Home > Stranger's Game(15)

Stranger's Game(15)
Author: Colleen Coble

The door opening behind her jerked her attention away. Her mood plummeted when she saw Kyle’s messy mop of red hair. She pressed her lips together and turned back to the screen.

“Just checking to make sure you got here on time.” Kyle sidled close enough to envelope her in a cloud of overpowering cologne.

She choked back a cough. “No worries. I’ll handle it tonight if you want to go home.”

If she didn’t look at him, she wouldn’t have to see his avid gaze roaming over her. But she could still feel it like a dark slug crawling over her skin. She suppressed a shudder.

How long could she take this before she blew?

A screen flickered and went out. She rose. “We lost a camera. I’m going to go look at it.”

“Check your settings first. It’s probably not a problem with the camera.”

She ignored Kyle and went out the door without slamming it. Following orders had never been her strong suit. Especially when it was someone she regarded with so little respect.

Focus on Lisbeth. It was the only way Torie would be able to get through this.

She had barely exited the office when she bumped into her dad.

He held out his hand to steady her. “There you are. I wondered if you were working.”

She wanted to tell him about Kyle, but it wasn’t the wise thing to do yet. He’d fire the guy on the spot, and she still hadn’t ruled the man out as being behind Lisbeth’s death. He seemed to target every attractive woman, and her friend had been a stunner. There was no way Kyle hadn’t been attracted to her. HR would hear about Kyle’s inappropriate behavior the minute she’d achieved her goals here. The other employees needed to be protected.

She forced a smile. “I’m supposed to be watching the monitors to make sure the guests are safe in all the dark nooks and crannies. I had one go out so I was checking on the camera.”

His fingers touched her chin and tipped her head up. “I recognize the fire in your eyes. Someone made you mad.”

Her chuckle wouldn’t fool her dad, but she tried anyway. “I don’t take orders well.”

He grinned. “Tell me something I don’t know.” His hand dropped away, and he leaned forward to brush her cheek with a light kiss. “Hang in there, Torie. Any evidence on Lisbeth yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Well, I’d better get back to the scavenger hunt, or my partners will roast me.”

“Who are your partners?”

“Joe and Hailey Abbott.”

“You know Joe?”

He shook his head. “You sound like you do.”

“I’ve met them.”

“Hmm, that’s a conversation I’d like to have later.” Her dad smiled and went past her to another hallway.

She heard a latch click and turned to see Joe and Hailey standing in an open doorway. He was scowling, and she gulped. How much had he overheard?

His lips were tight. “Hailey, grab us some waters, would you?”

Hailey gave him an uneasy glance. “Sure, Daddy. Stay right here so I don’t lose you.”

“I’ll be right here.” He folded his arms over his chest and waited until she disappeared around the corner. “Did Anton Bergstrom ask you to look into Lisbeth Nelson’s death?”

She squared her shoulders. “I don’t think you have the right to question me.”

His gaze hardened. “You knew Lisbeth, didn’t you?”


She fiddled with a hoop earring and nodded. “She was my best friend. Water terrified her after a near drowning when we were kids. There’s no way she would have gone swimming. Zero chance. That means her death was no accident, and I have to find out who killed her. Anton arranged the job here so I could investigate.”

“All you’d have to do is tell the state police it couldn’t have been an accidental drowning.”

“I tried that. The detective practically patted me on the head and said, ‘There, there, little lady.’ He thought I was refusing to consider any other way she could have drowned. He said she might have been walking in knee-deep water and been swamped by an unexpected wave.”


“Not possible. You don’t understand how deep her fear was. She never so much as dipped a toe in the ocean. Someone killed her, Joe.”

He grasped her forearm when she turned to go. “I believe you. How can I help?”

His quiet acceptance brought tears to her eyes. “Thank you. I need someone to believe me.”

“Anton didn’t? He could have made a call to the state police too.”

“He did and got the same reaction.”

Joe frowned and his eyes clouded. “That seems odd. They must have a legitimate reason.”

“Yeah, the reason is that the state police are hiding something.”

Joe sighed. “Let’s talk more tomorrow. Come to the house for dinner. I cook a mean stroganoff.”

“Okay.” Just knowing she had an ally lifted a boulder off her shoulders. Maybe her quest wasn’t a lost cause after all.



Chapter 10


Joe might have bitten off more than he could chew.

The scents of beef and garlic wafted through the kitchen as he stirred the stroganoff. With the added security necessity for all that was happening next weekend, he wasn’t sure how much help he’d be to Torie.

But he really wanted to help. The doorbell sounded, and he set down the spoon to answer it. That might be Craig. He’d asked his friend to join them tonight in case he had some real information to shed light about Lisbeth’s death. He hoped Torie didn’t feel ambushed to have the state trooper here, but Joe trusted Craig.

He opened the door and saw Craig’s curious face. “Come in. I hope you’re hungry.”

“Starving.” Craig entered the foyer. “You were very mysterious on the phone, but I did what you asked and brought the information on the Nelson case. Why all the interest?”

His friend still wore his state police uniform, and his face showed his fatigue from the day’s work.

“Later,” Joe said. “Want a drink? I made sure to get some Dr Pepper. It’s in the fridge.”

“I’ll help myself.” Craig shut the door behind him and meandered toward the kitchen, where he opened the fridge and pulled out a can. “Want one?”

Joe had followed him and gave the stroganoff a brisk stir. “Later.”

The doorbell rang again. He could only hope and pray Torie would understand why he’d asked Craig here too. She’d take one look at him in his uniform and know something was up.

When Joe opened the door, he nearly took a step back. Her dark-brown hair hung down her shoulders for the first time instead of up in its distinctive crown of braids. She looked softer somehow, more approachable. His fingers itched to test the texture of her hair. The flowing sundress exposed her shoulders and arms before draping gracefully to her knees.

Maybe he shouldn’t have invited Craig. Having her to himself would have been much better. But the damage was done.

“You look beautiful.” He pressed his lips together, but it was too late to call back the words.

A delicate color swept up her long neck and lodged in her cheeks. “Thanks.” She stepped inside and held up a shoebox. “I’ve got some information in here I wanted you to see.”

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