Home > Tequila Trails (The MacAllen Boys #5)(45)

Tequila Trails (The MacAllen Boys #5)(45)
Author: Jessica Mills

When she was clean, she hurried back to Alex’s side. “What do we do next, Doc?” she said, turning to him.

He looked at her, a little awestruck. “You’re ready for more, Miss MacAllen?”

“Let’s get this calf into the world already,” she said with a wink. When he smiled at her, her insides filled with heat. Right then, she didn’t have to worry about the bullshit between them. Now was the time to put that aside and focus on the miracle of life.









The tension in the barn was at a fever pitch. Luckily, Gavin had decided he’d seen enough and left just before things fell apart. Just after he’d congratulated Brenne on a job well done, things had taken a turn for the worse. The heifer’s blood pressure had dropped, and it was touch and go as to whether they’d get the calf out alive. He’d even feared losing the mother along with the baby.

Hours later, he collapsed into the straw as he finally guided the calf into the light. The MacAllens started caring for the calf, wiping it down and making sure its breathing passage was clear. Brenne had assisted as he checked the mother. “There could be internal bleeding.”

Her face was grim as she went about gently cleaning the heifer. For two more hours, she watched over the mother with him. It was the wee hours before he was satisfied that the heifer had stabilized and would make it through the night.

The men with wives had gone already, but Jack and Jameson had remained in the calving barn, getting the calf cleaned up and settled in the enclosure. They’d been playing cards at the table in the corner for the last hour.

“They’re both going to make it,” Alex said after he’d cleaned up. Wiping his hand on a towel, he stopped next to the table.

Jameson looked up. “Appreciate it, Alex. I never had any doubt.”

Jack laid down his hand. “Royal flush. Beat that, old man.”

Setting his cards on the table face down, Jameson shrugged a shoulder. “Doesn’t count, buddy. Game’s over. Alex just said.”

Jack scattered the cards in a fit of anger. “Remind me never to put money on the line with you, Cheater MacAllen.” He stood, giving Alex a nod, then stormed out of the barn.

“Little brothers,” Jameson said, rolling his eyes.

“Almost as bad as little sisters,” Alex said, thinking of his own sibling who was still lurking around the farm.

“Thanks for what you did tonight,” Jameson said, standing and shaking Alex’s hand. “We never like to lose a life, but it hurts to lose the calf and especially the heifer. That’s a financial hit that’s hard to take.”

Alex nodded. “She should be fine. I’ll come back tomorrow to check on her again. If there is any sign of a fever, bleeding, or infection, let me know.”

“Will do.”

They walked to the enclosure where Brenne was looking down at the cows. Jameson put his arm around her. “Let’s head up to the big house. I bet there’s still some biscuits and cream left.”

“I’m going to spend some time here,” Brenne said. “I’ll come up in a bit.”

Jameson opened his mouth to say something, but Alex shook his head. Gesturing for Jameson to step away, he walked the eldest MacAllen brother toward the barn door. His tone low, he spoke. “Let me talk to her. I think she’s a little shook up by the birth. I know how it feels. I’ll make sure she gets up to the house.”

“Thank you,” Jameson said, then yawned. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m about four hours late for my bedtime.” He walked out into the night, and Alex was relieved to see that it had stopped raining at last.

He returned to the enclosure, taking up a place close to Brenne. “How you feeling?”

She swallowed hard. “Not good.” Brenne turned her face away and sniffled, and Alex realized she was crying. Without hesitation, he pulled her into his arms.

Alex put his hand on the back of her head, running his fingers through her hair. “It’s alright, sweetheart,” he said softly. “You did good.”

“What if I—” Her breath hitched. “What if I did something wrong? It’s my fault that she almost—” Brenne let out a sob, and Alex held her tighter.

“No, no. No, baby,” he said, stroking her back. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I swear. You were a hero tonight.”

He wasn’t sure his words had any effect as she sobbed against his chest. Brenne MacAllen was one of the strongest women he knew, but everyone had a limit. Alex knew how she felt about animals, especially ones in her care. She was taking the blame for something she had no control over.

“Brenne, you’re wrong,” he said, lifting her chin and forcing her to meet his gaze. “What you did tonight was incredibly brave. Even if the cow had passed, it wouldn’t have been your fault because you did your best to save her. She was a young cow, and it was her first birth. She must have been skittish for the storm to set her off. But we got the calf out, and both mother and baby are safe.”

She took a long, heavy breath. “Thank you.”

Alex pulled a handkerchief out of his back pocket and handed it to her. Brenne wiped her tears, then daintily blew her nose.

Although he didn’t want to, Alex released her and took a step away. “I’m exhausted, and I bet you are too. I’m sure we’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.” As he said the words, weariness descended. They stepped out of the barn into the cool night air. The sky was clear, the storm having passed, and a bright white moon stared down at them.

“Thank you for all you did tonight,” Brenne said softly.

“You were the best assistant a vet could have asked for,” he replied, smiling. Then he yawned, a long yawn that had Brenne laughing.

“You’re dead on your feet,” she said. “Look, the bunkhouse is right there. You probably shouldn’t be driving if you’re this exhausted. Why don’t you just crash here for a couple of hours and head home when you’ve had some sleep?”

He was too tired to argue. “Lead the way.”

They crossed the field from the calving barn to the bunkhouse. No lights were on, and Brenne paused at the rear door. “Tucker and Ryan have rooms toward the other end. We’ll get you settled in a room down here. Be a little quiet so we don’t disturb them.”

Alex nodded and followed her inside. She pushed open a door on the right side of the hall, flipping on the light once she was inside. Alex closed the door behind him. Two twin beds stood in the wide room, one on either side. “The twins used to sleep in here. Pick whichever bed you want and—” Her words were interrupted by a yawn of her own. “And just strip the bed in the morning before you go.”

Alex set down his bag but didn’t move toward either of the beds. Although he was dead tired, he didn’t want this time with Brenne to end. They weren’t at odds, weren’t worrying about what anyone else would think. They were just comfortable again, like they had been before he’d done the stupidest thing in his life and ended it with her.

She lingered, staring at the floor lost in thought. He crept closer, not wanting to spook her. It was like stalking deer. One wrong move and she’d flee. But she didn’t. She stayed there as he drew alongside her.

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