Home > All The Pretty People(46)

All The Pretty People(46)
Author: Barbara Freethy

"What did Gage say?" Brooklyn asked. "Was he devastated?"

"He was stunned. He felt betrayed by both Kelsey and Carter. How could he not?"

"This is awful," Rachel murmured. "I warned Carter it might come out, but he said he'd deal with it when he had to, but he wasn't really thinking about Gage. He couldn't get Kelsey off his mind. She definitely has that effect on men."

"Why didn't you tell me, Rachel?" Brooklyn demanded. "You're one of my best friends. Why didn't you tell me as soon as you knew?"

"I didn't have a chance, and then Kelsey disappeared. I didn't want to add to anyone's stress. I'm surprised Kelsey didn't tell you. I assumed you knew but just hadn't said anything."

"I didn't know," Brooklyn snapped, anger in her voice.

I could understand why she was upset. Brooklyn had always prided herself on being Kelsey's big sis, her confidante, the one she looked up to, trusted in. Kelsey's silence about her affair made a mockery of their supposedly close relationship. For me, it wasn't a surprise that I'd been left out. Kelsey had never shared her secrets with me.

Drake cleared his throat, then said, "Rachel, did you speak to Carter after Kelsey disappeared?"

"Yes, of course. He was desperate to find her. If you're thinking that Carter hurt Kelsey, you are way off. He really loved her."

"But she didn't want him," Drake said. "She rejected him for his brother. That had to hurt."

"Carter wouldn't have done anything to Kelsey."

"Maybe he just wanted to stop the wedding," I interjected. "Put Kelsey somewhere so she could reconsider her decision."

"He could have done that." Brooklyn latched onto my theory with enthusiasm. "Carter might have thought he could change Kelsey's mind."

"No," Drake said, his single harsh word erasing our momentary hope. "If Carter had done that, he wouldn't have overdosed. He would have been with Kelsey when he wasn't putting on a show by searching for her." He gave me a compassionate look. "I'm sorry, Willow. I'd love to tell you what you want to hear, but that won't get you closer to the truth."

"I don't even know what's true anymore," I murmured. "I never thought so many people would have so many secrets, would tell so many lies."

"Don't," Brooklyn warned, sending me a sharp look.

"Don't what?" Rachel asked. "What am I missing?"

I hesitated. "It's going to come out, Brooklyn." I turned to Rachel. "Your brother lied about where he was the night Melanie disappeared. He wasn't with Brooklyn all night. She covered for him."

"Because he was passed out on the beach. James told me," Rachel said. "He had nothing to do with Melanie going missing."

"So he says," Drake drawled.

"Can't you two find other suspects for these horrific incidents without looking at your friends, at people you're supposed to care about?" Rachel demanded. "And why are we even talking about Melanie right now? I'm sorry, but she's gone, and she's not coming back. Whoever took her is probably a million miles away."

"Or not," Drake said evenly. "The reason we're talking about Melanie now is because her disappearance is connected to Kelsey."

"You don't know that," Rachel argued. "That's a huge leap. And my brother would never hurt anyone. He's too…weak, if you want to know the truth. He's a drunk, yes, but he's not violent. And if you believe that Melanie and Kelsey are connected, then James is completely in the clear, because he was passed out at the Baker Hotel on Tuesday night. You know that, Willow. You saw him."

"I don't believe James was in any condition to grab Kelsey," I admitted.

"Finally," Rachel said. "Then can we leave James out of this?"

"He'll have to answer for the lie he told at some point," I said. "But he didn't take Kelsey. Whether he knows something about her disappearance is another question."

"Oh, please, this is ridiculous." Rachel turned to Brooklyn. "Why aren't you saying anything? Why aren't you defending James?"

"Because I don't do that anymore," Brooklyn said. "He'll have to defend himself."

"If you lied for him, then you'll go down with him. You should be more concerned."

Brooklyn gave a weary shrug. "I don't care anymore. My only concern now is Kelsey. She was never alone Tuesday night. She was always with someone she knew. There's no way some stranger was lurking in the shadows of our house waiting to grab her when Gage dropped her off. It doesn't make sense. Kelsey met up with someone else, someone she knew, someone she wasn't afraid of, because she wouldn't have gone off with just anyone. That could have been Carter." Brooklyn paused, her gaze sliding to Drake. "Or it could have been you, Drake. Maybe you lured Kelsey away. She was friendly to you. She would have gone to meet you if you asked."

"Willow suggested the same thing two days ago, but I didn't meet Kelsey," Drake replied.

"Why should we believe you?" Rachel asked. "When you don't believe us? And why are you on his side, Willow? You know he was trying to ruin the wedding."

"We're past that, Rachel."

"You should be with us, not with him."

"There's no us versus him," I said.

"Of course there is," Rachel said, acting like I was an idiot. "There always has been. The locals versus the rich kids. Sure, we hung out together, but there was always a difference. Drake hated that we had money, and he had to work all summer. All the local kids hated that, including Melanie. She bitched every day about having to work at the restaurant."

Rachel wasn't completely wrong, but I didn't know what point she was trying to make. "Where are you going with this?"

"Drake has always had a grudge against us. You shouldn't be buying into his theories."

"They're not just his theories; they're mine, too."

"Well, I'm done talking," Rachel proclaimed as she got to her feet. "I'm going to the hospital to see how my friends are doing. Brooklyn, are you coming?"

For a split second, I thought Brooklyn might say no, that she might want to stay and work with me and Drake, that she might pick me instead of them.

But Brooklyn slowly rose. "I'll go with you, Rachel." She gave me a hard look. "You should be careful, Willow. You may not like where Drake's search for the truth takes you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't remember where you were that night. Maybe that's because you don't want to remember. The truth you're looking for could destroy you, Willow. Are you prepared for that?" Brooklyn challenged.

My heart leapt against my chest. "If the truth helps me find Kelsey or learn what happened to Melanie, then it will be worth it."

"I hope that's true."

As they left the room, I sank down on a chair, feeling like I'd just run a marathon.

Drake took the seat across from me. "Are you okay?"

"Not really. That didn't go well," I replied.

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