Home > Two of a Kind : Kind Brothers Book 2(25)

Two of a Kind : Kind Brothers Book 2(25)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“Do you think they’ll come?”

“Yes. I will make sure they do. They’re going to be so excited.” I smiled as I patted her on the head.



Stefan walked through the door at five forty-five, and I had just set dinner on the table.

“Daddy!” Lily jumped up, ran over and gave him a hug. “Guess what?”

“What, baby girl?”

“You get to come to career day at my class next Monday and talk all about your job.”

“Wow. Sounds like fun. I can’t wait.” He glanced over at me, and I gave him a wide smile.

“My teacher also wants Uncle Sam, Uncle Sebastian, and Uncle Simon to come talk about their jobs too.”

“Excellent. I’ll make sure they come.”

“Alex made spaghetti for dinner. Come sit down.”

“I will in a second, baby girl. I just have to change my clothes first.”

Stefan looked at me and gestured with his head for me to follow him.

“Eat your dinner, Lily. I’ll be right back,” I said.

“Is Lily the only one getting four people on career day?” His brow arched.

“I think so.” I smiled as I patted his chest. “I think her teacher has the hots for all four of you.”

“That’s not right.” He took off his tie.

“Well, at least you won’t have to be ogled at all alone.” I smiled and walked out of his room.

“Very funny!” he shouted.

After I finished eating, I excused myself, went to my bedroom and changed into my work outfit which consisted of a pair of black dress pants, a black short sleeve button up shirt, and a pair of black leather slip-on shoes. Pulling my hair back into a ponytail, I fastened a hair tie around it. Looking at the clock, I had ten minutes before I needed to leave. It was just enough time to freshen up my makeup.

“Okay, Lily. I have to run,” I said as I walked into the kitchen and gave her a kiss.

“I don’t want you to go,” she whined, and Stefan looked at me with a raised brow as he cleaned up the kitchen.

“I have to help Uncle Sebastian out at the restaurant.” I tapped her on her nose. “I’ll see you in the morning. Bye, Stefan.”

“Bye. Don’t be talking to any strangers.”

“Ha ha. I think you missed your calling as a comedian.” I smiled and walked out the door.

When I arrived at the restaurant, Sebastian greeted me with a wide grin.

“Wow. It’s busy in here.”

“Always is, Alex. Always is,” he spoke as I followed him behind the bar. “Thanks again for this. Raul, this is Alex. Alex, Raul. He’s going to give you a quick lesson with the register and then you’ll be on your own. If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

“I’ll be fine, Sebastian. Oh, by the way, Lily’s teacher wants you to speak to her class Monday for career day. She wants you to tell all the kids about what it’s like being a chef.”

“Really?” His brows furrowed. “What about Stefan?”

“Oh. Him too. And Sam and Simon.” I smiled.

“Shit. Okay. I’ll be there. Make sure to give me the details.”

Raul went over a few things with me and it was a piece of cake. I was hopping from one end of the bar to the other. I turned my back for a split second to grab a bottle of tequila from the shelf and when I turned around, I saw Stefan sitting there with a smile on his face.

“What are you doing here? And where’s Lily?”

“Lily is sleeping, and Simon is at the house with her. I came in for a drink and to see how your first night is going?”

“It’s going good. What are you drinking? Scotch?”

“Not tonight. Give me a dirty martini. Gin not Vodka.”

“Coming right up.” I turned around.


“Yeah?” With the slight turn of my head, I looked at him.

“Make it extra dirty.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

I narrowed my eye at him as a small smile crossed my lips. I made his martini and as I set the glass down in front of him, he lightly grabbed my wrist.

“I never knew how sexy making a martini could look.”

The guy sitting next to him looked at me.

“Are you okay, miss? Do you need me to go get the manager?”

“Excuse me, fine sir.” Stefan glanced over at him. “I am this woman’s boss.”

“You’re the owner of this restaurant?”

“Sort of. I’m a shareholder, but my brother is the actual owner.”

“So technically, you’re not her boss.”

“Will you please tell him?” Stefan looked at me.

“He’s my boss, and I’m his daughter’s live-in nanny.”

Suddenly, the corners of the man’s mouth curved upward, and he placed his hand on Stefan’s back.

“The nanny, eh? My children’s nanny was the reason my wife divorced me.” He winked.

“I don’t have to worry about that. I’m not married.”

“You son of a gun.” He patted his back. “Obviously you’re not paying her enough if she’s moonlighting here.”

“I pay her very well and then some.” He smiled.

“Okay. Enough! I’m standing right here. Sir, do you want anything else or are you ready to cash out? And you,” I pointed at Stefan, “be quiet!”

The man laughed, threw some cash on the bar and handed me a twenty-dollar bill.

“For you, sweetheart. You’ve made my night.” He gave me a nod and walked away.

I stood there and stared at Stefan with a look a disgust on my face.

“Oh, come on. It was all in fun. Anyway, this is a damn good martini.”

“How did I know you’d show up here tonight?” Sebastian said as he walked over and the two of them fist bumped.



Chapter 26




“I wanted to see how well she made a martini.”

“And?” Sebastian asked.

“Try for yourself. It’s extra dirty.”

He picked up the glass and took a sip.

“Damn. That is good. I may have to hire her full-time.”

“Do it and see what I do to you.”

“Who’s with Lily?”

“Simon. Speaking of which, I better get out of here. I told him I wouldn’t be gone long.”

I pulled out a fifty-dollar bill and held it up. Alex walked over and placed her hands on the counter.

“Thank you for your service.” I smirked as I took her hand and placed the fifty in it.

“You’re in real trouble, mister.”

“I’m counting on it.” I gave her a wink, got up from the stool and walked out of the restaurant.

When I got home, I saw Simon sitting outside on the patio with a scotch in his hand. Opening the sliding door, I took the seat next to him.

“Did Lily wake up?”

“No. How was Alex?” He glanced over at me with a smirk.

“That woman can make one hell of a martini.” I smiled.

He let out a chuckle. “I’ll have to stop by the restaurant when she’s working and see for myself. You know, I thought about her today.”

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