Home > Hunter : VII Knights MC(25)

Hunter : VII Knights MC(25)
Author: Sapphire Knight

“What do you know about them?”

“Only their names. Laura, Luna, and Mary. They sound familiar, but I can’t place them. Were they the caretaker’s daughters? I recall you saying Aura was with other little girls when you took her, but I was under the impression they were toddlers.”

He shakes his head. “No, there were three girls playing and looking after Aura when I had the opportunity to snatch her, but they weren’t toddlers. I took them all and sold them to the same man. They were old enough to recognize and point me out… I’d say about ten years old or so. I don’t know enough about kids to say for sure.”

“How on earth did you get them all to go with you? Kids are wretched little beasts, especially when they’re young.”

“Gave them some of the drugs I’d brought for Aura. They were too stupid to say no to free candy, especially since I work for the estate.”

“You work for me,” Diana clarifies.

“I care for you,” he states in return.

She ignores him completely, turning on the large computer screen against the far wall. She begins searching through employee records until she finds a particular woman. She searches her name next, and sure enough, the images of three little girls pop up. They were eight, ten, and twelve when taken on the same occurrence as Aura.

How could I have not known they were the daughter of another employee here? Was I too young and headstrong to only focus on Aura and not anyone else? I suppose I was blinded by her beauty and significance to me to notice anything else when it all happened. I was immature and too inexperienced to know where to start in a kidnapping case. Her disappearance is what spurred me on to become a bounty hunter. Though, endless searches leading nowhere with her had me picking up cases in the areas I thought she may have ended up in. It turns out they were all dead ends, and she’d been off the grid for so long, no one would’ve recognized her if they saw her.

She randomly blurts out, “Can you believe my niece had the audacity to ask if I’d seen the biker?” She gestures in my direction. “Wanted to know if I’d spoken to him again before he’d left. She’s so entitled it makes me sick.”

I call out, “I told you! She’s not the only one looking for me either, I guaran-damn-tee it. You’re going to get caught, and the pain will be real unless you let me go and escape. You’re running out of time, my brothers are coming for me, and they’ll want blood.”

Her lackey screams, “Shut up!” He rushes me, delivering a swift kick to my head.

I struggle to remain coherent.

As I’m fading out of consciousness, I hear Diana murmur, “Not long now, indeed. We haven’t given him any water or anything, so he’ll lose his fight soon enough. Before long, he’ll become delirious and not know up from down.”





Tears fill my eyes as I think about Hunter. Something’s wrong. Not only do I feel it in my stomach, but my heart has been hurting since last night. When I told my mother, she insisted I see her physician, but the doctor only came back to say it was my intuition, and I should follow it. I don’t know how the doctor knew what I needed to hear, but I’m grateful for her advice.

I glance at the guy sitting in the back of the car with me as I anxiously wait. My father finally took my requests seriously and got his driver to bring me to Hunter’s place. The catch being is that I had to bring one of his security men along with me in case Hunter truly is in some sort of danger. The guy kind of gives me hostile vibes, but I’m chalking it up to not being around many men in my lifetime. I spent most of my years with three women, so it’s strange, but I’m beginning to adjust. Being with Hunter was a good chance for me to see how men can be and not to fear them.

“We’re here, Miss Aura,” the driver announces.

I flash a grateful smile. “Thank you.” My hand reaches for the door handle as I’m ready to leap out and run to the front door, but my arm’s grabbed, securing me in place. My stare spins to the man sitting near me. “What do you think you’re doing?” I demand.

He offers a stern frown. “My job is to keep you safe. Remain in the car until I’ve walked the perimeter and deemed it not a threat.”

I snatch my arm away. “While I appreciate your concern, you work for my family, including me. I’ll walk around the house with you.”

He begins to argue, but I jump out of the car regardless. I meant what I said, I respect his job, but no one will give me orders and not expect a fight from me in return. “If Hunter notices you here alone, you won’t receive a warm welcome,” I mutter as I stride alongside the bodyguard. I doubt Hunter will be thrilled about me being alone with a man and bringing him here, but what does he expect when he doesn’t answer anyone’s phone calls?

I smell the rose bushes as my newfound partner does his search around the backside of the house. Glancing around, the first thing I notice is it doesn’t look like he’s been here. He’d usually waters his plants on the back porch and leaves trails of water all over the place. He eventually let me take over the chore, along with a few others. I try the door handle, finding it locked, but it normally would be. I knock on the back door rather than backtrack and circle to the front. Surely, he’d know it’s a friend if I’m back here. I knock again, and a third time, before eventually I begin to beat on the door rattling the nearby windows.

“Miss,” I’m interrupted. “He doesn’t seem to be home. Maybe we should leave and try another time. He may be on a job or something.”

“Or something. No, we won’t be leaving. Can you, uh… break the door?”

He clears his throat, “I’m sorry, what? You’d like me to break the door in? You’re asking me to willingly commit a crime?”

Well, it doesn’t sound so smart when he puts it like that, but I nod anyway. “Yes, break it down. Oh, and just to warn you, there will be a loud noise. Don’t be frightened, it will shut off,” I reassure, then quietly murmur, “Somehow.” Hopefully, Hunter will show up and turn the blasted alert thing off.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” the guy mutters, then steps back. He lifts his leg and gives the door a few good kicks. If I knew that’s how you do it, then I’d have done it myself. The door swings open, crashing into the wall behind it, then flings back in our direction. Luckily, security guy, Ely, I believe he told me his name, grabs the door in time. The shrill alarm blares to life, making my hands fly over my ears. The sound gives me goosebumps and causes every hair on my arms to stand at attention.

“I can’t stand the retched noise,” I comment and step past him. He’s not a fan and tugs me behind him as he glances around the room, gun drawn.

“Hunter!” I scream as loudly as possible, making Ely jump in surprise. “You’re going to accidentally shoot yourself. Pay attention,” I chastise, and he offers me a testy glare. Needless to say, this adventure hasn’t gotten off to a good start, but I’m determined to find out something to put my mind at ease.

Ely clears the house with me hot on his heels, but Hunter’s nowhere to be found. “Do you know where he keeps any contacts? You could call a sibling or friend to see if they’ve heard from him. I’m telling you this is all unnecessary, the guy probably wants some space.”

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