Home > Pivot (Desire #3)(32)

Pivot (Desire #3)(32)
Author: Ariana Rose

 “I couldn’t have said it better, Dylan,” Jack agrees. “You have the ultimate choice now, Elyse. You can test me and lose, or agree to walk away gracefully and I will let you. I’m truly sorry it came to this. There are just some things I can’t abide.”

 Jack slides a printed document across the table then he rises to help me find a chair. He positions me directly across the table from Elyse, then returns to my side. Elyse does what Jack says she does best, she reads the room. I can see the look in her eyes fade from the defiance I heard when she came in to contrite, which she is now. If I was less angry and amped, I might feel sorry for her. I can see that at one time, maybe even still, she was in love with Jack. There is a grief that happens when you realize, true or not, something is over. I’ve felt that before.

 Elyse retrieves a gold pen from her purse to quietly sign the letter of resignation written for her. “I’m sorry too.” She slides everything back to the middle of the table.

 “I would hope so. May I have our security card as well?” he asks.

 She rises carefully from her chair, rolling her shoulders back first before her chin lifts to meet Jack’s gaze. Elyse slides it across the table to lay on the corner of the document. “Goodbye, Jack.”

 “Goodbye, Elyse.”

 I expect some kind of daggers tossed my way as a grand exit. She doesn’t even acknowledge that I’m still sitting here. Maybe that’s how she needed it. I think when she said goodbye, she was saying it to more than just Jack.




 When my father and Dylan came into my office yesterday afternoon, I think I immediately knew why, even though it was hard to fathom. I wish my wife would have talked to me first, but I also love that she didn’t. It was a real step of bravery that I didn’t possess.

 At first, I couldn’t look my father in the eye. I was waiting to feel like I was being called into his home office and being told to shut the door. This time it was my office and he shut the door. He wasn’t angry at us. He was definitely mad at the situation. When my father handed me the letter of resignation, I stared at it like it was in a language I couldn’t understand. It was over. She was out.

 Today I sit at the head of the boardroom table, closing down my laptop, as everyone begins to file from the room. I announced to everyone that Elyse had left and that we will begin a search for her replacement soon. After the last person’s voice begins to fade in the background down the hall, I close my laptop and just revel in the silence. I fold my hands against my forehead, close my eyes, and begin to twist my ring.

 “Is this about the meeting or something else?”

 I look up and my beautiful wife is standing in the open door like a picture in a frame. She hobbles in quietly, one crutched step at a time. “I have a raging headache that was only made worse by the dozens of questions I couldn’t answer. I felt like I was a head coach post-game after a loss. Tell me again why we decided to wait on a honeymoon?”

 “We waited because you were still healing, and I had an audition. Now I’m the one who is healing and not dancing. We nearly had a scandal on our hands and we’re in the room where it happened. This sucks.”

 She gives me a consoling smile before she plops down in a seat next to me as her crutches fall to the ground. I chuckle a little bit at her simplistic assessment of the situation that’s so accurate it’s scary. “You’re right. It does suck. Should we plan a trip, perhaps? I know it will be a while, but the planning… thinking about all the places I can make love to you, other than right here. Now that would be fun.”

 “What about California?” she asks while playfully smacking my arm.

 “California? Wouldn’t you like to go to Europe or someplace warm, with a beach…a nude beach, perhaps. It could save us time.” I smile.

 Dylan picks up one of her crutches and pushes the boardroom door with the rubber tip. After ceremoniously tossing it back down to the floor, she wheels her chair over to mine and hops on one foot into my lap. The soothing scent of her perfume immediately calms me. The pound in my head cuts the beat in half. The ache in my neck fades as her fingers massage into my skin. Her lips on my temple give me something to focus on.

 “I’m not talking about California for our honeymoon. For that we’re going to Florence or Fiji. I know you haven’t seen it yet, but a rather beautiful electronic invitation was sent to your inbox and mine from Colton’s assistant, thirty minutes ago. CC is having a charity race followed by a donation dinner and dancing. They’re going all out. Colton and Rylee have invited us to represent AnSa.”

 “Wow. I’d heard rumblings of something on the horizon. When is it?”

 “It’s the end of next week. Now, before you start telling me all the reasons why we can’t or shouldn’t go, let me tell you the reasons we should. I need this. I need to meet all of his donors and corporate sponsors. Some I know, yes, but if I can get face time, that would be better. Also, I was thinking we could bring Wes and Hayley along.”

 “Viper, I don’t think we should interfere.”

 “Look, they’re struggling. I think they’re struggling worse than we know. Don’t you think a change in atmosphere could be what they really need? I’m being honest with you. My spidey senses are up. Something is really not right there, other than the obvious. I think a different place, warmer weather, and an excuse to dress up could be what they both need. Wes is a born schmoozer. This event will be good for him too if there are drivers, managers, and agents around. Who could we speak with to make AnSa’s representation four people instead of two?”

 “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

 “Nope.” She puts the sweetest emphasis on the p.

 “I will take it to the source. I’ll call Colton when I get back to my office. I’m sure he will also take the opportunity to ride me about something.”

 “I’ll message Jill and tell her we’re looking at going. I know I won’t be dancing for a while, but she found something else she wants me to try.”

 Her fingers are still working a gentle overtime on my neck. “What is that, Viper? If it’s to be a physical therapist to your fellow dancers, you’re booked out with me.”

 “She mentioned while I’m sidelined, maybe it would be a good time to pass on things that I’ve learned. She wants me to choreograph and instruct.”

 Dylan’s chin lowers. I can feel the gentle rotation of the ankle below her struggling knee. I open my eyes to her fidgeting with the ring on my finger. “I know how I feel about that. How do you feel about it?”

 “I don’t know. I mean, all the good choreographers have so much experience. Would they even respect me?”

 “Okay, I’m going to talk to you as a mentee right now and not my wife. Can you handle that?”

 “I can handle anything.”

 “Yes, I’m aware. I’ll remind you, you said those words. Dylan, Jill is a superpower in her field, am I right?”

 “Yes. You know she is. She’s got a lead list longer than my arm. She’s won a Tony and an Emmy. She’s choreographed some of the most beloved and famous pieces in recent history. One of my dreams is to lead a piece that comes from her head.”

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