Home > Music Lights & Never Afters(39)

Music Lights & Never Afters(39)
Author: C.L. Matthews

“Who’s your friend?” Much like Josh, Zack sized Madden up. He might be sixteen, but Madden wasn’t small. He was nearly six feet tall and built from his vigorous exercising routine. I wasn’t sure what he’d be like as an adult, but he hadn’t stopped growing yet.

“Madden,” I offered. He sidestepped me, putting space between Zack’s body and my own.

“Best friend,” he corrected, letting me know he was okay with not calling himself nephew. From the time I was fourteen or so, I stopped calling him my nephew. It was weird when he was my first crush and then my best friend. Dox being our only link felt oddly distant. He was only my brother by paper.

Madden protected me in all ways and I loved that he never ceased to be there for me. With breakups, friendship drama, and our family being fucked up, he was always here for me.

“Bet Josh loves that.”

“Don’t give a fuck if he does,” Madden pointed out. “Lifelong friendship outweighs relationships every time.”

Zack looked uneasy and didn’t respond. Madden didn’t stay to see what else he had to say, instead, he went into the living room and sat on a couch.

Within five minutes, he was surrounded like a fucking animal at the zoo. Both guys and girls flocked to him, talking to him animatedly. It wasn’t news to me that Madden batted for both teams, but seeing them flirt with him upset me to no end.

“Want to be alone?” Josh’s voice invaded my watching of Madden. I didn’t want to be alone, though. Josh might want to fuck, but his inability to give me an orgasm wasn’t something I wanted.

“Later,” I flirted, not meaning it. He twisted me, grabbing my face and slamming our lips together. It was like he stamped his ownership. There was a small part of me that hated him showing off for his friends.

Josh was possessive in the unhealthy kind of way. He didn’t like me having friends. No girls, or guys, and for some goddamn reason, he didn’t believe me when I said I was bisexual.

Guys could be dense as fuck unless it got them hard.

“Can I at least get a blowjob?” he nearly begged and I wondered why. What made him want me so badly at a party I’d just showed up to?

“Andy!” Diana called out, one of Josh’s friends who I swore wanted him worse than all the money in the world. She looked at me with an inane jealousy, her eyes locked onto where Josh still gripped me. “We’re playing truth or dare!”

I wanted to roll my eyes but refrained when I saw the amusement on Madden’s face. He already knew how I felt and he silently teased me for not only coming here but forcing him to join in on the hell.

I strode over, grabbing Josh’s hand to make sure he felt involved. He sat down, pulling me onto his lap. A glimmer of anger flashed in Madden’s eyes but I couldn’t show him I was fine without bringing attention to our silent communication.

“You first,” Diana said, pointing at Cizdi. She was another friend of the group. Unlike the others, I didn’t really despise her. She seemed meek, kind, but stuck in a crowd of assholes.

“Truth,” she said quietly. Diana smirked, an evil one that made me uneasy.

“Is it true that you were double-teamed by Zack and his friend?”

Her eyes widened, her face darkening with embarrassment. She didn’t speak, but her face spoke volumes. When she finally said yes, she appeared so uncomfortable, I felt bad

Cizdi didn’t look like she knew what to do, but she finally asked Josh, “Truth or dare?” I couldn’t see his expression because he was behind me, but he grabbed my hips, grinding against me vulgarly.

“Dare,” he mused. I wanted to turn and see why he sounded so sure of himself. But I didn’t. Because this entire party felt off and Madden and I only got here about fifteen minutes ago.

“I dare you to take a shot—”

“Easy,” Josh interrupted her.

Cizdi snapped her fingers, her face comical with a slight unhinged look. “From Diana’s boobs.” The audible swallow resonating from Josh made me immediately look at Madden. His face, almost impassive, only twitched with irritation. It was easy to tell it made him uncomfortable for whatever reason.

“I got this,” Josh boasted, a cocksure smile more than likely on his lips. I turned to him to see if he even appeared affected. When a boyfriend is asked to take a shot from a random chick’s chest, you’d think he’d be more uneasy or downright unwilling.

Not Josh, though.

He had an already triumphant expression on his smug face. Setting me to the side, which had me slightly on Madden’s lap. Josh got up, sauntering to Diana.

Diana got one of the shooter shot glasses that were a little smaller than a tall shot glass, filling it with vodka. She gave him the most mischievous smile and put it between her boobs. Unlike when you witnessed this at clubs, she slid it far too low, which would force him to put his lips around the glass, effectively touching her tits.

I wanted to slap her for it. Women didn’t need to be catty, we could easily all get along. Yet here she was, putting the work in on my boyfriend.

Rage seeded itself in my chest. He’d tell her to raise it right? He wouldn’t dive between her tits...

I couldn’t bring myself to look at Madden, but I felt his palm on my thigh, tightening, letting me know he was here. Josh dove in, his lips on the rim as he prepared. His lips pressed against her boobs and then his fucking tongue darted out against the rim, making sure he got a taste of her along the way. He didn’t look at me once as he took the shot, but I watched her with hatred in my eyes.

Contempt twitched at her lips while she giggled, making little noises as they stared at each other. The discomfort I felt didn’t seem to matter to anyone but Madden.

Madden tightened his grip once more, then rubbed slow circles. I felt a little of the anxiety ease, but it stayed as the longest shot taking of my life happened.

“All right, Zack,” Josh said, acting as if he didn’t just act like a prick. “Truth or dare, buddy?”

Looking over to Zack, I noticed him smile. “Dare, baby!” he shouted with an annoying lilt to his tone. He stood, shaking his body like you would before a big game.

“I dare you to drink five shots of vodka in a row.” Zack’s face showed a bit of fear but he fixed it quickly. Josh handed him a shot glass, a bottle of vodka, and even a lime.

Zack took the first shot easily. After the second, he seemed to be a little lightheaded. By the third, his face turned red. The last two took him longer but he finally downed them. Letting out a massive burp, he hit his chest a couple times.

Then he turned to Madden, like he wanted to get back at Josh. And fuck, I really hoped not. There was only one way to do that.


“You,” he said, directing at Madden. His voice was a little sloppy, the alcohol probably coursing through him. “Truth or dare?”

Madden didn’t even blink before responding, “Dare.”

Zack smirked, getting exactly what he wanted. “I dare you to tongue-fuck Andy for ten minutes. Alone.”

“Alone?” Madden mused as if he entertained the thought. He was my nephew, there was no fucking way he’d be up for it. Was I even up for it?

“Are you kidding me?” Josh hissed. Which made Madden smile ruefully, all his teeth showing. Hell, even his dimple.

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