Home > Stranger's Game(61)

Stranger's Game(61)
Author: Colleen Coble

Warmth spread up Torie’s chest. Dad would be frantic. She took the phone her aunt proffered and called him. He didn’t answer, and she knew he was likely avoiding the call because it was Genevieve’s number. She texted him and let him know she was all right. Maybe he’d read that and come.

* * *

How did Joe get someone to believe the danger?

His shoes echoing on the polished wood floors, Joe walked along the empty hallway on the first floor of the Sans Souci building. The spotless hall was silent and empty and smelled of lemony polish. How many bank executives were at the hotel now? Two from every major Fed bank so that would be twenty-four. Plus several other executives and a couple of US senators. All those security people would be staying, too, so he estimated fifty rooms taken.

They didn’t seem to be in this cottage though, but he wasn’t quite ready to give up and leave. There might be something here he hadn’t seen. He found stairs and climbed to the next floor. It was just as empty, and so was the third. He retraced his steps and walked toward the front door to exit when he heard a soft sliding sound behind him. He turned and followed the faint noise to a room toward the back.

He pressed his ear to the oak door with its ornate Victorian trim. There was someone inside. Footsteps came toward the door, and he darted down the hall and around a corner, where he pressed against the wall and peeked around to watch.

A man holding a glass globe exited. The guy was in his thirties with light-brown hair. He looked like a typical tourist in his khaki shorts and tee, but Joe’s attention fixed on the orange globe. A worker? Or something more sinister?

The guy walked the other direction, and as soon as he was gone, Joe dashed back to the door of the room he’d vacated. Locked, of course. He dug Torie’s master key out of his pocket and in seconds he was inside the room.

It was a large suite, but tables had been brought in on the far wall. He nearly stumbled over dive equipment—tanks, BCDs, and two wet suits. The propulsion device! Had the people using this equipment come here via the device?

He didn’t touch anything as he walked to the table. There were several broken glass globes on one end. A cardboard box on the other end of the table drew his attention. When he read the lettering on the clear vials, he caught his breath. Sarin? Like in sarin gas, the potent nerve gas? His gaze traveled back to the broken globes, and his stomach plunged.

He opened the box gingerly and spotted small glass globules inside. They looked like the smaller glass pieces inside the globes Amelia had made. Did they contain sarin?

Divers could have brought the loaded glass pieces here to be used. He backed away from the ominous box and pulled out his phone to snap a picture, then shot it off to Chen before calling him.

Chen answered on the first ring. “Joe? If you’re checking on Simon, we’ve got him back at King’s Bay.”

“That’s good, but there’s something more serious going on.” Joe heard the noise on the other end that signaled Chen had gotten the picture. “Check the text I sent you. I just found this box at the Sans Souci cottage in the historic district. There are small glass globes inside the box marked sarin in the room as well as discarded diver equipment. I think someone plans to use the gas on the Fed executives.”

Chen inhaled sharply. “Hang on.” His voice returned after a pause. “That looks real. I’ll notify Homeland Security, and we’ll start an evacuation. Do what you can there until help arrives. Do you have any idea when this is going down?”

“Any minute, I’m afraid. The scavenger hunt with the glass globes has likely already started.”

And Torie was right in the middle of it all.

Chen was silent for a long moment. “I’ll call the state police and have them get there right away.”

They’d probably listen to Chen. Joe thanked him and ended the call. He texted Danielle and told her to evacuate. The docks were closed, but she could go to the enclosure and use it to escape by boat. But what about the other Jekyll Island residents? He had no idea how far the gas could travel if one of the globes broke.

Was the sarin in all the globes? Or just the orange one the man had carried out? Would whoever was behind this plot trust it to just one glass globe? He didn’t think so.

He ran for the door. If only he had a way of contacting Torie to find out where she was. He stopped and called up Genevieve’s name. She’d know where the event was being held.

Genevieve answered on the third ring. “Joe, I hope you’re not calling to report a security issue.”

“Actually I am, Genevieve. Where is the scavenger hunt being held tonight?”

“We’re all here at the Morgan Center. People are out looking for two special globes, and one has been found already. Torie showed up spouting a lamebrain conspiracy theory.”

He closed his eyes briefly. “She’s still there?”

“She’s wandering around wringing her hands and telling me to evacuate. But she has no credible reason to disrupt our guests.”

“There’s sarin gas on the property, Genevieve. I just found it. Homeland Security is on the way, and so is the state police. You need to get people out of there.”

Genevieve gasped. “Sarin gas?” Her voice quavered. “I need help, Joe.”

“I’ll be there in two minutes.” He ended the call and ran for the door.



Chapter 39


Torie’s gaze swept the room for where danger might be lurking.

Finally, all the executives were back in the Morgan Center, which was decked out in all its glory for their arrival. She recognized the aromas she’d noted on the menu: lobster bisque, filet, sea bass, brussels sprouts with bacon, and three choices for dessert.

Greenery and flowers draped the mezzanine railing, and linen covered the tables to the carpeted floor. Sheer fabric hung in gathers on the walls. Anything might have been placed under the tables or even hidden in the flowers. The globes hidden on the grounds were on two different tables, one near the front of the room and one near the back.

Her nerves felt as taut as a fishing pole reeling in a big fish, and she shifted from place to place. If only her dad and Joe were here. She had no support, no way to prove these people were in danger. Would these modern-day captains of industry and politicians listen to her?

She glanced at her aunt, who was approaching her with wide eyes and pale cheeks. Something was wrong.

Aunt Genevieve clutched Torie’s arm. “Joe called. There’s sarin gas in the glass globes. The entire island is in danger. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. Homeland Security is on its way, and Joe should be here any second.” She released Torie and wrung her hands. “If only your father were here. He always has such a cool head in chaos.”

Sarin gas. The news footage of the horrible effects of the nerve gas flashed through her memory. This was even worse than she thought.

The door opened and Joe stepped through. Torie bit back a cry of relief and lifted her hand so he could see her. He zigzagged between the tables and joined her and her aunt where they stood near the podium.

He touched her arm. “You heard?”

“Sarin gas.” She wanted to find out how he knew and what he’d seen, but there was no time.

“I told the security people they brought with them, and they’re bringing the limos and vehicles around to the entrance. We need to get everyone out of here now.”

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