Home > Hunter : VII Knights MC(29)

Hunter : VII Knights MC(29)
Author: Sapphire Knight



Ending up getting my own bed to rest in, the nurse gives me a shot for my allergic reaction. This time around, I’ll be getting a prescription for extra EpiPens in case this happens again, and I’m not at a hospital. It’s not the highlight of my trip, but I’ll take a thousand needles if it means I can have Hunter safe and well with me again.

I haven’t stopped daydreaming of him from the moment I met him, and it’s only gotten stronger with time. Hard to imagine we’ve only been together intimately once when it feels like there’s so much more between us sexually. Perhaps it’s the lack of intimacy this past week, making me feel more connected to him than ever. You’d think it would be the opposite but being apart has only made me hold on to him harder, internally. My heart and mind have both decided it’s Hunter they want, and there’s no turning back now. I even admitted I’m in love with him to my father. He took it better than I expected, but he’s already fond of Hunter, so I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised.

“Can I see him now?” I ask my mother as she enters the room with nurse Michelle. She’s been great and in here several times to check on me.

Michelle offers me a warm smile. “Soon, let me check over your rash, and if it’s gone down some more, then we’ll sneak you into Mr. Philip’s room. I still recommend running a full panel test of allergen and sensitivities. If you have this type of reaction to one plant, then there’s bound to be another out there somewhere. Better to be prepared somewhat.”

My mother nods. “Yes, I completely agree. What do you think, my dear?”

“Yes, it’s a good idea. I don’t want to go through this again or worry anyone when it might be able to be prevented.”

They both smile in response, and Michelle goes about checking me over. “It’s improving, which is exactly what we want. I see no reason why you can’t visit your boyfriend. I know you’re worried about him, but he’s already looking better and will be back to himself soon.”

I grin. “He’s a biker with a heart of gold. Hopefully, his shoulder doesn’t bother him too much. He likes to ride his motorcycle everywhere.”

“He’s a strong guy, so I’m sure he’ll manage.”

I hop out of bed, reaching for my shoes in a rush. She doesn’t have to tell me twice, and I’m ready to run down the hall. I hadn’t thought to ask before now if he’s still passed out. I don’t want to wake him up when I know he needs the rest. “Should I be quiet, or…” I trail off.

“He’s coherent, but last I checked, he was sleeping. His body has been through a lot the past few days and needs rest to recuperate. The best thing to do is wait for him to rouse himself and speak quietly. His head will most likely hurt for a while from the concussion and stitches.”

“Okay. Thank you for all of your help.”

“It’s what I’m here for. I love helping others… be well.”

I hurry from the room, feet not moving fast enough, in my opinion, but I can’t run in here so this is the best I can do. Diablo sits in the corner of his room, silent and stoic. Everyone has had a chance to come in and check on Hunter except me. I’m not bitter about it. Okay, so maybe just a touch salty, but I’m glad he has people here for him.

“Diablo,” I whisper in greeting.

He tips his head. “I’ll let you get your time in.”

“I don’t want to interrupt.”

“I’ve been here a while, so it’s fine. None of us want him to be alone.”

Hunter groans. “Quit fussing over me, Mother Hen, and go find something to do.”

Diablo chuckles and flips him off even though Hunter’s eyes remain shut. “Take care of him. If he gives you any shit, a swift kick will shut his ass up,” Diablo offers, wearing a smirk as he leaves.

I rush to the bedside, taking one of Hunter’s hands in mine. “I’m so sorry this happened.” I stare worriedly in the dim room.

He parts his lids, licks his lips, and says, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I never should’ve left you.”

I shake my head. “No, it wasn’t your responsibility to hold my hand through everything. You’ve already done way more than ever expected.”

“I’d do it again if you needed me to.”

“Why do I know you’re not lying? You’ve got a good soul, Hunter. Thank you for helping me so much.”

“My heart wants you, Aura, so I’d do anything for you.” He tugs on my grip, pulling me from my seat.

“Be careful, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“I’m fine, just have a little knot on my head somewhere.”

I snort but lean in closer. There’s so much more going on than a bump to the head, but I don’t need to say it aloud. He knows it as well as I do but, of course, he doesn’t care. Stubborn brute.

“I want you next to me. Climb in so I can hold you.”

My eyes begin to tear up, feeling sappy to my soul over this handsome guy. He’s been through hell, and yet he still wants to hold me. “I don’t want to hurt…” I repeat, and he yanks me forward. I careen over him, my body sprawling on his. I try to jump back with a gasp, but he won’t budge.

“Get in bed, woman,” he orders, and this time around, I listen, not willing to deny him. I snuggle up to his side as he wraps his arm around me, securing me to him. My hand falls to his chest as I gaze up at him in wonder. Even in a hospital bed and injured, he feels so strong and solid. How do men do that?

“I missed you,” I quietly admit and press a gentle kiss to his chin. His face is bruised up a bit, but not too badly. I have a feeling if he were to peel this hospital gown off, his body would tell a different story. I’m not ready to hear it, although something tells me it’ll have a happy ending.



Chapter Sixteen





Aura is still tucked into my side, warm and secure, when I wake up again. It’s much more peaceful having her around—my body’s at ease when she’s in my arms. Glancing at the window blinds, the area has a light glow to it, letting me know it’s dawn. It means we still have a bit of time before the hustle and bustle begins around here, and we’re disturbed from our small cocoon of privacy. I could imagine waking up to her like this every day, minus the injuries and hospital bed.

I stare at Aura, taking in each detail I can make out in the dim lighting, cataloging them to memory. If she attempts to move on in her life without me, I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle it. We’ve been through too much in our short time together, we’re bonded forever, and my heart’s all in. Leaning closer, I press a kiss to the tip of her nose, then each cheek, her chin, and finally her lips.

She answers by leaning into the kiss and moving her hand up my chest to cradle my jaw. “Mmm,” she groans, shifting a bit before pulling away to tiredly open her gorgeous eyes and gaze at me. “How are you feeling?” she asks, when it should be me concerned over how she’s doing after everything we went through yesterday. I’ve probably traumatized her in some aspect with all the brutality she saw radiate from my ass in my fit of losing control. It’s not as if I could help it, though, they’d threatened her, and I had to do what I could to protect her. I always will, and I’ll never apologize for caring for her.

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