Home > The Life : First Love Only Love(8)

The Life : First Love Only Love(8)
Author: Jordan Silver

As planned, the twins kept Gianna mostly out of things, so though she was the topic of conversation, she hardly said a word; they and their friends did all the talking. I knew Victoria wouldn’t even think about messing with my sisters, but that wasn’t the plan anyway; this was just the windup. Setting a path in stone for her to follow so she could trip and break her damn neck.

Two new people I didn’t know joined the crowd that had started to gather and walked over to the twins. “Anna, Rosa, I’m Emily, this is Rachel, um, what’s going on?” These two were older than the twins, but they acted like they were almost afraid to speak. It’s weird what having more money and prestige can do among others with the same.

In the media, our school prides itself on being down to earth and humble. In reality, it produces most of the snobs in the country and around the world. They don’t teach it, at least they wouldn’t call it that, but there should be a course on elitism because they do it so well here. Add the fact that Pop has a reputation in this town, and Ma is like the matron of all things she surveys, and well, you get the picture.

So it wasn’t that surprising that these two daughters of monied families approached the Russo twins with reverence. They should stop because my sisters eat that shit up for fun and would have no qualms about using it to their advantage. But today, their every move was for Gianna, so they played nice.

“Oh, did you two get your e-invites? The physical ones will be in the mail soon. We’ve had a hard time choosing the ones we like. Will you be there?”

“How do you even know us?”

“Oh, that was Gia; she said you two are the only ones who never gave her shit, so of course we wanted you there,” Anna spoke loud enough for Victoria and her friends to hear.

“Really? But we didn’t do anything; we just didn’t join in when others were mean to her.”

“That’s cool; it’s still better than the rest. So, are you coming or not?”

“Of course, my mom already signed the NDA; she was so hyped.” I finally got that these were the two girls in Gianna’s class that the twins had told me about.


“Is it true there’s a trip to Turk's and Caicos for those who are invited?”

“Oh, yeah, the week after our birthday is fall break, so Pop's letting us take the jet. Our parents will call your parents to get their approval if you’re interested in going, of course.”

“Are you kidding?” The two girls looked at each other and then over at Gianna, who was standing between Lance and me, looking like a spectator at a contact sport.

“Close your mouth, baby. Whatever the twins say, don’t act surprised.” I removed my shades and covered her eyes which was missed by no one.

I didn’t have to do shit; the Russo twins were in fine form, outperforming even my highest expectations. Someone else spoke up from the crowd. “Do you really know that popstar?”

“Which one?”

“The one in the picture on the school forum, it looked like she was having dinner with you guys.”

“Oh, yeah, she’s our God-sister.”

“Will she be performing at your party?”

“She’s an invited guest, but she promised to perform a song for our brother and Gia to dance to.”

All eyes turned our way, and another round of whispers was started behind their not-so-subtle disclosure. I had to subtly hold Gianna up when her knees threatened to give out. “Gabriel!” She looked up at me through the opaque lenses, but I could feel the panic in her even if I couldn’t see her eyes. In for a penny, in for a pound. I kissed her nose and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

“You’re doing fine, not much longer now.” My little show of affection didn’t go unnoticed, and it felt good having my arm there, so I left it even after the speculation had started to die down. There was a lot of murmuring amongst those who wouldn’t be getting an invite to the party while those who were bragged and boasted. It’s not our usual style, but it was all for her, and I could see from the looks on Victoria and her friends’ faces that it was working like a charm.

“So, Gia, is that your hair? Somebody said it was a wig.” I had to nudge her to get her to answer.

“Oh, no, it’s mine.”

“Really? Who did it?” She looked at the twins, who were only too quick to answer.


“Justine? The Justine?”

“That’s the one.”

“Bullshit, I hear she has a waiting list a mile long; how’d you pull that off?”

“She’s our stylist.” Rosa shrugged like it was no big deal. Just one last push was needed, and Lance delivered it as if he’d been coached, which I’m sure he had been. “And to think, someone put glue in her hair to destroy it. Jealousy is an ugly thing, and so is anyone who gives into it.” He looked at Victoria and her friends when he said this, and the fallout was perfection.

"What heinous hag did that shit?" Tasha always did have a way with words, and her pointed look sent Victoria's way left no doubt as to who the culprit was. The rest of the crowd picked it up, and before long, Victoria was getting a firsthand look at what her future here would look like. She had yet to open her mouth, which, as is with most bullies when confronted by someone stronger, is to be expected. The bell finally rang, bringing an end to this round.

“I’m not going to walk you to your class today; I have something to do. Don’t be afraid, just walk like you usually do. No matter what happens, do not react; keep walking. By the way, may I borrow my phone?”

She handed it to me with shaking hands, then looked over at Victoria, and I almost gave in and walked her, but that would only defeat the purpose. The next scene in this play depended entirely on me not being there, though of course, I will be; she just wouldn’t know it, and neither would anyone else.

I gave the twins a nod, and we all walked off in our own direction, they with their friends, Gianna with her two new pals who hadn’t stopped gushing and thanking her once I exited the scene with Lance on my heels and Victoria with two of her friends. I have no idea where the other three were, but there was no sign of them anywhere.

I knew where she would walk and chose the best vantage point so I could see what I knew was coming. “You sure about this?”

“Yeah, it sucks, but I need this to happen so I can do what I have to for her.”

“Okay, but you better keep your cool if things go south.”

“You sound more worried than I am.”

No, he sounded as worried as I was, but I couldn’t let it show. There was no time for second-guessing. We walked in the opposite direction in a roundabout way and ended up behind them. Victoria, as expected, had cornered her. We were just in time to see her snatch the beret from Gianna’s head, and one of her friends actually tugged on her hair to see if it was real.

It wasn’t harmful, more like genuine curiosity, but it was enough to serve my purpose. They were all surprised, including Gianna, when I walked up on them. “What do you think you’re doing? Get your hands off her.”

“Are you fucking her now, is that it?”

“Whoa, Victoria.” Lance tried to check her, not at all pleased with where things were going.

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