Home > The Life : First Love Only Love(17)

The Life : First Love Only Love(17)
Author: Jordan Silver

“I doubt it.”

“How come?”

“Because Draco Russo pays for him to go there.” Let her make of that what she will.

She didn’t say much as we walked down to the pond where the swans and ducks were bedding down for the night. It struck me then that while she was here enjoying the serenity of my backyard, her family was imploding because of my instigation. No doubt her soft heart would feel for them. That’s why I’m not telling her anything until it’s all over with.

I was so deep in thought I didn’t realize she was staring up at me. “Did you say something?”

“I asked where you went earlier.” I opened my mouth to answer and realized I couldn’t lie to her. Not that I didn’t want to, I couldn’t. The words wouldn’t form on my lips, and I panicked. “I…” She studied me, waiting for an answer with the moonlight shining in her hair and her eyes sparkling like stars.

“I had something to do.” I lowered my head as I spoke, telling myself that I was doing this to keep her from prying any further, but my heart knew better. It knocked against my chest so hard with excitement I was sure she’d hear it.

It was better than the first time. Softer, sweeter, and without much haste. It started out as just a way to keep her from talking and ended up being so much more. Inexperienced me, thought tasting her went beyond imagination. I’ve read enough classics to know that the flowery words floating around in my head and that feeling of immense joy rushing through me spelled danger.

But then she got just a little bit closer, sighed into my mouth a little harder, and my nerve endings were on fire, my every sense inflamed. That thing I felt the first time I saw her as if I’d been zapped by some unseen force was back a thousandfold. And I think for the first time, I truly knew what it meant to fly close too close to the sun.

Everything about her became superimposed behind my closed lids, her slenderness, the fact that I was a good foot taller, and so much harder. Her softness was like a lure, and the faint scent of her mother’s perfume that she wore all came together to mesmerize, and I was having a hard time pulling away. Then when I did, when I tried putting an end to what I knew would only lead to the danger zone, she did that clinging shit that guts me, and I became potter’s clay in her hands.

My tongue played with hers, chasing it from her mouth to mine and back. I nibbled at the corner of her lips when breathing became necessary, only to dive back in when her hands gripped the back of my sweater, her way of telling me she needed more. It’s only when I cupped the back of her tiny little head in my hand that reality slammed into me hard, and I awakened from whatever living dream she’d dragged me into.

I can’t do this, shouldn’t, it will only hurt her in the end. I thought the words but didn't say them out loud as I eased my lips gently away from hers, which followed. She was still caught up in our shared moment; the fever brightness of her eyes when they finally opened on mine was a testament to that, and I fought with everything in me not to go back for more.

It would be monstrous to take this any further, to let it go on any longer, especially tonight, the night when her family’s world is being turned upside down. For some reason, I don’t want her looking back on this day, this night, seeing anything but my care for her. “Let’s go back.

She opened her mouth as if to speak to question, and I gave her the only honest answer I could. “I’ll protect you from everything, even myself.” Without another word, I took her hand and led her back to the house in silence.






“What did my son ask you to do?” I’d waited until after dinner, and the coast was clear to run Tony, one of my most trusted guys, to ground. Lance was upstairs being harassed by the twins, Sofia and Sheila were having their evening tea in the kitchen, and Gabe and his girl were down by the pond feeding the swans or something.

“Oh, hi boss. Kid just asked me to wait for the Fontane woman to leave the house after dropping off the money and go back inside to grab it.”

“Come again? He asked you to take back the money you’d just given her?”

“Yeah, did I do something wrong? You did say to do whatever he asks once he turned eighteen, I thought….”

“No-no, you’re fine; I’m just wondering what’s his reason for doing that. I won’t ask you because I’m sure he didn’t share.” I went back inside to wait for Gabe to return so I could get an answer, and it wasn’t long before he came walking through the door.

He looked… different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was until our eyes met, and I saw misery and confusion mixed with just a hint of excitement. Thank fuck! Maybe she’d entangle him enough to keep him out of shit. “Can I see you a minute, son?” He said something to her and sent her up the stairs ahead of him before following me back into the home office.

“I’ll just get right to it. What was the reason for having Tony take back the money?” I knew he wouldn’t waste time asking how I knew because the boy isn’t an idiot. Of course, he knows I keep my nose in his shit. Hell, his grandfather does the same to me and his uncle Garrett to the point where it’s damn near a tradition.

“If the Feds search her place and find that amount of counterfeit money, she’d never make bail. As it stands, she only tried passing a few grand, a little less than twenty, so there’s room to maneuver. She can lie her way out of this one for as long as it takes to get out on bail.”

“Well, what do you plan to do with the money?”

“Give it back to her, of course, but only when I’m done with her.” His smirk was not to be trusted.

“And you thought of all this before things went down.”

“Yeah! Now I just need her to make bail so I can torment her until they put her away for a long, long time.”

“Son, you, never mind.” What the hell am I going to say to him? I taught him this shit. Never leave your enemies standing; it only breeds contempt and gives them ideas about revenge and other costly shit. “Go on upstairs; I’m still working on the bail thing.” I watched him leave with a sinking feeling in my gut. Being proud and scared at the same time is a new cocktail mix for me.






“Victoria, little Vicky, is that you?” I turned to the man that was addressing me with scorn. I’d been sitting here in this dingy waiting room forever, expecting Felix to come to get me. I knew that once they saw how much money he had and what a big shot he was that they’d let mom and me go. But I wasn’t expecting this disheveled stranger to approach me out of nowhere, calling out to me as if he knew me. And that name, no one has called me that since….

“Who are you?”

“I’m your father, don’t you remember me?” I got up from the chair and backed away from him slowly, shaking my head as I reached back to the wall for support.

“No, my father is dead.”

“Is that what she told you?”






Blessed peace. The house is quiet for once, and I can be sure of a few minutes at least without being harangued by Becky or Victoria, both of whom can’t seem to get over the fact that Gia isn’t here and won’t be any time soon. I’m still not convinced that the Russo kid knows what he’s talking about, but it’s been days, and my daughter still hasn’t reached out. She must be really upset with me.

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