Home > VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(68)

VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(68)
Author: Kym Grosso

“We need to find her. Now.” Viktor told them, determined. “Waverly saw a demon when she touched that fleam. We must kill Théa before she has a chance to bring it to this realm. We have to stop all of it.”

“Okay let’s talk about where they are. What did Théa say again about the location?” Quintus asked him.

“She said to meet her where Satan lives.” Viktor walked to the table and took a seat, looking at the food. Waverly. Everything reminded him of her.

“That sounds so familiar,” Quintus replied.

“Revelation 2:12-17” Greyson held a piece of bread up in the air, staring at Viktor.

“Pergamum,” Viktor replied, his eyes lit with excitement.

“Turkey?” Rafe asked.

Quintus nodded. “Though he hated the Goddess, he studied all religions. Hence Revelation 2:12-17.”

“Bastard loved a riddle.” Viktor recalled the Bible verse from long ago. “‘And to the angel of the church in Pergamum…The one who has the sharp, two-edged sword…I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.’”

“And you hold fast my name, and did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas, my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells,’” Greyson finished the verse.

“She will go to where the veil is the thinnest. She won’t kill Waverly yet because she wants me to suffer. This is about watching her inflict the most pain on me. To show him I’m not his favorite.” Viktor’s face flattened, regret threading through him.

“You did what you did to survive. We all did,” Quintus told him.

“I’m not that person anymore. That empty soul he created. Waverly changed that. She’s given me back my life. Reminded me of the man I can be. The man I never was.”

“Remember that Viktor,” Quintus told him. “Because you don’t know what she may have done to Waverly by the time you get there. No matter what, don’t lose control. It’s what she wants.”

“Keep it together,” Greyson seconded. “Show no weakness.”

“Where are we going?” Rafe asked.

“Pergamon Altar. The Altar of Zeus. The throne of Satan. Most of the actual structure is now in Berlin but the land that holds the energy…where the veil is thin, we go to Pergamum. Where Satan lives.” Viktor’s anger simmered. His beast would have justice. “Théa wants a fight? She wants death? Tonight, I’m bringing it to her, and it will be her last day in this realm. She’s right about one thing. She’s going to see Baxter again, all right. Because I’m sending her straight to Hell.”



In the distance a lightning bolt struck the Aegean Sea. Several seconds passed before thunder rumbled in the distance. From the valley, Viktor took a deep breath and looked up to the ancient ruins. Wearing Kevlar, guns and other weapons, Quintus, Rafe and Greyson stood ready behind him.

“Are you sure she’ll come here?” Rafe asked. “Looks pretty quiet up there.”

“I guarantee she’ll be there.” Viktor knelt and took the earth into his fingers, sensing the sting of evil in its energy.

“I searched online and got recent specs. There’s hardly anything there now,” Rafe told him. “Couple of trees. A few steps.”

“I’m telling you, she’s there. Don’t underestimate her. She’s vampire so knows all the ways we die. If she managed to tunnel a line to Hell, she’ll have more surprises. But we’ll have one of our own.” Viktor smiled as their old friend appeared. Sebastian Loubeteux.

“Brothers.” The tall, handsome vampire materialized next to Viktor and hugged him.

“Yo, brother.” Quintus extended his hand and brought him into a hug. “Glad you made it.”

Greyson crossed his arms and shook his head, staring at Sebastian. “You seriously brought him into this?”

“All hands on deck,” Quintus commented.

“I see you’re still as delightful as ever, Greyson.” Sebastian smirked. Dressed in black jeans and a black sweatshirt, the vampire gave off a casual vibe. Yet as he removed his sunglasses, he revealed his intense expression. “We’ve all got a stake in this if this sitch gets screwed.”

“Thank you for blessing us with your presence, Hollywood,” Greyson said, his tone dripping in sarcasm.

Sebastian folded his sunglasses. “I have a right to be here. As do others. You’re my brothers. If Théa…if she’s doing this—”

“She is doing this,” Viktor told him. “And she’s going to die. If she’s hurt Waverly...it doesn’t matter, she’s dead anyway. Look, Bastion. I appreciate your help with this but if it gets too hard…if you can’t watch, then maybe Quint shouldn’t have told you. You can still go.”

“No, man. This is my life that’s at risk too. Fuck all if they’re trying to bring that psycho back.”

“Whatever we do tonight, I have this bad feeling that this is just the beginning. Who knows who else is out there with a hard on for the fucker?” Greyson crossed his arms over his chest.

“One step at a time, brother.” Viktor looked to Sebastian and unclipped his holster belt. He rarely carried a gun, but tonight he’d use all the weapons at his disposal. “She’ll use silver. As will we.”

“What about the witch? The half demon?” Sebastian asked.

“I made a judgement call. Thorn wants nothing to do with this mess. And Ilsbeth is taking another shot at getting her shit straight. She can’t risk…no, I can’t risk the responsibility of her getting sucked back into Hell.” Viktor looked to Rafe. Regardless of his feelings about the witch, his child might need her. “The four of us are enough to take her out. She might be able to dematerialize, but our energy will slow her down. Gonna suck it from the air, baby.”

“Rafe?” Viktor turned to the wolf, that barked in response. “Don’t take any risks. This is your first battle since you’ve turned. I know you’re comfortable as wolf but you’re vampire now. Remember that. If you want more power, flip to vamp and tear out their necks, drink the blood.”

“Goddess, I fuckin hate this shit. None of you motherfuckers better die,” Greyson warned. “Let’s make this quick. I’ve got a late-night date. She’s all about a fuck and a fang.”

“You’ll keep that date,” Viktor promised. “Now let’s go kill Théa and get Waverly.”



Viktor materialized upon the edge of the ruins. On alert, he scanned the area. As if they’d flashed to a different realm, flames shot up from the cracked scorched earth. In the distance, upon a slab of ruins, Théa waited for him.

He looked to Greyson, speaking to him telepathically. Do you sense the humans?

Greyson nodded. I smell them. Must be at least forty or fifty. Bitch must have flashed them all in.

Viktor sniffed the acrid air, her faint sweet scent called to him. Waverly. She’s here. Up there. A wall of fire separated them but no matter how hard Théa attempted to keep him from his love, she’d fail.

You okay Bastion? Greyson exchanged a look with Viktor.

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