Home > Cupid Gets Struck(22)

Cupid Gets Struck(22)
Author: Alexa Riley

“I like your dirty details.” I watch his nose flare at my confession and his eyes go to my mouth.

“He should have taken his beating and let it go. I should have known that he’d never let that be the end of it.”

No he wouldn’t. Men like Gabe let their egos do the work. He thinks he can take and have anything he want. Someone put him in his place and he didn’t like it.

“I’m kind of glad he didn’t.”

I let out a small gasp. If Gabe Conner hadn’t pressed those charges maybe Rocco never would have gone to prison. We could have been together all this time.

“You’re not the only woman those Conner men have attacked. It seems it runs in the family.”

I swallow hard and try not to think of all their dirty deeds. I had a feeling that might be the case. It’s something I brought up when I was pushing about Rocco being behind bars for something that I honestly thought hadn’t gone far enough.

Maybe I’m not as sweet as Rocco thinks. Somehow, though, he reads my thoughts. Maybe all those letters made it easy for him to know where I stand because I told him everything I was thinking no matter how small.

“He’s dead.” I sit there shocked for a moment.

“Good,” I say, but then my mind churns. “But—”

“As much as I would have loved to have the honor, he flipped his car running from the cops.”

“Holy shit, why was he running?” I wiggle in closer to Rocco, wanting to know everything. This might not be a stand-up-and-cheer moment, but it’s a victory.

“Because their world was burning down around them.” He smirks at that. “They could only do so much shit before it began to pile up and they couldn’t pay them all off.”

“Because not everyone can be bought,” I add, and it makes Rocco smile.

I was one of them, but I used the money they tried to buy me off with against them. I know there are good men in this world because of Rocco. I also know there have to be others in the legal system that are good too. Ones that are all too happy to go after the Conner family with a smile on their face.

Rocco rolls us so that he’s over me and his big thighs part mine easy.

“No, not everyone can be bought,” he agrees, leaning down to kiss me.

I wrap myself around him and it’s still hard to believe that he’s here and that he’s real. Good won and it’s all so perfect.

“You going to be my Valentine?” he asks against my mouth, changing the subject for now. I don’t mind in the least. Right now I don’t want to think about those men anymore. Not while we’re in our bed.

“I’ve never had one before,” I admit. “Unless you count when I was in the third grade and—”

I’m cut off by the deep growl from Rocco. “Don’t talk about other men.”

I burst into a fit of laughter. “It was the third grade,” I giggle. He doesn’t find it as funny as I do and I gasp when he slides deep inside of me suddenly. I didn’t notice his thick cock pushing closer until he thrust to the hilt inside of me.

“You’re not laughing now.” I try to thrust up, wanting him to move. I’m so not laughing now, and I watch as he fights a smirk.

“I have to tell you. You’re even hotter when you’re jealous,” I moan as he starts to slide in and out of me slowly. My pussy squeezes him because he’s so big, but somehow he fits.

“I’m going to fix that.” He stops moving and I try again to move my hips. A whimper of need escapes me and I don’t understand what he’s saying. It’s hard to concentrate with him inside of me.

“You won’t need my jealousy because soon you’ll see how much attention and love I give you. You’ll get it in that pretty head of yours that you’re my world.” My eyes water at what he’s saying. I hadn’t thought about it that way. That seeing him jealous over me made me feel like someone was clamoring for all my attention. That’s something I’ve never had in my life until him.

“I know you will.” I want him to know I believe he will fix things inside of me I didn’t know were even broken. I can only hope I can give him that too.

“She’s getting it,” he groans, thrusting again and giving me what I want so badly.

He’s also giving me the most perfect Valentine’s Day a girl could ever want. He’s giving me every part of him and all of his love. There’s nothing else I want more.









“Mrs. Honey, this is Rocco,” Lizzy says as she squeezes my arm and looks up at me with so much pride in her eyes.

She doesn’t look at me like I’ve been in jail or done some things that might scare people away. She looks at me like I’ve created heaven on earth just for her and she’s never been happier.

“These are for you,” I say, holding out a bouquet of roses. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“You’re not only handsome but a charmer, too,” Mrs. Honey says, surprising me. “You remind me of my late husband Edward. He was a bear of a man.”

This sweet old lady eyes me up and down like I’m a piece of meat and I’m not ashamed to say I have to take a small step back.

“Mrs. Honey, if you think he’s good looking you might need to get that prescription checked,” Mike says as he comes up behind her and puts his arm on her shoulder. His pregnant wife Sherry is on the couch behind him with her hands on her belly.

I explained to Lizzy that Mike was in it from the beginning and had befriended Mrs. Honey. They were all keeping an eye on my girl, and I owe them big time. I thought she’d be upset that everyone around her was in on the secret, but I think she was touched that so many people were trying to keep her safe. She is loved by everyone that meets her, and I knew the more people with eyes on her the better. She understood and I’m thankful she wasn’t too pissed at me. I promised her to never do it again, but I don’t plan on letting her more than five feet from me ever again.

“I think her eyesight is just perfect,” Lizzy says as she leans up against me.

“Come in and have some cake,” Mrs. Honey says as she puts the roses in water, and then we walk into the living room. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. I didn’t have a chance before you were sent away.”

“I’m just glad you’re okay,” I say, sitting down across from her and taking her hands into mine. “I’m so grateful for you looking after my Lizzy for me. And I’m so sorry you got caught up in all this.”

“The doctors told me it was a mild poisoning and I’m lucky that my senses are still so sharp that I knew something was wrong with my tea. I only had a sip before I spit it out.”

“We found out that the Conners did it to try and intimidate Lizzy. They were hoping to isolate her so that she didn’t have anyone around her to see her go missing,” Mike says, and I close my eyes at his words.

“Thank god you’re alright,” Lizzy says as she places her hands on top of ours. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.” She sniffs and it pulls at my heart.

“There’s still a lot of life left in me, sweet girl, so dry those tears.”

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