Home > Strings Attached(23)

Strings Attached(23)
Author: Riley Hart

That was strange and better left forgotten. “So are we going shopping or what?”

“Yeah. I’ll go home, shower, and pick you up in an hour?” Harrison said.

“Sounds good. See you then.” I slinked into the building quickly, before he could say or do anything else. I wasn’t sure if agreeing to go shopping together to cover the fact that I’d shared so easily with him was smart, or the worst idea I’d ever had.






On my way back to my house, I called the closest dealership and asked them to bring a truck over for me. If Zander found something he liked, I wanted to make sure he was able to get it. I could see him making an excuse, not wanting to put me out.

I showered and changed just as two of my employees arrived with the vehicle. One had driven the truck, the other following in another car to take her back. I tipped them both heftily, then made the quick drive to Zander and Ross’s. I smiled when I saw he was downstairs already, waiting for me. I couldn’t believe what he’d told me today. He kept those things so close to his chest, I hadn’t expected him to share so easily, and I was glad he had. I wanted to get to know him even more, to learn the things that made him tick.

I pulled up at the sidewalk, technically in a no-parking zone. He was looking at his phone, not having noticed me, so I lowered the passenger window. “You looking for a ride, handsome?”

His gaze shot up. He frowned at the truck, then rolled his eyes, but a small smile teased his lips as he jogged over and jumped in. “You’re ridiculous.”

“I like to be prepared.”

“You like to spoil people, is what you do. I don’t need that, ya know? We’re friends who are fucking. I’m already letting you in my pants. You don’t have to do shit like this.”

It was my turn to frown as I pulled back into busy traffic. “You have such a skewed idea of kindness. I’m not doing it to have sex with you. I already know how much you like my dick.” I glanced his way and winked. “I’m the best you’ve—”

“You say it, and I’m jumping out of this vehicle. I’ll then get hit by a car, and it’ll be all your fault. Do you want that on your conscience?”

I let out a low chuckle. He was so damn cute. “I would never forgive myself.”

“Then you just remember that before you go saying certain things.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.”

“Where are we going?”

I knew he’d effectively cut off the conversation about why I did nice things for him, but I let it go. We’d gone rounds about it before. I’d just have to prove to him that I valued our friendship, and part of that came with being there for someone. “That’s up to you. Do you have a favorite place you’ve found yet?”

“Not really. I’m up for anything inexpensive.”

I nodded and drove him toward a shopping center that had two strip malls across the street from one another. There was a discount clothing store, a resell with old furniture, a thrift shop, and this old mom-and-pop, which was a mishmash of everything. You never knew what you’d find there. “So our main objective for today is clothes and at least one bookcase?”

“Yes, and if you accept this mission…”

I let go of the steering wheel to playfully smack his thigh. “Be nice to me, Mr. Wescott.”

“It’s seriously hot to hear that in your deep voice.”

“Does it get you hard?” I made it obvious I was looking at his groin. “I can call you that next time we fuck.”

“Well, now I’m chubbing up. Stop talking to me like that before we go shopping. I have things to do today, and they don’t include you.”

I chuckled again, reached over, and brushed my fingers over his face. A flare of surprise flashed in his eyes, so I dropped my hand away. I didn’t want this to seem like anything more than what it was.

We went to the discount clothing store first. We walked inside and headed for the pants.

“Are you sure this isn’t weird?” Zander asked.

“Gonna have to give me a little more to go on than that.”

“Us. Shopping together.”

“It’s only weird if you make it that way…which you’re good at.” I winked.

“Hey, who needs to be nice now?”

“You still.”

“Bastard.” He nudged me. “Now leave me alone. I figure I can get by with two new pairs of slacks. I have a couple of good pairs at home. I’m already the youngest teacher there. I don’t want to go in looking the part of broke, drunk college kid.”

“Two will likely get you by. And if not, maybe you can buy one more on payday.” I wanted to offer to help, not because I felt sorry for him, but because I used to be him. I’d been worse off than him because I’d had Ross. It wasn’t easy to make money stretch. I didn’t know where all of his went, since he was a young, single person, but it was clear it went somewhere. I also knew him well enough to know my offer would insult and upset him, so instead I just watched him shop.

He was…picky, to say the least. He looked through each rack a hundred times, grabbing slacks, taking them down, and putting them back. The prices here couldn’t be beat, and I think he knew that.

“I lost Ross here once.”

He looked at me and gave me a shy smile. “Really? You used to shop here?”

“Yep. Most of Ross’s clothes came from here when he was young. Mine too. He was three when I lost him. The kid grew like a weed and needed clothes. I was exhausted from work and school, broke, you name it. They had a sale table with kids clothes. The deals were incredible, and I got distracted calculating how much I could afford. He was walking by then, of course, and hated the cart, and…he was just gone. All these horrible scenarios ran through my mind. I’ve never been so scared in my life. I was frantically running around the store, looking for him. All I could think was…I can’t do this. I’m not good enough. What kind of father loses their son?”

“The human kind, Harrison. You’re not perfect. No one is. You were there for Ross, always. That’s what matters.”

I nodded. “Logically, I know that, but in the moment…well, in the many, many moments I thought that over the years, I couldn’t see it. Anyway, I found him. He’d gone to the toy section and gotten a dump truck, then had hidden in the middle of one of the circular clothes racks. After I nearly squeezed him to death, so thankful I’d found him, I realized he was hiding because he knew I wouldn’t get him that toy and he wanted it so badly. He was too young to understand why I couldn’t.”

I rubbed a hand over my chest, the pain of that acknowledgment still raw and intense. “So…I bought it along with the clothes and then only ate Top Ramen instead of actual meals for the next few days to make up for it. He ate better.” I grinned, but it felt forced.

Zander was watching me, his head cocked, an expression in his eyes I couldn’t quite read.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to get depressing all of a sudden. I just haven’t been here in a long time. I can’t help but remember that day when I’m here.”

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