Home > Tequila Trails (The MacAllen Boys #5)(52)

Tequila Trails (The MacAllen Boys #5)(52)
Author: Jessica Mills

Everheart nodded. “Now, IG hasn’t filed any final development plans with my office yet, which means they shouldn’t be acquiring property to develop without giving us a heads-up first. That’s why I asked whose name the property is in. Let me just call down to the Records Office.”

Alex watched as she picked up her phone and hit a button. She waited, her fingers tapping on the desk, before someone answered. “Theresa! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you. How are Andy and Bella?”

Jameson let out a grunt that said he was less than amused, but Alex was impressed with her personability. “We are going to have to get together for lunch sometime soon. And by the way, could you do me a favor? Could you look up a recent transaction for me? I’m looking for the new owner’s name.”

Everheart gave the clerk on the other end of the line some information, then waited while she searched the system. “Is that so? Thank you, Theresa. And I’m serious about lunch!” She gave a little laugh, then made her farewells.

“Okay, gentlemen,” she said once she’d settled the phone back in its cradle. “I’ve got some interesting news for you. The property was not acquired by IG as you thought. Gavin Jeffries himself is listed as the owner.”

“What does that mean? Can’t he just transfer ownership or something? Why does it matter whose name is on the damn deed?” Jameson’s temper was getting the better of him. Alex should have stepped in himself to carry on the conversation, but he’d just been blindsided by the revelation.

The woman behind the desk let out a long breath. “Look, I don’t have the hours in my day to explain why it matters, but it does. Yes, ownership can transfer, but it wouldn’t make sense for Gavin to do the transfer when he’s got a sweetheart development deal with the state for his company. Any land they plan to develop should go through the company and not the CEO.”

“So you’re saying the land likely changed hands because of personal reasons,” Alex said. His chest tightened when she nodded.

“He wouldn’t be the first billionaire to buy a ranch in some out of the way place and then barely visit.” She looked at them both, her body language as firm as her tone. “I appreciate the very personal nature of IG’s interest in Whiskey River, but at this point, our hands are tied.”

Jameson stood up, and Alex heard him mutter a curse under his breath. He headed out the door without a backward glance. “You’ll have to excuse my friend,” Alex said politely.

“Believe me, I’m used to Jameson MacAllen by now. This was one of the more civil exchanges we’ve had.”

“I’m sorry,” Alex said on Jameson’s behalf. “You were very helpful. Thank you for your time.”

Back in the truck, Jameson didn’t hold back. “This is bullshit. I might as well be hollerin’ down a well!”

Alex had nothing to say. He was lost in his own funk. Gavin bought that farm himself. He’s going to finish his courting and move Brenne right next door.

“What are we going to do about it?” Jameson muttered, his voice filled with futility. “He’s got us licked.”

“Maybe there’s something we’re not considering,” Alex said slowly, the thoughts unfolding in his brain. “Maybe he’s got something else planned for that land, something that has nothing to do with his company.”

“Why would that nerd buy a farm? Sure, he pokes into everything like a bunch of raccoons in a dumpster but a farm? What is he going to do with a farm?”

“You just said it. He’s curious about everything. Maybe he wants to own his own farm just to say he has it. Like Ms. Everheart said, maybe it’s a status symbol.” Alex was trying to convince himself as much as Jameson. If it’s just for show, then maybe he’s not serious about Brenne. Maybe she’s his Whiskey River status symbol, but he can’t hang around here forever.

“I don’t buy it,” Jameson grumbled. “You saw him blow chunks after the birth. He’s not cut out to own a farm, and why buy one when he can just pester us to death with his questions? Something else is going on here.”

Alex frowned, hoping against hope that his friend was wrong.



Jameson let him off at the bar and Alex drove to the family farm. Alex entered the main house looking for some lunch before he set off to make his rounds. He had three house calls on his schedule for the afternoon, and he’d never make it through them all on an empty stomach.

Peggy was sitting at the kitchen table, typing away on her laptop. She looked up at him for a second before returning to her screen. “Egg salad is in the fridge.”

Alex made himself a sandwich, then took a seat at the table. He was in a weird mood, given this morning’s discovery, so he asked the question that had been on his mind for ages. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m writing an email,” she said, a slight hint of peevishness in her tone.

“What are you doing here on the farm? You came before Christmas and are staying through, what, late February? Or do you plan to stick around for Easter too?”

Peggy frowned and slowly closed her laptop. “Took you long enough to ask.” Alex chuckled, and Peggy rested her chin on her hand. “I quit my job in Boston.”

Alex’s eyebrows lifted. “You what? I thought you loved that job.”

“I did, for a long time, but I’ve worked my way through the Boston library system, and I’ve reached the pinnacle there. But I realized I’d be spending the next twenty or thirty years staring at the walls inside the same office, doing the same things, day in and day out. It got claustrophobic after a while.”

“So you quit your job? Why stay in Whiskey River? You couldn’t wait to get out of this town when we were kids.”

“I needed to see what else was out there. And I did. But lately I’ve been missing this town and the people in it. I came home for the holidays, and that’s when I decided to make the change. I quit my job and came back here.”

“Do Mom and Dad know? How long do you plan to stick around? Aren’t you going to get bored?”

“No, I’m not. I’m going to use my time wisely. And yes, Mom and Dad know. They’re being very supportive.”

Alex nodded. “I suppose you could work at one of the libraries in Lubbock. The commute isn’t too bad and we can carpool on the days I’m in town.”

“I didn’t just quit one library to work for another one,” she said in a huff. “I’ve got my own plan.”

“Care to share?” he said mildly as he chewed his sandwich.

“I’m writing a book of essays about our town.”

“You’re writing a book about this town? The town you couldn’t wait to escape from?” Alex could scarcely believe it.

“People can change,” she grumbled. “Besides, someone should document the history of this place and its people before IG changes everything.”

“You’ve given up on your plan, huh? What happened, Brenne wouldn’t go for it?” His tone was casual, but there was a lot riding on how his sister answered.

Peggy’s brows furrowed. “My plan? You mean to have Brenne convince Gavin not to build his headquarters here? Well, from the looks of things, she’s doing pretty well at getting close to him. Who knows? She might still pull it off.”

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