Home > The Life : First Love Only Love(15)

The Life : First Love Only Love(15)
Author: Jordan Silver

I opened the door, and my eyes went immediately to her. She looked up just then from her place on the floor where she seemed to be entangled with my sisters beneath a mountain of pillows as feathers floated through the air. For a split second, she looked different. There was a spark in her that I hadn’t expected or the effect it would have on me.

Her face shone with glee, and her eyes shone bright, nothing at all like the girl I’d first met, just a short week or so ago, or the way she’d looked the day I picked her up off the floor with glue in her hair. It’s like watching a butterfly leave its cocoon and spread its wings for the first time. There was something otherworldly special about her laughter and smile, something I hadn’t noticed before.

The room was a mess from their pillow fight. “I thought you were doing homework?” Did my voice sound gruff? I guess it did when she jumped up from off the floor, and her usual somber look came back on her face.

“We were, sorry we got distracted.”

What the hell did I just do? And why? I know why. I was jealous, jealous of her having fun with anyone else, sharing her laughter with anyone else but me—even my own sisters. I made matters worse or at the very least more tense when I shut the door and walked away without another word.

Lance didn’t say anything as he followed me out to the garage, which was more worrying than his usual gab. I bypassed the hummer and went for Pop’s Bugatti Chiron Super Sport. Known as the fastest car in the world, I felt the need for speed. Not sure what I’m out running, but something is riding me hard. “Strap in!”

He looked like a kid in a candy store when I punched it, daring Pop’s team to keep up in their G-Class. “Aren’t you afraid that I’d run us into a pole?”

“You won’t, not with me in the car.” There was a wealth of meaning behind those words, and they were both heartening and worrying to me.

“Did Pop call you?”

“What goes on with my uncle and I have nothing to do with you. Speaking of which, dad sent a command for you to come to the house tomorrow night, no excuses.”

Meaning, Pop was worried about me, so he called up Uncle Marvin, the priest, another worrier, and they’d sent their stool pigeon to reel me in. “I’ll be there.”

We pulled up outside the Alden mansion in ten minutes instead of twenty, and I buzzed the gate, which opened seconds later. The place looked dead, too quiet for a family of five, two of them being young preteen boys. The housekeeper answered the door looking surprised to see us there. “Were you looking for Lisa? She’s not here.”

“No, actually, I’m looking for Mrs. Alden.” Her smile became much more welcoming then. “None of the family are here right now. Mrs. Aden decided at the last minute to take the kids away for fall break, and they all left this morning.”

“Fall break isn’t for another week.”

“I know, but she said since the kids can turn their assignments in online, it didn’t make a difference either way. Was she expecting you? She must’ve forgotten. I’ll let her know you came by.”

“That’ll be fine, thanks.” I turned and left with Lancelot keeping stride with me and could feel his stare on the side of my head. “Spit it out.”

“You’re becoming Uncle Draco.” I just looked at him without uttering a word as we headed back to the car.






I left the house not long after the boys did and headed for the meet I’d set up. I’d hoped this meet wouldn’t happen for a long time, if ever, but the way things had been going this last week or so, I’m not taking any chances. Once I dug through and saw the things my son has been up to, I knew I had to act.

I know the signs, but I wonder if he does. I’d instilled all that I am in Gabe in hopes that my son, after learning that he wasn’t of my body, would never doubt that he’s mine. Now I think maybe he’d learned too well. It was like watching a repeat of my life after meeting his mom. That fiery need to protect the woman you love can’t be matched by anything else, and I know the lengths I’ve gone to and still do to keep her safe.

The only reason I haven’t annihilated the one who hurt her is because I have no idea where her father is or if he had anything to do with his disappearance. Sofia still believes her dad had cut ties all those years ago to keep her whereabouts hidden, but I’m not so sure.

On the other hand, Gabe has nothing standing in his way, and he seems set on a course of destruction that will make our little town spin on its axis. The things he’d done, the information he’d dug up in such a short space of time, was surprising in itself, but it is the way in which he’d used and is using that information that's got me worried.

Every step has been calculated; no stone left unturned. And the fact that it looked like my own father was letting the boy use his resources was making me sweat. I pulled into the parking lot of the out-of-the-way warehouse and drove around back out of view of the street that was barely used by the public.

The young men I’d called here were already waiting. Marcus and Matthew, the Jamaican twins who excel in all forms of hand-to-hand combat from Korean Han Mu Do to Israeli Krav Maga, leaned against the building as if they didn’t have a care in the world, while Robert the expert marksman paced back and forth as if restless.

That boy is never happy unless he has his eye to a scope. Denver was the last of the group, his proficiency in Paranza Corta is the reason he’s here.

“I thought you said we weren’t going to be needed for a while; what changed?” Robert, the most restless of the group, spoke up before I could even greet them. “Good evening to you too, Rob.”

“Oh, sorry, I was just nervous, thought something happened to the kid before we could get into place.”

“Not yet, we haven’t reached that point yet, but I fear we might be close. Now everyone remembers the drill, right? He might recognize each of you individually, but whatever you do, do not let on that you remember him; it’s all just a coincidence. If you let on at all that you know him, he’ll figure out why you’re there in no time, and your job will become impossible.”

“These are the people around him.” I handed them each a printed-out photo of Lance, Gia, and the twins. “Don’t ever mess with any of them. I don’t have to remind you where you know him from or the fact that he’s as good as each one of you at what you do.”

“That’s why we don’t understand why we’re needed. You’ve never explained that part.” Denver chewed on the toothpick he kept in the crease of his lips.

“You’re his eyes and ears for now. As time goes on, you may become more, but that’s up to him and how well you do your jobs.”

“This friend of his, what’s the story? Is he any trouble?”

“That’s Lance; Gabe doesn’t see him as a friend, that’s his brother, and no, he’s no trouble unless you do something to harm Gabe or his sisters.”

“Speaking of which, who’s this other girl? I recognize the twins, but she doesn’t look familiar.”

“That’s Gabe’s woman; steer clear. Your only interactions with her must be through him if you want to keep your heads where they are. She’s the reason for you being called in at this time. I’m not expecting much fallout from this particular situation, but I don’t expect him to stop there.”

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