Home > Pivot (Desire #3)(66)

Pivot (Desire #3)(66)
Author: Ariana Rose

 It takes longer than I thought it would to get downstairs to the car. Just after Wes left, Hannah had the first contraction she spoke up about. She had to lean into the wall of her entryway and ride it out before we could move again. I’ve noticed since we got here an hour or so ago, Hannah is having more trouble moving. I’m no Addison Shepherd, but to me that means the baby has dropped significantly. I don’t want to scare either of them, however, I’m starting to freak out.

 Wes did take me up on my offer to drive. He rides to my right. I can see him in the back seat with my mirror over my shoulder. He’s got Hannah’s hand in his. She squeezes it with every contraction she has. There have been two since we got in the car. This is moving from the on-ramp to the fast lane really quick.

 I pull into emergency and Wes leaps from the car with it still moving. Hannah now has her forehead pressed into the headrest of my seat. “Try and relax. Just breathe.”

 “This hurts so much more than I thought it would. I wish my mother was here. I wish my best friend was here.”

 “Can I call them for you? Is that too weird?”

 “It is, but that would be so nice. In the pocket…of my bag… phone list…”

 Hannah manages to communicate enough for me to know what she needs. A wheelchair escort has arrived for her with a nurse to match. They are loaded and moving before I even have a chance to compute it’s happening. I get a kiss from Wes, a strange look from the nurse, and Hannah reaches for my hand just before they ride away.



Chapter 31


 I get Hayley’s text message in the middle of a critical meeting. I instantly sit taller and try to move the agenda along. My father notices the change in my demeanor right away. I make sure I take the time to acknowledge Hayley so she knows I will be there as soon as possible. I don’t want either of them to go through this without me.

 My father texts me, which is rare for him to do in the middle of a meeting. I respond with baby is on the way. He in turn sits up straighter as well. Between the pair of us, we’re able to table the last two items and as the players are leaving the room, my father takes my ear.

 “Tell Anna to send end of day to me. Should your mother and I come, just in case?”

 “No. I don’t think so. Hayley’s words seem strong. If I see her and read different, I will call. I don’t want to overwhelm everyone with more bodies. I hope you understand.”

 “Of course I do. Tell Wes to breathe. We all know what happens when he doesn’t.” He smiles.

 “Yeah. No. I’ll tell him. I’ve got to go. I don’t want to miss this.”

 “Go. Good luck, Son.”

 I fly out of that boardroom to the other side of the floor where Dylan is. I find her hovering on her crutches, staring down at Skye’s computer. “Hey. Sorry to interrupt but, Dylan, we need to go. Hayley messaged me. It’s baby time.”

 Skye waves Dylan’s angst off and tells us to go as well as congratulate Wes. I let Dylan pace us. I know she wants to be rid of these pegs. Hopefully in a week that will be a thing. Every time it looks like she’s running on them, I freak out like a parent behind an infant learning to walk. “I’ve got it, Eli. I’m not going to fall. We just need to move.”

 Dylan and I pile into a cab and fight near rush-hour traffic to get to the hospital. Just as we’re going to ask at the desk for labor and delivery, Hayley walks by on the phone. When she wraps up, she dives into my arms.

 “Hey. Are you okay?”

 “Yeah. Just really glad to see you. I was on the phone with Hannah’s mom.”

 “You called her?” Dylan asks.

 “Yeah. She needs her. She’s trying to get a different flight, but is having issues. I hooked her up with Anna to see if she could work some magic for me. Are you mad?”

 “No, Kiddo. Why would I be? It sounds like you’ve got things well in hand. Where are they?”

 “Up on third floor. Wes is in the room with her. I don’t want to overwhelm Hannah, so I’ve been hanging in the waiting room and just walking by every now and then.”

 Hayley takes Dylan’s bag from her as we walk to the elevator. I get a worried look from my wife. “So, the three of you. You’re good?”

 “I mean. I guess so. There wasn’t much time to think or talk after Hannah’s water broke. I went on autopilot when they both sort of froze. All I could think about was the baby. I couldn’t do anything for him or her besides make sure its mom and dad were okay.” She shrugs. “So that’s what I did.”

 The elevator dings on three and we walk out on to the floor. Wes is standing in the hallway finishing putting on scrubs over his clothes. He looks up to see the three of us all together. He cracks a partial smile before he goes back into the room and closes the door.

 “Shit. Looks like we made it here just in time.” I wrap my arm securely around Hayley. “It could still be hours, Kiddo. Let’s go have a seat.”

 The waiting room is right across the hall from Hannah’s room. Every time someone goes in and out, the three of us hold our breath. I decide random conversation is better than the silence or the sporadic cries from her room. “Hayles, do you know if they picked names for the baby?”

 “I don’t. He didn’t tell me if they did. Honestly, I’m sure it didn’t cross his mind. I think she’s got a list. She likes lists.”

 Dylan tries another tact from the other side of Hayley. “How did your conversation go? I know it was short, but are you good with the outcome?”

 “Is it weird for me to say I like her, and I understand her? I guess I built both her and Gabi up in my mind to be this competition. They aren’t competition. Wes is done having to prove how much he loves me.”

 “Damn. Where did that come from?”

 “Okay, don’t make this as shallow as it’s going to come off.” Hayley holds up her hand and I see the beautiful ring that wasn’t there twelve hours ago. Dylan leans in and takes her hand. The light catches it from a thousand different angles. “He gave this to me before we went to talk to Hannah. It’s Gran’s ring, Eli. You remember that ratty old box she had in her jewelry drawer?”

 “The green one? That’s the ring?”

 “Well, the big stone is. The rest is all new. He knew I’d want something original but classic. He asked her for it then designed it. I feel so secure. He also told Hannah that I should be treated like a mother for the baby. He said those words and she didn’t argue or anything.”

 “Well, she shouldn’t,” Dylan adds. “It’s all true.”

 “I can tell Hannah did love Wes once. Even she could see we’re supposed to be together. When things went down, she really depended on me. I could tell she was scared. I’d spent the better part of the last few weeks terrified. I didn’t want her to bring a child into this world like that. I helped her, tried to be a friend, and kept her calm as possible. In the end, she thanked me.”

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