Home > Triple Threat (Deception Duet #1)(47)

Triple Threat (Deception Duet #1)(47)
Author: K. Webster

I don’t know what I’m expecting from her room, but it’s not this. Landry is so interesting. There are layers and layers when it comes to this girl. I’d half expected her room to be filled with pictures or décor that reflects her personality. But it doesn’t. It’s sleek and fancy as fuck to go along with the aesthetic of the rest of the penthouse, but it’s missing her…charm. It makes me sad because she doesn’t belong here.

Lying curled up on the bed, wrapped up in a soft chenille blanket with only her blonde head poking out, is Landry. She seems so small and shattered. Her cheeks are tearstained, and her lips are puffy. I wonder if she cried herself to sleep. As quietly as possible, I close the door behind me and then approach the bed.

“Hey, honey.”

Her eyes flutter open. They’re bloodshot from crying and unfocused from sleep. I take her hand in mine, bringing it to my lips for a kiss.

“Ford,” she whispers, her bottom lip wobbling. “You can’t be in here.”

“Come here,” I instruct as I tug on her and pull her closer. “We’re not going to worry about that right now. I want to know how you’re doing.”

She allows me to drag her into my lap. Her face nuzzles against my neck. Hot breath tickles my flesh. For a moment, neither of us say anything. I hold her close and stroke her back.

“Talk to me,” I murmur. “Tell me what he said.”

Her body trembles. “I’m done with school. He, uh, took away my phone, too.”


“He knows something’s up with me,” she continues. “He won’t stop until he finds out what it is.” She tilts her head up, frowning at me. “You’re not safe. Us doing this isn’t safe. He’ll find out I’m seeing you and…” Tears well in her eyes. “He’s going to ruin you because of me.”

“He can try,” I growl. “Don’t worry about me.”

“That’s the thing, though,” she whispers. “I do worry about you. I like you, Ford. And after this morning…” She chews on her bottom lip. “It felt so good being with you.”

A spike of jealousy stabs me in the gut.

“Next time will be better,” I vow. “You didn’t even get to come.”

Her brows pinch. “You got me off with your fingers first. I came, lover boy.”

Imagining Sparrow fingerfucking her on top of everything else he’s done with her is like icing on a shit cake. It pisses me off. I don’t want to think about it.

“Come here,” I growl, cupping the back of her head and drawing her closer. “I need to kiss you.”

She moans, soft and sweet, as my lips press against hers. I kiss her deeply and with each stroke, I make promises to her. Promises that I’ve never made to anyone.

I’ll make you happy.

You’ll see.

“You have to go before he discovers you here,” she murmurs breathily against my lips. “Please go. I’ll see you again Wednesday.”

I kiss her once more before resting my forehead to hers. “Wednesday. I can’t wait.”

Though I’m annoyed Sparrow got her in this situation, I’m not at all bothered by the fact I’ll be the only one with access to her now. He can go back to finding Tinder pussy and Scout can continue stalking Ash for all I care.

As for me, I’ll be the only one to see Landry.

Finally, I can have her all to myself.



“What are you hiding?”

I go still at her question. “Nothing. Why?”

“You wouldn’t let me use your phone this morning. It was shady. I don’t care what it is, just tell me.”

She doesn’t care?

I don’t believe that for a second.

If she ever learns me and my brothers played her, I feel like she’s going to care a whole helluva lot.

“I’m not hiding anything, honey. I just…” I trail off before sticking with my original statement. “I’m not hiding anything.”

“You are hiding something,” she says, studying me. “I feel like I have it figured out, but it’s just beyond reach. Whatever it is, it’s fine. I’m not going anywhere.”

Liar. Liar. Liar.

“But,” she murmurs.


“But, if it’s bad, he’s going to find out. At least give me some sort of warning.”

I look away, wondering if I could even tell her the truth ever. No, I can’t. Because once she finds out I’m a triplet—one of three who she’s been intimate with—she’s going to lose her shit. This thing between us will end as abruptly as it began. I’m far too greedy to let that happen.


Sully. My name is Sully. Just once I’d like to hear it on your lips, honey.


“Do you have multiple personalities?”

She’s dead fucking serious. I almost laugh. Almost.

“What? No.”

“Then why are you so different every time I see you?” She tries to scoot out of my lap, but my hold tightens around her, trapping her in my arms. “Ford, tell me. What’s going on with you? I need to be prepared for whatever it is. It’s only a matter of time before my dad realizes you’re my secret. Don’t leave me blindsided.”

I could tell her everything.

Right here. Right now.

But that sure as hell means I won’t get to see her again. She’ll feel betrayed. Might even tell her dad about how we imbedded ourselves into their lives. Right now, she’s concerned he’ll find out.

Which he hasn’t.

But if I tell her the truth, he’ll most certainly find out. The repercussions of that truth are much worse than continuing this charade with her.

We kicked a rich dude’s ass. Defiled his daughter. Committed fraud by lying about our identity. And the list goes on. He’s connected to the Constantines, our mortal enemy. All it takes is for Alexander to find out our real names and who we are to the Constantines. Hell will absolutely break loose.

Scout blew up our lives last time. I’ll be damned if I’m responsible for it this time.

“I told you,” I hedge. “I have layers.”

My answer earns me a glare and her tone is filled with warning. “Ford…”

“Know that I’ll do everything I can to help you,” I rush out, hoping my earnest words reassure her. “Just let me.”

“I can’t even trust you.” She recoils, disgust written all over her face. “I think you should go.”


“Go!” she hisses, pointing at the door.

Grabbing her jaw, I pull her to me for one more kiss that leaves us both panting after. “You can trust me.”

“I really want to,” she whispers, defeated, “but until you stop hiding parts of yourself from me, we’ll never get there.”

I want to promise her we’ll get there eventually. However, if she ever got the real truth about who I am—who we are—she’d lose all trust in me, even what little bit I’ve earned.



Chapter Twenty-Seven


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