Home > Awakened by the Passionate Sheik(35)

Awakened by the Passionate Sheik(35)
Author: Elizabeth Lennox

“Right,” Tamara whispered, plastering a smile on her face until her cheeks hurt. Taking a bite of her own sandwich, she went over Willow’s words in her mind even as she surreptitiously slipped the phone in her pocket. For the next forty minutes, Tamara nibbled on her sandwich and chatted with Willow. After lunch, as she walked back to her car, she spotted her guards tailing her and wondered if they knew anything about the situation.

But should she even ask? Dare she? What if they were part of whatever was going on? Was Jurid’s life in danger?

The thought of someone hurting him made her stomach muscles tighten so badly that she couldn’t even think. “I need to get to him,” she whispered. “Now!”

After driving over to the rental property in Hampshire, Tamara stepped out of her car and looked around, spotting the guards parked by the curb two cars away. Still, she walked into the house and looked around, not really seeing anything. There might have been a bonfire in the middle of the living room and Tamara wouldn’t have noticed, her mind was working on a plan to get this cell phone to Jurid. Whatever was on it, everyone was freaked about it.

Including herself.

Pulling her own phone out, she started to dial the number he’d given her. But before she’ put in the last digit, she stopped and looked around. What if someone was listening at his end of the phone? Did he really have any privacy?

“Not really,” she whispered, looking out the window at the grey skies. “I need to get to him. I need to get to him now!”

Leaving the property, she scanned the street. The guards were still there. Still watching. In fact, something in her face must have warned them because they stepped out of the vehicle and moved towards her, both of them wary and on watch. “Your Highness?” one of them inquired.

“I need to see Jurid,” she announced, then worried that she sounded a bit frantic, she shook her head. “He told me to contact him when I was ready to talk. I’m ready. Can you guys take me to him?”

Both men seemed to relax and she thought that was an odd reaction, but she didn’t have time to analyze it just yet.

“Yes, Your Highness. We have a plane standing ready for you.”

She blinked, then smiled, feeling a thrill go through her. “Excellent. Then let’s go,” she told them.

One of them took her arm, leading her towards their vehicle. “We’ll have someone come and retrieve your car, Your Highness. This way.”

When she was tucked safely into the back of their vehicle, she looked out the window. She was worried. She was going to see Jurid again. Tamara had no idea what his reaction might be. There’d been silence between them for so long. But underneath the worry, Tamara knew she was also excited. And terrified.

What if he didn’t want her anymore? Was that why she hadn’t heard from him in over two weeks? Was he done with her? Maybe she’d pushed him away too many times. What if…?

Tamara stopped her mind from spinning out of control. She couldn’t let herself think like that. She had to remain positive.

Besides, if he didn’t want her there, then she still had the excuse of delivering the cell phone to him. Yes, that was a good reason. In fact, perhaps she should just wait about declaring her feelings for him until after he reacted to her being there. That sounded like a better plan, she decided.



Chapter 15


Sixteen hours later, Tamara had gone back and forth so many times about how to approach Jurid, she wasn’t sure what to think anymore. To announce her feelings and desire to go ahead with the wedding…or to wait and see how he reacted to her arrival? She wasn’t sure anymore. What had sounded like a good plan hours ago, the plan to just wait and evaluate his reaction, seemed cowardly now. And she’d never thought of herself as a coward.

But there was a huge difference between breaking away from one’s parents and country and starting a new business without their support or approval…and declaring her love for a man like Jurid. He was…handsome and amazing and…terrifying! What if he didn’t feel the same way?

She descended the steps of the plane and nodded her gratitude to the waiting limousine driver. There were several police cars as an escort as well and she wasn’t sure why. It seemed like overkill, but she fingered the cell phone in her pocket, which felt both benign and…somehow evil. Maybe it wasn’t overkill. Maybe there was something going on, something dangerous and she was here putting him in more danger.

She looked at the guards, all of whom had very serious expressions. As soon as they drove up to the underground entrance to the palace, the trembling started in earnest. What would he do? Would he be angry that she’d arrived, literally, on his doorstep without notice?

For the past two weeks, she’d been upset that he hadn’t called her. But it suddenly occurred to her that she hadn’t called him except for that one time when he’d been in a meeting. After that, she hadn’t bothered with even a text message. So he might be just as frustrated with her.

Or even worse, he might have given up on her. He’d come all the way to London just to talk with her. He’d pushed aside most of his meetings that week in order to get to know her better, to see if they were compatible. Then he’d put himself out there by asking her to think about setting a wedding date and…she’d ignored him. Complete radio silence.

What must he be thinking? And now she just showed up?

Good grief!

“Tamara!” a deep, furious voice echoed across the courtyard. She hadn’t even stepped through the security doors but there he was, storming towards her!

“I just…” she didn’t have time to explain because he swept her up into his arms and kissed her.

When he finally lifted his head, he frowned down at her, still angry but with a different kind of heat now. “Why are you here?” he demanded. “Wait!” He stepped back and took her hand. “This way,” and he led her into the palace and through a maze of hallways. Her confusion lasted until he closed the massive double doors to what must be his personal apartment, then turned around and took her into his arms again, kissing her with her back pressed against the wall. When he lifted his head this time, they were both panting and, when she looked down, Tamara realized that her legs were wrapped around his waist.

“Tell me,” he ordered, his hands sliding along her back as he cupped her bottom, carrying her into his bedroom.

“I needed to see you,” she whispered. “I missed you.” Well, that wasn’t what she’d planned to say!

“And?” he prompted, standing her beside the bed as he pushed her coat off her shoulders, then began to strip off her clothing.

“And I…” she gasped when his mouth found that spot on her neck. She loved it when he teased that spot!

“And what, love?” he asked, pushing her jeans down over her hips. “I hope you got a lot of sleep on that plane, because I’m not letting you sleep for a while.”

She smiled as he took off the last of her clothes. Then laughed when he gently pushed her backward so that she tumbled onto the bed.

“I think I might just tie you to this bed for a few days.” His gaze burned across her bare skin. “I’ve missed you, Tamara,” he said as he moved onto the bed with her.

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