Home > Stranger's Game(13)

Stranger's Game(13)
Author: Colleen Coble

She waited a few discreet minutes, then slipped back out into the hall. The fragrance of sandalwood and pine was particularly potent when she stepped into the main lobby again, and she found herself moments later on the elevator with the top-floor button lit.

She emptied her mind as the elevator rose. When it stopped on the penthouse floor, she stepped out onto the thick carpet before she could change her mind. She hadn’t been sure she’d remember how to get up to the balcony in the tower, but her feet remembered the way to the elevator.

Go back.

The warning in her head couldn’t overcome her compulsion to go up there, to see the place she’d so successfully avoided for nearly two decades. Her steps echoed a bit in the enclosed stairwell, and she pushed open the door out onto the balcony. The sunshine hit her eyes, and she slammed them closed.

Torie’s heart wanted to pound out of her chest as the memories flooded back. She could feel them rising, fighting to become clear. But she didn’t want to think about the last day of her mother’s life.

She turned and ran for the exit.

* * *

The battered drone and its parts lay on the desk. Joe saw the moment his contact with the Navy tensed and realized his suspicions were on target. “Looks like a Russian military drone, doesn’t it?”

Ajax Smith was a bulldog of a man with a thick neck and massive shoulders. In spite of his appearance, he was mild-mannered and thoughtful, never rushing to judgment and carefully considering every response. He’d come as soon as Joe had called, and the heavy scent of his Brut cologne filled Joe’s office.

Ajax prodded the propeller with a sausage-like finger. “Any sign of a swimmer or just this broken drone?”

“No. Simon brought me the propeller, and I went down to take a look, but there was no one around it. It was untethered so no way to trace it back to a boat. Maybe we need extra patrols? The new sub will be coming this way next week.”

Ajax’s massive forehead wrinkled, and he leaned his bulk back in the office chair across from the desk. “Patrols are already beefed up. There’s a group of senators and the Federal Reserve Board meeting on Jekyll Island next week to discuss changes to the Fed. And we have war games running for the next two weeks as well. Lots of activity going for fifteen miles.”

That news ramped up Joe’s concern. “You think the Russians have gotten wind of the war games?”

“They get wind of everything. You’ve got three lions. They’re all trained and ready to go?”

“Simon is making strides but isn’t fully trained yet. The other two are experienced. When do the war games start?”

“Next weekend. The subs arrive on Wednesday the fifteenth, and the members of the meeting on Jekyll Island arrive on Thursday.”

Today was Monday so Joe had ten days. “So the Federal Reserve VIPs are staying at Jekyll Island Club Resort, just like they did back then. We’ll close the club to any other visitors during the meeting.”

Ajax nodded. “And we’ll treat it with the highest security. We’ve got several extra patrol boats heading our way.”

The whole thing had Joe’s spidey senses tingling. He turned toward the door. “We’ll be vigilant with the sea lions. Thanks for coming so quickly, Ajax. I’ll see you out.”

They exited into the bright Georgia sunshine and Smith lumbered to his black Cadillac while Joe strode toward his pickup. It was past time to get Hailey from Camp Jekyll. He drove out Beachview Drive and pulled in at the camp.

Hailey waved from the front lawn and ran toward him as soon as he parked and got out of his truck. “Hey, Peanut.” He hugged her, inhaling the aroma of little girl mingled with sea salt and sunscreen.

These moments with his daughter were ones he treasured. Since his wife died, he didn’t take even a moment for granted. Happiness had a funny way of twisting into something unrecognizable, and he had a hard time even letting Hailey out of his sight. His work helped him focus, but worry about her was never far from his mind.

She went around to the passenger side of the truck. “We got to swim with some dolphins today, Daddy.”

His gut clenched. “Was that planned?”

“Oh no. We were swimming and they joined us. I touched one. It felt like a warm inner tube.”

She’d heard his warnings a thousand times, so he didn’t voice them again. “Everything was okay?”

“The teacher made us get out of the water, but I know they’d never hurt me. The little one looked me right in the face and did a flip. It liked me.”

He buckled his seat belt. “Of course it did. It could tell you were kind and loving.” He gave up the bridle on his tongue. “But remember, you can’t get too close. A dolphin could hurt you without meaning to.”

She rolled her eyes and fastened her seat belt. “I know, Daddy.”

He forced back a grin. “When did you get so old?” He started his truck. “What sounds good for dinner?”

“Can we go to Tortuga Jack’s?”

“Will you ever have another favorite? Pizza? Or what about Driftwood Bistro? You like their Og’s fried okra. Or what about their cheese grits? We ate at Tortuga Jack’s twice last week, and it’s the height of the tourist season. We’ll have to wait an hour for a table.”

“Maybe we’ll find someone we know to sit with. All I thought about all day was fish tacos.”

“You got those last time. And the time before.”

A dimple flashed in her cheek. “And tonight.”

“All right, tonight too.” He shook his head and drove back toward the village.

Just as he’d predicted, the lot was full. He parked, and they went to the outdoor check-in by the thatched patio seating to put their name in. An hour wait. At least they’d have the sea and surf to watch as they waited for the pager to go off. The restaurant was right on the Atlantic with a killer view that drew tourists and locals alike.

Hailey tugged on his hand. “Look, there’s Miss Torie sitting all by herself. We can eat with her.” She waved. “Miss Torie!”

Torie sat under the outside thatched hut. She had a chip loaded with guacamole halfway to her mouth that she lowered to wave back, then she pointed to the seats beside her.

The warmth spreading through Joe’s midsection surprised him. He hadn’t wanted to face how much he liked Torie. He liked the way she carried her height like a badge of honor. The crown of loose braids reminded him of a Victorian lady, but the spark in her brown eyes warned everyone she was no shrinking violet. The quiet competence in her manner drew him too. She was confident in who she was.

Heaven help him, he wasn’t sure he was ready to feel any kind of attraction again. But he stuffed his misgivings and followed his daughter under the thatched hut.



Chapter 9


Torie couldn’t sort out her feelings at the sight of Joe and Hailey. She’d wrestled with her suspicion of the way he’d shown up right after the break-in, and she hadn’t come to any firm conclusion on how much she could trust him. Torie’s suspicion wasn’t his daughter’s fault, so she directed a welcoming smile at the little girl. “You look like you’ve been swimming.”

Hailey touched her tousled red hair. “Yeah, I should have rinsed out the salt. It’s a little sticky.”

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