Home > Ruthless Player (Westfall U #2)

Ruthless Player (Westfall U #2)
Author: R.C. Stephens







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I can’t believe I agreed to this. I slink back into my chair in Wolfe and Cole’s kitchen. Rebel eyes me and my guess is she’s telepathically telling me to be nice. I nod. I did agree to this dinner, even though she twisted my arm to come here tonight. Last year Cole got mixed up with a girl named Tiffany. She didn’t want Cole; her intention was to break up Wolfe and Rebel. Cole was played and felt really bad about the whole thing, but for me the verdict is still out on him. I have a hard time saying no to Rebel, and she and Wolfe feel it’s super important for their best friends to get along considering how in love they are. Problem is: Cole Davis is a typical jock who hits on me every chance he gets. If I didn’t find him so hot it wouldn’t be a problem. It’s not easy ignoring him when he flirts, but I refuse to be another notch on his bedpost or belt or whatever that stupid saying is. I’m better than that.

Rebel is talking about her nonexistent plans for the summer. And I watch as Wolfe takes her hand in his and just holds it resting on the table. Watching them fall in love has made me crave everything Rebel has. Hot sex, a gorgeous boyfriend who really cares. I just don’t have the time for a relationship. My focus is getting into medical school. Nothing can stand in my way, not even the gorgeous hockey player with forest green eyes and the body of an Adonis sitting next to me. Even if he is on his best behavior tonight.

“So what are your plans for the summer?” Wolfe asks me.

I pause mid bite. Wolfe really went out of his way to prepare a nice meal of steaks and mashed potatoes.

“I got an internship working at Westfall General,” I say. I’m pretty sure I told him I got the internship a couple months back, but it was after he won a big game so he doesn’t remember. The only reason I remember that night is because I got a little tipsy and accidentally locked lips with Cole.

“Congrats,” Wolfe says. “So what does that involve?”

“I’ll be interning with their oncology department, shadowing the doctors and participating in their current research programs,” I say.

“Cool,” Cole answers. “It’s really badass that you want to be a doctor.”

“Thanks,” I reply, feeling nervous because I don’t like when people ask me why I chose medicine. I side-eye Cole but he isn’t even looking at me, he’s enjoying his steak.

I take a sip of my wine and place the glass down and exhale. “When are you moving to New York?” I ask Wolfe because I want to change the subject.

“We start summer boot camp end of July,” he says and then he leans in and gives Rebel a kiss. He ended up entering the draft at number five and as expected was snatched up by the Rangers.

“How about you Cole?” Rebel asks.

It’s funny how hard Wolfe and Rebel are working to force a friendship between Cole and me. I just have nothing in common with Cole. We are night and day.

“I don’t know. My father wants me to intern at his company but it sounds so damn unappealing. Plus, I’m going to visit Granny Mae for about a week, which I’m really looking forward to.” He smiles and looks at Wolfe.

Wolfe smiles warmly. “I loved visiting with Granny Mae when we were younger. She’d take us to Myrtle Beach and we’d have the best time. Plus she’s the best cook ever.”

“She is the best,” Cole agrees. How sweet.

“So what is your plan after your visit with Granny Mae?” Wolfe asks Cole.

“I don’t know, but working for my dad is a last resort,” Cole says.

Wolfe and Rebel look at each other and it’s as if unspoken words pass between them. Then Wolfe shakes his head and they turn back to Cole.

“I may do some sort of training camp. I want to enter the draft next year if I can,” Cole says.

“You can do it,” Wolfe says encouragingly.

“I don’t know. I have my doubts,” Cole says, rubbing the back of his hand along the stubble of his jaw line. A very sexy jawline I try not to focus on too much because listening to him being vulnerable does something to my insides.

“We all have our doubts,” Rebel says.

“That is the truth,” Wolfe chimes in.

I place a piece of steak and potato on my fork when I feel everyone watching me.

Cole announces, “Holland is too smart to have any doubts.”

That’s a really nice compliment. “Very untrue,” I say. “I’m filled with doubt on the daily. Will I have enough experience for my med school applications? Am I good enough to get into medical school? Will I even make a good doctor?” I place my fork down.

“See, doubt is normal,” Rebel assures.

“Maybe for you guys but for me it’s different,” Cole says. “My dad doesn’t support my hockey career.”

“Neither did mine until like five minutes ago,” Wolfe chimes in. Wolfe hadn’t spoken to his dad for years, but they put their animosities aside a couple months back and are now working on their relationship.

“You have your dad’s support now, plus you have Rebel,” Cole reminds him.

“True,” Wolfe says and he lifts Rebel’s hand and brings it to his lips.

“They are so cute, aren’t they?” Cole asks me with a mocking tone.

“They are cute. Drop the sarcasm,” I return, wanting to defend my friend.

“So you’re into all this relationship stuff?” Cole asks.

“Me?” My head rears back like he slapped me. “Hell no,” I blurt quickly and then feel remorse when my knee-jerk reaction kicks in. “No offense, guys,” I say to Rebel and Wolfe. “I have to focus on school. I don’t have time for a relationship.”

“Same,” Cole says. “Between hockey and school I have my hands full.”

“Plus managing all those puck bunnies must be really stressful,” I add.

“Stressful? No. That’s the relaxing part.” Cole grins like the Cheshire cat.

“Gross,” I mumble.

“At least you’d know I come with lots of experience.” Cole winks.

“Easy there,” Wolfe warns.

“Oh, it’s fine. I’ve learned that Cole is all talk,” I quip and I wink back at him. Take that, hot stuff.

I like taking jabs at Cole. It would help if I could erase the kiss we shared from my mind, but the jerk is an excellent kisser. Just the right amount of tongue. And the sparks that erupted in my body. . .

I pick up my cup and take a long sip of water to cool myself down, since the wine seems to be going straight to my head.

“Sure, you keep on believing that, beautiful,” Cole says and places a bite of steak in his mouth.

“Stop calling me that,” I counter.

“Why? I’m just stating a fact,” he says and then he reaches for his glass of red wine.

He is so annoying.

“Rebel was right, you really are a good cook,” I say to Wolfe because my attention needs to be anywhere but the smooth-talking hockey player who sees me as a conquest he hasn’t been able to nail.

“Gah!” Rebel groans. “You two just need to get along.”

Wolfe stands up from the table. “Shit! I forgot the roasted vegetables in the oven.” He walks over to the oven puts an oven mitt on and takes out a dish filled with steaming vegetables.

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