matter what she’d told herself about not catching feelings, she was so far gone. She’d never given a thought to getting married let alone bonded for eternity, but within his arms, she knew for certain she could spend the rest of her life with him.

Waverly’s eyes fluttered open, spying the piano. Inspired, she pulled out of his arms and gave Viktor a flirtatious smile as she set her glass onto the table. “Come.”

She slipped onto the piano bench and brushed the pads of her fingers over the cool smooth ivories. “May I?”

“Of course.” Viktor nodded.

“It’s been years, but I used to play.” Happiness filled her soul as the notes sounded. She smiled, playing Stay with Me.

Viktor slid next to Waverly, his leg brushing hers. He lent a third hand, adding a harmony as they finished the song.

The room went silent save for her heart pounding in her chest like a drum. His gentle finger brushed over her chin, turning her head. He leaned into her, his lips feathering over hers.

“You’re perfect,” he whispered, his mouth capturing hers in a devastating kiss.

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