Home > Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(31)

Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(31)
Author: Sophie Barnes

But she’d never shown any hint of interest in forming a deeper attachment with them and now… Well, James had realized two nights ago while polishing off an excellent bottle of brandy that it was time for him to stop being an ass about all of this. If he wanted Evie for himself, the best way to accomplish that was to let her know he was interested.


“It’s an excellent place to hide.” He lifted the blanket he’d placed across his lap and draped it over hers as well, then nudged the hot brick closer to her with the toe of his boot. “I thought of it this afternoon when I returned from my ride and saw the head groomsman covering the carriage.”

James had drawn the man into conversation, and when he’d let it slip that Evie had tasked him with putting together the perfect hideout, a plan had taken shape. Eager to move ahead, he reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a couple of treats he’d wrapped in a handkerchief. “Would you care for some shortbread, Evie? If I’m not mistaken it’s still your favorite.”

She swallowed audibly and though it was dark, his eyes had adjusted enough to discern her figure – a dark silhouette no more than a foot away.

“Yes. Thank you.”

Holding out his hand, he offered the biscuits and after a bit of fumbling, she managed to pick one up. A crisp crunch followed and then a satisfied sigh of pleasure that instantly stirred his blood. Forcing down a groan, he took a bite of his own biscuit and prayed she’d respond to him one day with equal ardor.

“I wanted to bring hot cocoa as well but decided against it,” he told her. “Seemed a bit cumbersome for a carriage in the dark, but I’ve got my flask on me if you’d like some brandy to heat your insides.”

A brief pause followed and then, “All right.”

Happy with the opportunity to share this intimate moment with her, James reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out his flask. After unscrewing the cap, he handed it to her. An electrical charge raced through him as her fingers brushed his. Her gasp suggested she’d felt it too, which urged his pulse into a faster rhythm.

She pulled the flask from his hand and raised it to her lips.

A series of small coughs followed.

“I’m sorry. I should have warned you.” He leaned toward her so their shoulders touched. “It’s strong stuff.”

She coughed again, then cleared her throat. “It’s very good though. Just took me by surprise, that’s all. There’s more of a bite to this kind than the ones I’ve tried before.”

The humor in her voice relaxed him, prompting an answering smile to tug at his lips. “You sound like quite the brandy connoisseur.”

“Hmm… I may have explored Papa’s liquor cabinet once or twice.”

“Really?” He chuckled, enjoying the easy banter between them. “Do go on.”

Her shoulder rose and fell against his in a shrug. “Life can get rather dull in the country. And after hearing other ladies boast of their exploits during the past two seasons, I thought it necessary to broaden my horizons.”

Laughter erupted in his chest, rumbling through him until it filled the air. “Did you really?”

“It’s not funny,” she said even though she too was now laughing. She nudged his side. “The pressure of making a suitable match can be taxing enough without also feeling as though you’re the most sheltered person alive.”

“Of course. Do forgive me.” Sobering, he carefully asked, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

She gave a soft snort, then took another sip of brandy and handed the bottle back. “You could have asked me to dance.”

The accusation was clear. It caused his chest to draw tight until his ribs squeezed his lungs. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I…” He shook his head, sighed with resignation, and finally told her, “I’ve handled things between us abysmally I’m afraid. But all I wanted to do was protect you.”

“Protect me?” Her face was turned fully toward him now, and although he could not see the outrage in her features, he heard it in her voice. “From what?”

“From me.” The leap he’d been fearful of taking these last few years had suddenly happened, just like that. Surely she would know what he meant, wouldn’t she? But when she said nothing and the silence between them grew, he felt compelled to add, “I could never truly be an option for you if I were your only option. Don’t you see, I had to let you go so your heart would be free to make the right decision. Which I’ll admit has been hell, because when it comes to you, there’s nothing I’d rather do than claim you as my own.”



Evangeline’s blood thundered in her veins. This was what she’d hoped for, longed for, secretly dreamt about for so very long, yet indignation sparked to life inside her.

She glared at the fuzzy shape he presented in the darkness. “You cannot simply… I mean, it’s been three years since my debut and all this time…are you honestly telling me you wished to court me yourself even though you gave no hint whatsoever of harboring any such thoughts or feelings?”

“Yes. That is– Ow. Bloody hell, Evie. Would you”–she punched him again–“ah. Please stop hitting me.”

“Do not pretend you don’t deserve it, James. Heaven above, I thought you indifferent. You advised me – advised me, James – to encourage the attentions of as many young gentlemen as possible.”

“So you could make an informed decision.”

She wanted to hug him and shake him in equal measure. Frustrated, she told him honestly, “What you did was push me away and just so you know, it hurt. There was no explanation for it, just–”

His hand caught her arm. “Shh…”

Evangeline stilled beneath the weight of his touch. Every nerve drew to attention, prompting her skin to tingle with delicious awareness. A door closed and footsteps approached.

“Check the covered carriage over there,” Evangeline heard her cousin, Deidre, say. “I’ll look inside the landau.”

“Come,” James whispered, so low she barely heard him. He gave her arm a tug. “Onto the floor.”


He yanked the blanket aside, pulled her down with him, then flung the blanket over their heads. “Lower your head.”

Evangeline leaned forward, crouching as low as she possibly could. Someone tried the carriage door. It opened and Evangeline held her breath, certain they would be discovered within the next second. But then the door clicked back into place and she heard her brother say, “It’s empty. How about the landau?”

“Also empty,” Deidre said. “I suppose we should try the attic.”

Footsteps receded then a door opened and closed, leaving the carriage house silent once more.

“How did Richard not spot us?” Evangeline asked as her heartbeats slowed into a steadier rhythm. She was acutely aware of James’s hand holding hers, of his much larger body crowding the space around her.

“The canvas covering the carriage would have prevented him from opening the door fully while also increasing the darkness,” James murmured, not releasing his hold on her. Instead, he seemed to draw her more fully against him. “Or maybe it’s because I told him my plan.”

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