Home > Pivot (Desire #3)(9)

Pivot (Desire #3)(9)
Author: Ariana Rose

 Elyse sits back, smug and silent in her chair, as I go over our new vision. I present our new logo first. “It’s ALITE. It’s pronounced like elite but is A.L.I.T.E., which stands for Artistic Lives Infuse Tomorrow’s Excellence. We want to give these kids a sense of pride and the ability to forward think instead of only worrying about the moment. Studies have shown that investment is the key to staying away from negative influences.”

 There are many smiles around me. Everyone seems to be focused on the design of the logo and the meaning behind our name. The only one who doesn’t seem sold is Elyse. Her arms are folded, and she’s plastered on her best thinking face. “Has this already passed board approval?” she asks.

 “Well, Elyse, technically it’s not needed. Colton’s approval is what we needed, as he’s the majority stakeholder, and we got that last week via email. I can show it to you if need be.”

 “No, dear. That’s fine. It was a simple question.”

 Nothing is simple with you, Elyse.

 “Of course. We also have a new list of partners that we’re excited to share. There are several members of the arts community here in New York, but we also have many inquiries of how to help from other parts of the world, such as London, Rome, and even Sydney. The word is getting out there before we even have our launch event. I see that as a positive sign.”

 “Not to be negative, but checks will show that versus simple praise.”

 “No one would ever accuse you of being negative. While, yes, that would be the ultimate goal to keep the ball rolling, the chatter is definitely positive and something we’re ready and able to capitalize on.”

 Finally some of the other attendees leap in with questions. I’m so happy they did. I was one more interjection shy of wanting to punch Elyse Nordby in the face. Luckily, she didn’t say anything else for the remainder of the meeting. However, she is becoming the queen of post meeting cornering.

 “Another splendid meeting, Dylan. How do you do it?”

 “Do what?”

 “Manage everything. Don’t you ever get tired? Doesn’t Elijah?”

 “What does that mean?”

 “Oh, nothing disrespectful, I assure you. I just mean, you must be so busy that you hardly have time to be newlyweds.”

 Okay, witch. You just crossed a line. “I don’t understand how any of that is your business. Since you did ask so nicely, my newlywed time with my husband is just fine. It’s more than fine. Some would be offended that you’re asking. I find it intriguing. What is your interest in Eli?”

 Oh shit. That just happened.

 “What is it exactly you’re accusing me of, dear?”

 “First of all, I’d appreciate it if you’d call me Dylan or Mrs. Sawyer, not dear. Second, I think you’re an intelligent woman. You can figure it out.”

 “If you’re implying that I have some unrequited romantic interest in your husband, you couldn’t be more off base.”

 “Then I would suggest keeping questions or comments of that nature to yourself. I have another meeting in thirty minutes I need to prepare for. I think we’re done here. Don’t you?”

 She straightens her already excellent posture once more, in her loss of who’s is bigger. “Well, this might be the first thing we’ve agreed upon today. Have a good rest of your day, Dylan.”

 “Same to you, Elyse.”

 I watch her walk out of here like the entitled bitch she is. It takes everything I have not to put my fist or my laptop through the wall. I’m not usually the type to get super physical when I get angry. I’m more of a crier, to be honest, but that woman…that woman excels at pushing all my worst buttons.

 I’m so angry the rest of the day I can hardly see straight. I make it through my last meeting, barely. I’m glad Skye was leading, and I was merely a contributor. Eli was watching me from across the table. I knew he could tell I was upset.

 I leave that meeting and head straight back to my office. I need a minute to just not talk to anyone and breathe. Most of the people in my corner have left for the day. Skye comes back to the front left, and I’m all the way in the back. I set my stack of files with my laptop down on my desk. I do a very nonwork thing and take my heels off.

 Sometimes, when my feet are free, I feel free. I think that’s part of why I love contemporary so much. It starts at the bare feet then frees everything else. The sun is reflecting off the top of the tall building a couple of blocks from ours. It creates a halo-like effect in my window. I hold on to the small lip the chair rail provides and begin flexing and pointing my toes, hopping my weight from right to left as if I was on a ballet bar.

 “I could tell something was wrong.” Eli’s voice comes softly from behind me.

 “I’d like to say I don’t want to talk about it, but it might get back to you anyway.”

 “Just tell me what it is.”

 “After my meeting about ALITE, Elyse and I, well… we had words.”

 “Okay. What kind of words? Words like a screaming match, or things that shouldn’t have been said but were?”

 “That.” I turn around and lean against the window. “She came into the meeting nearly late. She sat at the opposite end of the table. So if she wanted it to be, the entire room would have to volley their heads back and forth from one end of the table to the other if she had a question. It felt so condescending, like I was the little girl in front of the class talking about her book report.”

 “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”

 “No. You’re right. That wasn’t. I had the room. I knew she’d pull shit like that. I was prepared. What I wasn’t prepared for was after, when she and I were alone after everyone filed out. She placated me first with her job well done speech, then she asked a question that rubbed me the wrong way.”

 Eli turns his body to lean against the window with me. “What was the question?”

 “She made a veiled comment about don’t I get tired? I was like what do you mean? She said with how overextended I am, or seem, that she wondered how you and I could possibly be proper newlyweds.”

 Eli’s face shifts from red to pale then back to red again. “You’re sure you heard her correctly? You couldn’t have misinterpreted in any way?”

 “Do you think I’d be this pissed off if I wasn’t sure? Eli, she might as well have come out and straight asked if we were getting enough sex. I’ve never been so angry. I was raging inside. I told her it was none of her business and then…”

 “Then? Then what, Viper?”

 I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and let it fly. “I basically asked her if she was interested in you romantically.”

 “What?” he screeches. “Dylan, that is a serious accusation, one that I’m not sure I want the answer to.”

 “I wasn’t sure I did either. She said that I was off base, then I replied with that I needed to leave and I was done speaking with her. So she turned her tone volume up and told me that was the first thing we agreed upon all day. She is such a bitch. Why is she kept around? I mean seriously, Eli. She stirs the pot at every given opportunity. Don’t your father and grandfather see it?”

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