Home > Say It Like You Mane It(54)

Say It Like You Mane It(54)
Author: Erin Nicholas

Which was a huge mistake.

For about two minutes he’d believed that Caroline was simply there doing her nails, which had been easy enough to roll his eyes about.

Then he’d gotten the full story from Cora. About how happy she’d made his grandparents, how sweet she’d been with Leo, how earnest she’d been about the photographs and making this place reflective of the people who came here, how she’d included the whole family. And how they all now thought she could walk on water.

Then he’d seen her happy, relaxed, smiling face as Juliet brushed new polish onto her nails.

And seen the way she was sitting, in the midst of his family, looking like she absolutely belonged.

And seen the wall that was, quite honestly, stunning.

Not in the sense that great works of art or literature were stunning but in the sense that he almost couldn’t breathe when he realized how she’d basically framed and displayed all the reasons that he got up every morning and did what he did.

That wall represented why he was a cop in Autre and why he would never take his badge off.

And then it hit him…if she could look that damned happy and relaxed and comfortable here, amongst all of this, then maybe she could stay here and they could make this work.

And then she’d smiled at him and he was done for.

The gumbo had never tasted so good.



“We’ve got nothin’,” Spencer said two days later as he tossed his reading glasses on top of the papers on the table and leaned back in his chair.

Zander sighed. Spencer was right. They didn't know anything more about what was going on with Brantley Anderson than they had before Spencer had come to town and Max had handed over a mysterious envelope full of papers.

The papers clearly showed a group of men who had something in common having to do with money. But these were all rich assholes from New Orleans and the surrounding area. The money and business they had in common could be a million things. And it could even be legitimate.

Why it ended up in Caroline’s suitcase they had no idea. They couldn't prove that Brantley had put it there and even if they could, they certainly had no idea why.

“We need to track Anderson down and talk to him,” Zander said.

“If he’ll talk,” Spencer agreed. “But we don't have any reason to bring him in and make him talk. It would have to be his own choice.”

“And if we brought him in for questioning, it would potentially throw up a red flag to whoever he's working for,” Zander filled in.

Spencer just nodded.

“We can’t even dive into these guys’ bank records, can we?” Zander asked. “We don't really have reason.”

“Not only that, but that probably wouldn't show us much,” Spencer said. “These guys spend tons of money on tons of things. It's not like they’ll have a line item that says illegal lion cub.”

Zander ran a hand over his face. The emails that Caroline had collected from Brantley's computer hadn't given much more information either.

Spencer reached for the sweet tea Ellie had just refilled. They were camped out at the back tables of Ellie's with their paperwork spread out. It was fairly quiet this time of day, and they'd needed some space to work.

Caroline was at the animal park with Donovan and Max was up at the bed and breakfast working. Zander was trying very hard not to think about either of the women. He didn't think that Max was actually any kind of threat., but he did think she had the potential to be a complication if she got in the way. On the other hand, it didn't seem like there was much to get in the way of.

“There's nothing you can do, is there?” Zander finally asked Spencer.

Spencer blew out a breath. “Really sorry, man. There is nothing here to go on. I can keep poking and pulling at some threads. But if there’s anything to find, it’ll take some time. I can keep watch on these guys. But this list is long. I don't even know where to start.”

“Good thing you have me.”

They both pivoted as Max pulled the chair out between them and slid into it. Caroline was with her and Zander felt a stupid grin start to curl his lips. He stopped it before anyone could see it. Lately she just looked so happy. When she was at the animal park. When she was here at Ellie’s. She looked at ease. Relaxed. And so fucking gorgeous that way.

And every time, he caught himself thinking things like I want to make sure she looks just like that every day forever.

Of course, he told himself that was a ridiculous huge jump, fueled by romance novels—though he’d stubbornly not picked one up since she’d come to town—and the way she looked in yoga pants. Forever? Really? He’d already added her to his list of people he was going to keep in a happy, peaceful bubble full of gumbo and bread pudding and cute, cuddly animals? But yeah, it seemed that way. And it wasn’t about the yoga pants.

Well, it wasn’t just about the yoga pants.

He tore his eyes from her as she took the chair on the opposite side of Spencer, putting the agent between the two women.

Zander did allow a half-grin to show at that.

Spencer narrowed his eyes.

Max reached for Spencer's iced tea, lifting the glass and taking a long pull.

“Why is you being here good?” Spencer asked her with a frown, taking his glass back.

“Because you're at a dead end, right? You can't find anything to move on based on what I gave you,” Max told him.


She crossed her legs and leaned in to rest her forearms on the table. “Well, it just so happens that I found out that four men on that list are having dinner together tomorrow night. At Octavia’s. I figured it might be worth checking out. Who knows what topics of conversation might come up?”

Spencer’s frown deepened. “And you just happened to find this out?”

“Yes.” That was all she offered.

“Did you find out in a legal fashion?”

“I just—”

“You know what, never mind,” Spencer cut her off. “Which four men?”

She leaned over to look at the papers. Then she pointed at the first four men on the list.

Zander and Spencer shared a look. Was it a coincidence that the first four names were men who regularly socialized with one another?

“I just thought I'd share the information. I plan to go to Octavia’s tomorrow night. If I hear anything or see anything, maybe I’ll let you know.” Max stood, but Spencer reached out quickly, his large hand encircling her wrist. She paused and looked down at him.

“You just happen to be going to Octavia’s tomorrow night?”

“Turns out I have a work assignment.”

“Coincidentally, you have an assignment that's taking you to Octavia’s tomorrow night?” Spencer asked.

“I don't think it's illegal for me to be at Octavia’s tomorrow night so I don't really see why it's any concern of yours, Special Agent Landry,” Max said.

Spencer looked at where he was holding her and let go. But he returned his gaze to hers. Finally, he said simply, “Be careful.”

“Octavia’s is one of the classiest restaurants in all of New Orleans and these men are all some of the most recognizable men in the city,” Max said. “I don't expect any trouble. Plus, they won't even know that I'm there.”

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