Home > Stranger's Game(60)

Stranger's Game(60)
Author: Colleen Coble

But Joe was convinced it was and that Torie was running headlong into danger. He didn’t have time to convince Craig, not when he needed to get to Torie.

“I understand your hesitancy. Will you at least promise me you’ll consider what I’ve told you and do some digging?”

“I can do that,” Craig said. “Forensics will be here any minute along with our detective. What can you tell me about what happened here?”

Joe glanced at the time on his watch. After six. The group would be at the cottage by now, and he needed to get there too. “All I really know is that he had Hailey and Torie. He showed up and she managed to escape with Hailey. Look, I have to go.”

“We need to talk to Torie. Where is she?”

“It will have to wait until tomorrow.” He ignored Craig’s command to come back and rushed to his ATV.

Craig ran after him and tried to block him, but he veered to the right to avoid him and zoomed down the narrow track out of there. In minutes he was on the road and rolling toward the historic district. Bicyclers were out in force, and he gritted his teeth at the need to slow down to avoid hitting them. When the coast cleared, he raced around them and finally turned at the mini golf to drive back to the hotel.

He gaped at the big black SUVs parked in the lot. They announced the power and wealth of the dignitaries inside, and he spotted several security men on alert outside. At least he and Torie wouldn’t be the only ones dedicated to preserving the lives of the executives and politicians. While the state police hadn’t believed him, these men knew him. They would be ready to listen.

He rolled past and drove to the Sans Souci building. It looked deserted. Maybe they’d gone to dinner. He parked and looked for Torie’s ATV. When he didn’t spot it, his gut clenched. Had someone else intercepted her on the way here? She’d left at least twenty minutes before him so she should be here. Could she have parked somewhere else and walked? Maybe she hadn’t wanted to alarm anyone and had slipped in the back way to scope out what was happening.

Wait a minute. Wasn’t there an event at the Morgan Ballroom too? Maybe she’d gone there first.

All they had to go on was gut instinct and very few clues to exactly how this was going to go down. He realized that he might need a key. Torie had had a master key, and he prayed it was in her purse. He grabbed it and searched through the wallet inside. There it was. He pocketed the key, then got out and ran around to the front. He’d check here first, then go to the Morgan Center.



Chapter 38


Torie glanced at her watch as she neared the Sans Souci building. Nearly six thirty. Maybe stopping to change had been a mistake, but the last thing she wanted to do was cause an uproar or frighten anyone needlessly in case she was wrong. That was one of the first things she’d learned in the hotel business—don’t upset the guests. If she burst in looking like a refugee, she’d attract too much attention and there could be a panic that caused injuries.

Her gaze took in the hotel wing. Wait a minute. There was no ballroom here and no real gathering spots. The scavenger hunt couldn’t be taking place here. Had she made a mistake? She clutched the top hat token in her palm, and the metal edges reaffirmed her confidence in what was about to happen. While she had no motive for Noah’s actions yet, she was positive of her sudden insight.

It had to refer to something about J. P. Morgan. She turned and looked around the historical district. The dining room was in the main hotel, and there was a ballroom as well. She snapped her fingers—the Morgan Center! It was off to her right and close enough to walk instead of drive. She kicked off her heels and sped along the grass past the Island Sweets Shoppe and across the road.

The big building was originally an indoor tennis court for club members back in the day. And she’d been right. Men in tuxedos and women in formal dresses stood outside on the terrace and spread out onto the lush lawn. Cloth-draped refreshment tables lined the area near the trellis, and the tinkle of laughter mingled with the sound of running water from a fountain.

She slipped her heels back on and donned a smile before strolling toward the crowd. Her gaze swept the group of who’s who in banking. Some of the faces were familiar, but she couldn’t have identified them. Dad could though. She looked around for him. He would help her.

Though she saw no sign of his tall figure, she was sure he’d be here somewhere. This was a huge coup for the hotel and for the Bergstrom Hospitality brand, and he was on the Fed’s board. A photographer snapped pictures constantly, and the woman would be able to sell her photos for good sums to the newspapers.

The news had been filled lately with cryptocurrency and how it was going to change the world. She had no doubt the topic would be discussed during the next few days, and the newness of it made for great copy for reporters.

She spied her aunt dressed in a lacy lavender formal, so she changed directions and headed that way.

Her aunt’s gaze went wide when she saw her. “Your father is still out searching for you. Does he know you’re safe? You’ve worried us to death. Have you looked at your face? You still have mud and twigs in your hair.”

“Noah kidnapped Hailey and me, but we managed to escape. The executives here are in terrible danger. We need to herd them somewhere safe without arousing suspicion that could taint our name.”

“Danger?” Her aunt’s blonde hair bobbed when she shook her head. “Have you seen all the security? Your head injury must have addled your thoughts.”

“I’m serious about the danger. What would be the best way to get all these people back to their rooms? At the very least we have to stop the scavenger hunt.”

“Oh no, no. We can’t stop that. Everyone is looking forward to it. It’s our iconic event tonight. In fact, it’s time for it to start.” She clapped her hands together and walked a few feet away to an open area. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re so glad you’ve joined us, and we’re honored you have chosen the Jekyll Island Club Resort to host your event. To kick things off in a fun way, we’re ready to start the scavenger hunt.” She pointed to the table. “Please pick up the details on the table, and remember, if you find a glass globe, you’re finished. Bring your globe back to the ballroom and have a seat. Once all the globes are found, we’ll hand out prizes. If you don’t find a globe, keep looking for the items on the paper, and once you’ve discovered all of them, return to your table as well.”

The excitement hit a new high, and people surged to the table to get their instructions. The laughter increased, and several people teamed up.

Torie clenched her hands together. She couldn’t just announce a danger she didn’t understand. Once the guests were at their tables, she could make an announcement from the podium and ask everyone to disperse to their rooms.

She needed her dad, but without her phone, she couldn’t call him. Her aunt rejoined her with a satisfied expression, and Torie held out her hand. “Could I borrow your phone, please? I need to let Dad know I’m all right. He might still be out there searching.”

Her aunt rolled her eyes. “Of course he is. He wouldn’t let a little thing like the most important dinner of his career stand in the way of finding his daughter, not even if it destroyed his business. He wouldn’t listen when I tried to get him here.”

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