Home > Raven : Gems of Wolfe Island Two(19)

Raven : Gems of Wolfe Island Two(19)
Author: Helen Hardt

“Wake up, baby. Time to go.”

“You mean I can’t stay here?”

“Not this time.”

I left her here the last time, when my plan was to get on a bus to LA. But Pollack figured out who I was. Granted, all he found was my street name. He didn’t know my true identity, and he also didn’t know exactly what my street name meant, but he knew enough.

If a stupid ass like Pollack could figure that much out, who knows what someone with actual brainpower can, which means Katelyn is not safe at my place.

“I had to sublet this place.” The lie is bitter on my tongue. I don’t like lying to Katelyn. But this is for her own safety. “The new tenants will arrive later today.”

“Sublet? You’re going to be gone that long?”

“Probably for at least a month.”

“I’ll come visit you as soon as I can,” she says.

“I’d love that.”

It can’t happen, of course. But again, I don’t want to hurt her.

“So you’ll call me?”

“As soon as I can,” I say.

That isn’t even a lie. The only issue is that I won’t be able to for a while.

“All right.” She gathers her clothes and dresses.

We didn’t make love again last night, just held each other. It seemed like the right thing to do.

I can’t have her worried. I can’t have her scared. I need her to be Katelyn. I need her to be whole for her new job. She needs it as much as I do.

“I’m going to get you a cab to take you back to your place.” I sigh.

“Can’t you take me? Walk with me?”

“I wish I could, but I have to get to the airport.”

She nods. Not smiling.

“Hey,” I say. “I love you, Katelyn. I will always, always love you.”

“I love you too, Luke. Always and forever.”

Once Katelyn is dressed, I walk her downstairs and hold the cab door for her. I kiss her lightly on the lips. I don’t want to draw attention to us.

“Don’t forget,” I say, “I will always love you.”

She nods, gets in the cab, and I close the door for her.

As the yellow sedan drives off, I stand.

I stand there long after the cab has disappeared from my sight.

And I wonder… Is it possible to feel your heart physically break?

Because I’m almost sure mine has cracked in two.









Monday morning, I attempt to throw myself into my work.

Luke hasn’t called.

Not even to tell me he got to LA safely.

I texted the number that I have for him a couple of times, just to check in. One time, I saw the three dots move. My heart sped up as I waited for his response.

It never came.

Despite two more texts to him, I haven’t heard a word.

As soon as I can.

His words reverberate throughout my mind.

I can believe one of two things. One, he no longer loves me and doesn’t care. In my heart, I know that’s not true. So it must be two—it’s not yet possible for him to contact me.

The second thought frightens me, sends chills through my body.

During the last two days, I’ve come close to picking up the phone and purchasing a plane ticket to LA. My mother would be thrilled.

But I haven’t done it. The Wolfes are depending on me for this job, which they gave me even though I’m completely not qualified.

I can’t let them down. I owe them my life.

But in a way, I also owe Luke my life. Life isn’t just existing. It’s living.

Luke gave me something I thought might have been lost forever. He helped me reclaim my body. He helped me reclaim my heart and my soul.

I owe him as much as I do the Wolfes.

If only I knew what to do.

Zee is still on maternity leave. Can I even talk to her about this? She’s loyal to the Wolfe family. She’s part of the Wolfe family. Would she truly understand if my loyalty were split?

How could she?

I actually have an office. Surprised the heck out of me. It even has a small window. It’s far from the corner office of an executive, but it’s an office with a window. It’s right next to Reid’s corner office, and Alicia has an office next to me.

A personal assistant and a personal secretary who have their own offices.

This is pretty cushy, and I don’t deserve it.

Alicia is standing over me, showing me how to work my computer. “Your schedule is here.” She taps a key. “And here’s Mr. Wolfe’s schedule.”

“We call him Mr. Wolfe here?”

“We do. Although in more social settings I call him Reid.”

“Good to know.”

“You get used to it. Apparently Mr. Wolfe Senior—”

I cringe.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned his name.”

“No, it’s okay. Despite what he did to me and others, he is the person who built this company.”

“True. And apparently, he liked things to remain formal at the office. Once he died, things changed a bit, but we still call the Wolfes Mr. and Ms. over here.”

“So I need to call Zee Ms. Wolfe when she comes in the office?”

“She’ll probably make an exception for you. She considers you a friend.”

“I consider her a friend as well. My best friend right now.”

“I understand.”

But does she? Probably not. It’s not hurtful. I certainly don’t wish anything bad on Alicia. She’s a big reason why I have this job. Reid offered it to her first.

“Lunch is from noon to one,” she says, “but nobody punches a timeclock here. You’re on your own and on your honor. No one will care if you have to leave early one day. We just all have the expectation that the work will get done, and it does.”

“I’m sure I’ll be burning the midnight oil the next first couple weeks,” I say, “since I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Alicia says. “You’re going to do just fine.”

I give her a weak smile. “I appreciate your confidence in me.”

“I understand where you’re coming from,” she says. “The Wolfes do feel responsible for you, but they also have an incredible work ethic. If Reid didn’t think you could handle this, he wouldn’t have given you the job.”

“Not even to appease his wife?”

She smiles. “Not even then.”

Alicia has no reason to lie to me. After all, she could’ve had this job but chose not to take it.

“I will do my best,” I affirm with as much strength as I can muster in my voice.

“Do you have any questions?”

“No. I think I’d like to just get to work.”

“Well, the first thing you need to do is go down to HR. They’re going to give you an orientation tour of the entire office.”

“Isn’t there something a little more important for me to do?”

“There are a ton of more important things for you to do,” she says. “But all new employees have an orientation tour on the first day. It’s standard around here.”

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