Home > Triple Threat (Deception Duet #1)(46)

Triple Threat (Deception Duet #1)(46)
Author: K. Webster

“Sparrow got Landry in trouble with her dad,” Scout says, unhelpfully. “They’d been texting before, but she told him not to text her anymore.”

“I’m going to try and smooth shit over when I go there this afternoon,” I explain with a heavy sigh. “It’ll be fine.”

“And you?” Bryant asks Scout. “Your efforts with Ty Constantine?”

“He’s my bestie now,” Scout deadpans.

Bryant’s jaw clenches and he pinches the bridge of his nose. The silence stretches on. Finally, he looks at Sparrow, brows pinched and lips pursed.

“Did you three have anything to do with Alexander Croft getting jumped last week?” Bryant’s stare bores into Sparrow though he’s asking all three of us.

“He hit her,” Sparrow spits out. “That couldn’t go unpunished.”

Bryant rises to his feet and his face turns a grotesque shade of purple. Okay, so he’s pissed. Really pissed. “You’re done.”

Sparrow cracks his knuckles and shakes his head. “It’s a setback. We’re not done.”

“You. Are. Done.” He jabs a finger at each one of us in rapid succession. “All of you. I’m taking you off this job.”

“Why?” I demand, rising anger burning its way up my esophagus. “Aside from today, things have been going well. She trusts us and isn’t interested in Constantine.”

“Going well?” Bryant sneers. “You attacked a very prominent man in New York who just so happens to be in an alliance with our enemy.”

“He didn’t see our faces,” Sparrow offers.

“It doesn’t matter,” Bryant barks back at him. “It won’t be long until he figures out who did this to him. It’ll come back on me. My sons will…” He shakes his head. “This ends now. No more Ford Mann. Starting now, you’re back to biting when I tell you to like the good little dogs you are.”


Fuck. Him.

“I have another location,” Bryant says to Scout. “Torch this one too, and for fuck’s sake, don’t screw this up.”

“Arson?” Sparrow scoffs. “Really? That’s a little more involved than a simple ass whooping, Bryant.”

Bryant steps closer to Sparrow. “In case you forgot, it’s my money that puts a roof over your head and food in your mouth. This apartment is mine. The cars you all drive are mine. I have the ability to take it all away. I’m not your fucking mommy.”

Sparrow glowers at him, his jaw muscle flexing as he attempts to hold in his wrath. “Remind me again why we don’t just up and leave this goddamn family? Start over fresh?”

Bryant pats him on the head. “Because I have something you want.”

“We don’t give a shit about Ash anymore,” Scout barks out, shocking the hell out of me and Sparrow both. “Try again.”

“Ahhh.” Bryant bounces his gaze to Scout, to me, and then lands on Sparrow. “But you do care about your mother, don’t you?”

“What the hell does that even mean?” Sparrow demands.

“One phone call,” Bryant states, a smug expression on his severe face. “I can make it all go away with one phone call.”

“Make what go away?” I start popping my knuckles as my nerves get the best of me. “What is it you think you have that we want so much? And what does this have to do with Mom?”

“I know you three haven’t forgotten that your precious mother is in prison.” Bryant smiles, cold and calculating. “I can make it all go away. You’d have your mother back.”

What the actual fuck?

“You’ve had the ability to get her out of that hellhole and you haven’t yet?” I growl, jumping to my feet. “You’ve been waiting for what? The perfect opportunity to make us do something for you? This is some sick shit, man. Really sick.”

“I’ll text Scout the location. He’ll know what to do.” He ignores me entirely, his attention on Sparrow. “Losing this building, in addition to the last one, will cripple our adversary’s hold on the district he’s trying to reform and revamp. They’ll understand that they can’t encroach on Morelli territory in the end. I’m simply giving them a reminder.”

“A reminder that you’re a piece of shit?” I spit out, unable to bite my tongue.

Bryant sneers. “A reminder that my family is in charge. Morellis don’t play by the rules…we make them.”

Me and my brothers watch him leave our apartment in silence. I’ve always hated Bryant, but now I really want to beat the living shit out of him. How dare he have a way to get our mother out of prison and keep it from us. He waited for the perfect opportunity when he needed to use that card and flung it in our faces with no remorse.

“I’m going to check on Landry,” I tell my brothers. “Don’t try to stop me, either.”

Sparrow glares at me, but doesn’t say shit. Scout sits up straight and nods.

“Me and Sparrow will deal with the property,” Scout says. “See what the fallout is from this morning.”

“We’re going to keep seeing her?” Sparrow asks, frowning. “That’ll jeopardize us getting Mom out of prison.”

“What Bryant doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Scout replies with a shrug. “Besides, if he can get our mother out of prison with a phone call, who’s to say someone else can’t do the same? There are two other families more powerful than his. The Constantines and the Crofts. Lucky for us, we have a connection with both.”

“Ty?” I lift a brow at Scout. “You think he’d actually help us get Mom out of there?”

“I think rolling over and letting Bryant dictate our every move gives him all the power,” Scout grinds out. “I’m done with him pulling our strings.”

* * *

Sandra answers the door, her lips puckered in distaste. I know she doesn’t like me but I don’t give a damn. I’m not leaving until I make sure Landry is okay. I have to talk to her.


Her lip curls up. “Perhaps we should cancel this afternoon’s lesson. Della is being quite precocious.”

“I can deal with her,” I assure the old hag. “Plus, you know how much she loves this cat.”

Sandra glances down at the carrier and briefly closes her eyes. “Fine. As soon as the two of you get settled, I’ll take a break. I could use one today.”

She’s always kind of cold and witchy, but today she appears to be on edge. Like she’s waiting for something bad to happen. I don’t like it. Especially after everything Sparrow told me this morning.

Sandra leads me through the quiet condo to the classroom. Della is waiting inside, coloring all over the desk. Sandra gives me a nod and smirk that says, “Told you so.” I wave her off before setting down the carrier.

Della notices me first, scowls, and then sees Heathen, and grins. Brat. I kneel to let Heathen out. The devil cat hisses at me and then bolts. Della abandons her art and chases after her. Good. This’ll buy me some time. While Della attempts to coax the cat out of hiding, I slip out of the classroom and tiptoe through the house. I pass a few open doors, but there’s one near the end that remains closed. My guess is Landry is in there. Quickly, I turn the knob and peek inside.

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