Home > Outlaw (Devil's Fury MC #2)(12)

Outlaw (Devil's Fury MC #2)(12)
Author: Harley Wylde

She wandered off in the direction of the kitchen and I made sure she was out of sight before opening the door. The Prospect on the other side shoved the pizzas at me and took off running. Either he thought I was pissed, had been warned away by Grizzly, or he had a job to do. Whatever the case, I was alone again with the hot little Latina in my house. And there was food… didn’t get much better than that.

Top three things a man needed to survive were all available now. Pizza, beer, and sex. While I wouldn’t take what Elena didn’t offer, I had no doubt that I would have her screaming my name again. She was mine, even if she didn’t realize it yet.



Chapter Five



What was it about the sexy biker that made me feel so at ease? We’d talked and laughed over pizza. While he’d had a few beers, I’d stuck with water. The two drinks I’d had at the clubhouse were going to be my first and only. After that experience, I didn’t see myself ever wanting another drink. Granted, I may not have met Outlaw if someone hadn’t spiked my drink. They were convinced that had happened, but I didn’t want to believe it. Why would someone do that to another person? What if I’d tried to drive back to the motel and I’d died, or hit someone else?

The club seemed to one hundred percent believe drugs had been put into at least one of my beers. Although, Outlaw seemed more interested in my foster family and Garrison West than in me being drugged. I didn’t understand why. Was I concerned they might come looking for me? Sure, but it wasn’t like they could force me to go with them. I was over eighteen and they didn’t control my actions. If I wanted to leave, then I could. Simple as that. I’d only wanted to sneak away to avoid confrontation.

“It’s getting late,” Outlaw said. “I’ll check outside before I lock up. Your bag should be here by now.”

“Is that secret code for you want sex? Or do you actually want to go to sleep?”

He smirked at me. “Baby girl, I’m always up for sex, but you’ve had one hell of a day. Probably should get some rest.”

He wasn’t wrong about that. Between driving all the way here, then the incident at the clubhouse, the mind-blowing orgasms he’d given me, and all the time we’d spent talking, I had no doubt that dawn would be here soon. Not that it seemed I’d be leaving anytime soon. Was it wrong that I’d gotten a bit of a thrill when he’d said if he took my virginity that he’d keep me? Did that mean there was something wrong with me? Women didn’t really like the caveman routine, did they? I had to admit it kind of turned me on when he got all bossy.

“And where am I sleeping?” I asked, remembering he’d mentioned only having one bed.

“With me,” he said. “Safest place for you is right by my side.”

I couldn’t tell if that was a line or if he really meant it. Yes, he was a badass biker, but wasn’t I just as safe on the couch? We were behind a fence. A guarded one at that. I didn’t think they let people through unless they wanted them here. Of course, the guy who had let me in didn’t exactly check my car or anything. I could have easily brought a gun inside and he wouldn’t have known it. Maybe Outlaw was right to be cautious.

He stood and reached for my hand, tugging me in his wake. “Come on. I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.”

A shiver skated down my spine. The good kind. It would be so easy to just give myself to him, let him call the shots. Staying with Outlaw wouldn’t be a hardship. He was sexy as hell, and I didn’t doubt for a second that I’d enjoy every moment of my time with him. I’d always wanted my freedom, to have a life that was of my own choosing. That was the keyword. Choice. Did I want a job and a place of my own? Sure. But I also wanted Outlaw. If having him meant that I couldn’t have those other things, it was a trade I was willing to make. I’d felt more alive tonight than I ever had before.

He held onto me as he got my bag from outside and locked up the house, then led me down the hall to the bedroom. My bag was tossed near the dresser. Then he pulled the covers down and I slid into the bed, scooting over to give him room. I was still wearing his shirt, and only his shirt, but it made me feel a little bit naughty. I’d never gone to bed without panties on before, or pajamas for that matter. Outlaw stripped all the way down and my jaw dropped. He was going to sleep naked? Like, completely, totally naked? I may have not ever shared a bed with a guy before, but that wasn’t normal, was it? Did all men just crawl into bed without any clothes on?

“Um.” My mouth opened and shut a few times, but I couldn’t seem to string two words together. Should I demand he put something on? He’d probably just laugh at me if I did. Outlaw didn’t seem like the type to follow directions, especially from a woman. Maybe I should be offended by that, but I wasn’t.

He winked at me. “Sorry, babe. Don’t own pajamas.”

Outlaw turned off the lights and got into bed, immediately reaching for me. I went willingly enough, curling against him. The fact his cock was starting to get hard and push against me was more than a bit distracting, but if he could ignore it, then I could certainly try to do the same. I’d never shared a bed with someone before and I felt a little awkward. I placed my hand on his side as I cuddled closer, my head tucked under his chin. It was rather nice, and I felt my body start to relax.

The strength of him surrounding me, his scent teasing my nose, the warmth of his body pressed against mine… I’d never felt so wanted in my entire life. So… protected. No one had ever been that affectionate with me, not that I remembered. My memories of my parents had faded over the years. I remembered my mother giving me hugs, but I didn’t remember how it had felt, or how she smelled. Sometimes her face was even a little hazy in my mind.

My foster parents had only shown affection when people were looking, and even then they were on the reserved side. It was strange that some man I’d never met before, one who admitted to not walking on the right side of the law -- as if his name weren’t enough of a clue -- could make me feel cherished when those in my life who were supposed to take care of me didn’t have that same effect.

“You’re thinking too hard,” he murmured. “Sleep, Elena. You’ll need it.”

He pressed his cock against me and I got the message loud and clear. I needed sleep because he wanted to keep awake doing other things. My cheeks warmed as I thought about him taking my V-card. Then I remembered what he’d said earlier. Was he even going to give me a choice? For that matter, did I want him to? I’d never felt so confused, and yet certain, at the same time. He left me reeling, but I knew that I wanted what he was offering.

“You said you weren’t going to have sex with me because then you’d keep me.”

He chuckled, but it was a harsh sound. “That’s because I am keeping you. You’re right where you’re supposed to be.”

No asking. Just telling. I should have been angry. Yelled, screamed, told him that he had no say over what I did. I was a grown-ass woman in charge of my own life. And yet… all I felt was this warmth, like I’d finally found the place where I belonged. I’d read countless romance novels, and I’d always sighed when the heroine found her prince. Outlaw was far from Prince Charming, but maybe he was just what I needed. I had to wonder if he was the piece that had been missing from my life. I’d always thought it was loving parents, but now I wasn’t so sure.

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