Home > Heart Dance (Killere Motorcycle Club, #2)(44)

Heart Dance (Killere Motorcycle Club, #2)(44)
Author: Debra Kayn

What if he thought it was a good idea?

The house was full. There were six men living under the roof, coming and going all day and night long. It would be easier for them if she stayed at the motel.

Willow put her hand on Timber's wrist. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." She forced a smile, knowing she answered too quickly. "Trying to hurry and get back to work."

Willow looked down at her cell phone in her hand. "Only two minutes to go. Go ahead and take off now. The others have the diner covered."

"Thanks." She took off her apron, hung it on the hook with her new one, and grabbed her purse. "See you tomorrow—I mean on Friday."

"Don't forget about the offer to live at the motel. Let me know what you decide to do."

"I will. Promise." She stepped out of the breakroom and headed toward the backdoor.

The offer to move away from Romeo put a crack in the foundation of her relationship. She needed to see him and validate that he was still one-hundred percent committed to her.

Her heart raced. Outside, she breathed heavily and tried to calm herself. First, it would be moving out, and then they'd break up. There would be no going back to when they slept in the same bed. No more dinner with the guys. There was no laundry-day-laziness of sitting on the couch and watching movies with whichever brother was home.

She'd be alone again.

Clapping her hand on her forehead, she looked around. Truckers walked near the gas pumps. Drivers maneuvered two trucks with trailers into a parking spot. Several Killere members rode their motorcycles through the entrance, heading toward the clubhouse.

Where was Romeo?

He always waited for her inside or behind the diner when she finished her shift.

Had he already left her? Had he taken off like her dad? Something was wrong.

She swiped at her cheek, panic settling in. He wouldn't have left her. She needed to find him.

Running away from the building, she almost plowed into a car, pulling around the corner. She pushed off the fender, trying to sidestep her way around, but the driver's door opened, stopping her.

"Thank God, you're here." Her mom got out of the car and grabbed Timber's arms. "We need to go."

"No." Timber slapped out, trying to break loose. "I need to find Romeo."

"There's no time." Her mom pulled her toward the car. "They've got Dice."

She shook her head. "Who?"

"Y-Your grandfather."

Exhaling harshly, she pulled her arm out of her mom's grasp and stepped back. "That has nothing to do with me."

"But, you need to—"

"No. I'm done." She kept walking backward. "That's your problem. Not mine."

Turning, she ran toward the clubhouse before anyone else could stop her. Out of breath, she stumbled up the steps when the front door opened.

Onyx stepped out, took one look at her, and whistled loudly. She held on to the concrete railing. Big Buck swept past Onyx and reached her side.

She grabbed his vest. "I need Romeo."

"He's out riding." Big Buck looked at Onyx." Does anyone know when he's due in?"

"He hasn't called," said Onyx.

She shook her head. They weren't listening.

"Romeo is always here when it's time to go home." She peered out at the bikes lined up in front of the clubhouse. "He should be here."

"He's probably home, dealing with his brothers." Big Buck frowned. "He'll show up."

They all knew that wasn't true. If Romeo had an obligation toward the club, he'd be here. He'd taken on the responsibility of making sure she had a ride to and from work. He was never late.

She dug her phone out of her purse. Maybe he lost track of time helping Sander with the car or making sure Caleb got up to go to work. Maybe he had to track down Axel. Maybe—


She whirled around at the frantic tone of her mother. There were more important things to deal with than her missing father.

"Not. Now," she snapped.

Her mom gawked at Timber. She lifted her chin. For once in her life, she was prepared to stand up for herself. She refused to blink in a silent war with her mother. Her happiness depended on if she could work out her relationship with Romeo.

He was her top priority.

She would do anything to keep him in her life.

"Romeo's riding in now," said Onyx.

Not waiting for him to arrive, she ran down the steps, ignoring her mom, and waited at the end of the line of motorcycles.

A hysterical bubble grew in her chest. He was here, but she couldn't calm down.

Through his sunglasses, he watched her as he looped the Harley in front of her and backed up into the first vacant spot. She rocked to her toes.

As soon as Romeo cut the engine, she threw her arms around his neck. He pulled her onto his lap without getting off the bike.

"What the fuck, doll?" he asked, cupping the back of her head. "What's the matter, huh?"

"You weren't here." She pulled her head off his shoulder, framed his face with her hands, and kissed him deeply.

He fisted her hair, holding her in place. "Ti—"

She caught his bottom lip between her teeth and whined. He had to know how much he meant to her.

Romeo groaned, capturing and quieting her. The pressure from his mouth made her lips tingle.

He used the handful of hair to pull her away and pressed his forehead against her forehead, breathing heavily. "Talk to me."

She shook her head. His arm tightened around her, and he stilled. If he found out how scared she was of losing him, he'd use that against her. He'd probably kick her out and force her to move into the motel.

"Damnit, Timber. Don't clam up on me again." His voice lowered. "Talk."

She opened her mouth, gasping for air. "You weren't here and—"

"Wreck on the interstate. Traffic was tied up until the wrecker got there."

She floundered, trying to understand what he told her and what she'd worried about. There was an explanation. Of course, there was. But he hadn't heard that there was an opening to stay at the motel, and if she moved out of his house, it could change everything about their relationship.

"Romeo?" She swallowed. "I have to—"

Car tires squealed behind her. She looked over her shoulder at the same time Romeo lifted her out of the way. The car barely missed hitting his motorcycle.

He pushed her behind him as the car came to a stop. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

The car door swung open, and her mom got out. "Will someone help me?"

She groaned. Not again.

Her dad went missing all the time. There wasn't a time in her life that she could remember her mom not worried about where her dad was. Today wasn't any different. If her mom waited, her dad would show up in three, maybe six months.

Big Buck and Onyx approached her mom. She held on to Romeo. All she wanted to do was go back to his house and forget about the offer to move into the motel.

Romeo pulled her off him and looked her up and down. "Are you ready to ride?"

"Yeah." She inhaled deeply, taking the helmet from him.

Fastening the strap through the D-ring under her chin, she stood at the back of his Harley. She tried to ignore her mom's raised voice, pleading with the Killere members to help her. How often had her mom cried wolf only to have her dad rush to the rescue—and a new fight broke out between them, and then she hadn't seen her dad for months.

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