Home > VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(63)

VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(63)
Author: Kym Grosso

Waverly panted, attempting to catch her breath. Her heart pounded in her chest as the realization hit her. She’d almost broken his flesh. She swore she could hear his pulse calling to her in her mind. The craving for his lifeblood that lingered beneath the surface of his skin, driving her to bond with him, her hunger would go unsated.

As Viktor brushed a kiss to her head, she relaxed into his embrace, exhaustion washing over her.

“I love you,” she whispered as she drifted off to sleep. God, she loved this man. Bonding or not, she’d never let him go. My vampire.



I love you, Waverly had whispered to him. She’d fallen hard for a man who was everything she’d avoided her whole life. It didn’t matter that he was vampire. It was as if she’d found a perfect half to make her whole, something that filled holes in her life she’d never known were there.

His bite was the most erotic sensation she’d ever experienced in her life. But he hadn’t solidified their bond. And she knew why. Humans are born, grow up, get married, have babies, raise them and let them go for their offspring to repeat it all. Entire lives are wrapped up in families. She’d never imagined watching all her friends grow old while she stayed young, losing people she loved.

Yet it was the single love of her life she’d miss out on if she didn’t choose Viktor. And the truth was her heart had already chosen him. More than his bite, he appreciated art and made her laugh, cared about her choices in this life-changing decision. Waverly pictured a future of lifetimes exploring the world and knew he was the one.

But the darkness of the paranormal wasn’t a reality she’d known before Viktor. Teagan had indulged in the occult, embraced the excitement and mystery, knowing the risk that came with the lifestyle. And although Waverly had stayed friends with her, she never discussed her interests in the paranormal.

For so long, Waverly had suppressed her own powers, never disclosing her visions to others. Besides her own parents, Viktor had been the only person she’d ever trusted enough to share her gift, to explore it. Not only did he accept her abilities, but he also shared memories with her, embracing them. Within the safety of her vampire’s presence, her powers had already begun to expand and grow.

A kiss to her forehead brought a smile to her lips, shaking her from her renumerating thoughts.

“Sleep,” he told her, easing out of the bed.

“Hmm, just a little.” Waverly smiled as she watched him walk to the bathroom, admiring the hard planks of his lean, muscular body. A perfect ass, she laughed silently, thinking of how she’d like to return the favor he’d done to her.

The spray of the shower sounded, and she curled the covers up to her chin. In her line of vision, the fleam sat wrapped on the nightstand. A reminder that the dream of making love with Viktor had been spawned by a nightmare that remained.

Waverly rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Despite her spinning thoughts, she needed to rest before they strategized. But her mind still raced with thoughts of Adam. Why would Adam still be interested in her after all these years? What had he been planning to do if he’d succeeded in kidnapping her? Had he done the same to Teagan? Did he murder her?

Restless, Waverly shoved up onto one elbow and reached across the bed for the fleam. She adjusted on her pillow so she could look at it. As she unraveled the cloth, she thought of Thorn and his reluctance to touch the object. Unholy, he’d called it. A blood contract with the devil.

“Dear God, please protect me from anything that can hurt me. I reject Satan and all he represents.” Waverly may have been lapsed, but still believed in God, that both good and evil existed in this world.

As it came into view, she couldn’t help thinking how unassuming it was. Adam had devised an elaborate scheme, sending the painting to her, knowing she’d investigate and track down the other piece. And like a lamb to slaughter, she’d given herself to him on a platter.

“Fuck him,” she said to herself, carefully running her finger over the smooth wood handle. She wondered how many humans had been supposedly ‘healed’ by bloodletting despite there being no scientific basis for it.

B.A.O. No matter how many times Viktor protested, whether there was a rational explanation or not, this object was tied to him.

Waverly considered what she experienced in the blood club. Her visions had morphed, from seeing when she touched Viktor to seeing when touching objects. Determined to try to glean more information about the fleam’s owner, Waverly closed her eyes and placed her fingers on both its handle and blade. She took a deep breath, attempting to sense its energy, its story in time.

Like a tidal wave crashing against the rocks, the vision slammed into her. Viktor lay unconscious on the ground, his bruised and bloodied body motionless in the dirt. A dark figure hovered above him, but she couldn’t make out the details in the darkness. As a fire raged beyond him, flames licking high into the air, the silhouette of a goat’s head appeared in the blaze. The robed figure stood, reaching its clawed fingers up into the air.

Waverly’s heart raced as the diabolical creature grew taller. Please don’t. Please don’t. The stench of rotten eggs hung heavy in the air. Flames ignited from the ground as it turned and looked directly at her, its blazing crimson eyes burning into her soul.

Waverly released a gut-wrenching scream as it rushed toward her. As if she were running through wet sand, she struggled to get away. It closed the distance stretching its arms outward, cackling as it came within feet of her body. Deafening maniacal laughter sounded in her ears as it scraped its talons down her back. Her skin burned like fire, pain stabbing through her entire body.

She blinked and was transported to another realm. Flames all around her, she realized she’d been tied to a stone pillar. Terrified she yanked on the leather restraints but couldn’t break free. “Let me go!”

“Is this what you wanted to see?” it growled, mere inches from her face, its foul breath choking her.

“Let me go! Let me go! Let me—” Waverly repeated, struggling to breathe. Her eyes snapped open, desperately sucking air, tears streaming down her face.

“You’re okay. I’m here,” Viktor assured her.

Waverly’s stomach rolled with nausea as she looked down to her bloodied hands. With tears in her eyes, her back burned in pain. Viktor took her hands in his and wiped her palms, cleaning her.

“What happened?” She sucked back a sob, looking to Viktor for answers.

“You were having a nightmare. The fleam. You cut your hand.” He brought her palm to his mouth, sealing the tiny cut in her skin. “It’s okay. You’re all better now.”

“Where is it?” Terror laced her voice, her chest tight in panic.

“It’s on the nightstand. I wrapped it back up. What were you doing?”

“I was just…I don’t know. I just wanted to touch it. I don’t normally have visions when I touch things. Just people. But when we were in the club. I could see them. I thought if I could just touch the fleam…maybe I’d feel something.”

“What did you see?”

“You.” She held her palm to his cheek. “This thing. It did something to you.”


“I don’t know what it was. It looked like a goat. It had horns but looked like a man. I couldn’t see it very well.” Tears brimmed in her eyes. Confusion swept over her.

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