Home > Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor #3)(96)

Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor #3)(96)
Author: Ruby Dixon

"Earplugs?" my mom asks.

"Probably a good idea?"

"Will do." My mom leans in. "But I have another good idea for him if you're willing to pass it along."

"What's that?"

Mom grins. "Tell him to wear a fig leaf. He's a lovely-looking man, but I still feel weird every time I see his balls."

My face feels bright red as my mother discusses my husband's balls. "Fig leaf. Got it."



There's a particular deep thicket that Kassam and I like for our “dates.” There's a thick, blooming hedge around the perimeter, and inside, the trees are close together and draped in flowering vines. It's very pretty and feels private, which is why I've chosen it for today's activities.

We're having a date tonight.

Not that we don't see each other every day and I sleep curled around him. Not that we don't fuck like bunnies every chance we get. Not that we don't spend hours and hours together just talking and enjoying each other. That's all the normal stuff.

Date nights are for our one-up competition, for when we try to raise the stakes for the other person.

Kassam is no longer cursed with hedonism, but I think it's a big part of who he is at his core. He loves pleasure. He loves watching me eat and nibbling on things, or tasting my lips. He loves bright, colorful things and scents. He loves sex—god, does he love sex—and his addiction to pleasure and fun makes me a bit more adventurous, too. While most of the time, there's nothing crazy, Kassam upped the stakes on me a few days ago by turning himself into a tree and then fucking me on his branch-cock.

That…was odd. And hot. And I might get a little squirmy every time I see a particularly thick knot on a tree.

But that experience reminded me that he's winning our little game, so I've got to up the ante. And I've come up with the perfect solution. So today, while Kassam is running with the herds at the far edge of the forest and answering prayers from below, I'm preparing. The thick hedge parts when I touch it, closing behind me once more and then I step into the thicket.

The dryad that's been helping me finishes setting a few items down on a makeshift table made out of a fallen tree. She gives me a shy smile and melts into the trees before I have a chance to say anything. "Thank you," I call after her. They're not normally that shy—maybe we scarred them a bit with our tree-sex last time, too.

I check over the items on the table, touching each one. There's a pitcher of sweet berry wine, a bowl of fruits and nuts, and several small bowls of various oils. Just looking at them makes me blush, even as my body tingles with excitement. At the far end of the table, in a pile of vine belts, is the shiny, shaped wood phallus attached to a belt that I requested. It's smooth under my hand, not quite as long as my forearm, and more slender than Kassam's thick cock. It'll be perfect for our date and I know Kassam is going to love it. The man is absolutely up for anything and everything between us.

I pick up a woven mossy blanket and spread it out at the perfect spot, then wander over to a glossy pool and check my reflection. My thick, straight hair is entwined with a few vines and flowers like it always is, and my short dress is a mixture of more vines, big, blooming flowers, and moss. Like Kassam said, the realm provides for everything, and because I'm his wife, the plants obey me to a certain extent. I finger one of the flowers on my dress, making the petals unfurl, and then I go back to the table and rub one of the berries on my lips, reddening them. And because I know my wicked Kassam will appreciate the touch, I redden my nipples, too.

When I'm ready, I lie down on the blanket and wait. The forest is cool and lovely, the scents as magical as my surroundings. I gaze up at the swaying branches overhead, and this seems like the perfect spot to take a nap. Instead, I decide to call my lover to my side. Hiking up my dress, I slide a hand between my thighs and touch myself. I'm not surprised to find that I'm already slick with arousal. I've been thinking about our date all day. So I brush my fingertip in circles around my clit, moving my hips in time with my finger.

I'm pretty sure Kassam has a sixth sense that tells him when I'm touching myself. He always seems to show up the moment I do, and today is no different. I hear the galloping thump of hooves on the forest floor before a magnificent stag charges in through the hedge, then immediately shifts forms into my husband. His hair is wild and tangled in his horns, and he gives me a look of pure molten silver as he storms to my side. "Did you start without me?"

"Just warming up," I purr, teasing my clit again. "Wanna watch?"

He growls with pleasure, dropping to his knees in front of me, and pushes my thighs apart, gazing between them. "If you are giving me a show, I absolutely want to watch…unless I can do it for you?" He gives me a hopeful look.

I know how that goes—he'll do it for me, and then we'll get so distracted from him eating me out that we'll just charge right into things and then I won't get to play. It's happened several times. Neither one of us has any ability to resist the other. So when he leans in, I put my foot against his bare chest and eye his gorgeous body. His cock is growing harder by the moment, and as I watch, he reaches down and strokes himself, working his shaft. "Hey now," I protest. "That's mine."

Kassam gives me a sly smile. "If you can touch yourself, I can do the same."

I immediately draw my hand back and sit up, mock-frowning at him. "We're here because it's my turn. Now are you going to play with me or not?"

He arches a brow at me, amused. "You are bossy today, little light. I like it."

He has no idea. "I'm just getting started," I say, getting to my knees. I slide my arms around his neck and press my breasts against his chest, my dress of flowers and moss prickling between us. "Did you want to play or shall I save it for some other time?"

Kassam grins. "You know I want to play."

I did know that. I knew the answer before I even asked. "Then I'm going to need a few things from you today," I say in a light voice, tangling my fingers in his wild hair. "Say, 'That sounds like a good idea, Carly.'"

Laughing, my husband gives me a sly look. "That sounds like a delicious idea, Carly."

My pussy thrums with excitement. I love the way he says delicious, like he's referring to me. Oh, today is going to be so much fun. I beam up at him. "Did you have a good day today, love?"

"All of my days are good."

Such a Kassam answer. He's the happiest sunshine personality, and I know what he'd say if I pressed him for a better answer—he has his realm, he has his powers, and he has his wife. He needs nothing more. "You know it's my turn, right?" I scratch at his scalp. "And you'll do what I like? Whatever I like?"

"Mmmm. Did you have something specific in mind?" When I nod, his look becomes mischievous. "Don't I get a word?"

"Of course you do. What word do you want?" I slide my hand out of his hair and brush a finger over his lips, not surprised at all when he nips at my digit. "Pineapple?"

"How about…tree branch?"

That naughty son of a bitch. He's still pleased with himself over how much he startled me with that move. He smirks at me, and I try not to think too much about how it had felt, how woodsy and hard and foreign even as he'd wrapped himself around me and whispered naughty things in my ear. Sly devil. "Tree branch it is," I say, not taking the bait. "Now, I need you to wear a blindfold."

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