Home > The Rocker (Love is Blind, #4)(40)

The Rocker (Love is Blind, #4)(40)
Author: Harlow Layne

My world started to sink below me. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. We were supposed to show we were married, and then everything would be fine. How could I be so stupid?

“Don’t bother coming into the office to clear out your things. I’ll have them ship your stuff to you.” Cristiano pushed by us, and all I could do was watch him go.

“Baby,” Walker whispered in my ear from behind. When had his arms enveloped me? “It’s going to be okay.” Turning in his arms, I shook my head. Lifting one hand, he cupped the side of my face. His thumb ghosted over my cheek. I leaned into his touch, never wanting it to leave. With his simple touch, I felt safe. “We can do this. Even if you don’t want to start your own label, we don’t need Titan Records. We can produce our own music. You have the knowledge, and we have the talent.”

I leaned into his body, clutching his shirt with my hands. “I can’t make that decision today, and you shouldn’t either.”

“I think you two should be alone, so I’m going to head out. Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”

“Thanks, man,” Walker looked over my shoulder with an uptick of his lips. “I’ll text you later, and we’ll figure this all out.”

“I’ll see you later, Pen.” Cross’s hand came down on my shoulder and gave me a small squeeze.

“Okay, thank you for being here.” I couldn’t take my eyes off Walker. I knew once I did, everything would come crumbling down.

“Of course,” he answered back before I heard the door click shut.

With knitted brows, Walker pulled me to him. Our bodies pressed together, the rapid beating of his heart let me know my husband wasn’t as serene as he was pretending.

“What’s going on with you?” He started to shake his head in denial, but I wasn’t having any of that. I needed him to say what he was feeling. “Tell me.”

Closing the windows to his soul, he took in a deep breath before he let it out and spoke with a tortured voice. “Do you regret marrying me?”

I gasped and would have staggered back if he wasn’t holding onto me. “What are you talking about? Look at me,” I demanded.

Slowly, his eyes opened, and I could see the torment swirling in their depths. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “Now that you got fired from your dream job, there’s no reason to be married to me.”

I swore I must have still been in shock because I wasn’t sure how I didn’t slap some sensed into him right then. How could he ever think that? “How about the reason I married you is because I love you? I would never have married you to keep my job. Did we get married on a fabulous spur-of-the-moment decision? Yes, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Is the reason you’re asking because you regret what I might cost you?”

Walker let out a booming laugh, although I didn’t find anything funny about what we were talking about. “There’s no way in hell you’re getting rid of me. Not now, after what you just said. You, Penelope Pierce, are stuck with me until the end of time.” Lacing the fingers of our left hands together, Walker placed them over his heart. “Now that the news is out, I don’t want us to ever take off our rings. I want to show the world that I’m taken by you.”

Pressing my forehead to our joined hands, I took in his words and how they filled my chest with warmth. “Sometimes, the words you speak to me sound like a love song.” Moving to rest my chin on our hands, I gazed up at him, feeling butterflies take off deep in my belly. “I love how fiercely you love me.”

Nudging my chin with our hands, Walker lifted it as he simultaneously dipped down until our lips were only a breath apart. “Let me show you how I love you. Let me worship you, and tomorrow we’ll figure out what our future holds together.”









“Where are we going again?” Greer grumbled from the backseat.

“How many times do we have to tell you?” Kenton huffed from beside him. Our eyes met in the rearview mirror, and he rolled his eyes. “It’s a party slash photoshoot at Pen’s friend’s house. She came to visit Pen when we were in Amsterdam.”

“Whatever. How long is this going to take? I’ve got better things to do.”

“What, like finally getting the stick out of your ass?” Cross asked, snickering from beside me.

“Once we get the shots for the band, you can leave at any time,” I gritted out.

It had been almost two weeks since Cristiano showed up and fired Pen. The only person that any of us could figure out would tell Cristiano about Pen and me was Greer. The thought that he’d betrayed us after Pen got him out of being arrested made my blood boil. Today was the first day any of us would be around him, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to go down. Would he confess? Would we kick him out of the band? Or would he leave once he found out the news of Pen and me being married? We had no idea. All I knew was today was going to be an interesting day.

Because of traffic, we pulled up to the house almost an hour later. Pen’s car was in the driveway of the house next door where her best friend Stella lived. Before we could get out of the car, Stella and her boyfriend, Remy, came out of the house.

Stella ran up to me and instantly wrapped her arms around my waist. I patted her back awkwardly. While I’d been around Pen when she talked to Stella, I’d only been around her twice before today. Plus, I wasn’t a touchy-feely person. Unless it was Pen, then I couldn’t stop touching her. “It’s so good to see you,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear and then spoke quietly enough for me. “She looks beautiful. Today is going to be epic.”

I started to walk toward the house when Stella caught me. “She’s in the back waiting for you.”

“Thanks,” I said gruffly. I couldn’t wait to see Pen. She was gone by the time I woke up today in preparation for what was about to go down, and I knew she was going to blow my socks off when I saw her.

“Everyone,” Stella announced as we moved around the car. “This is Remy. Remy, this is Walker,” she swept her hand in my direction, along with the rest of the band. Stella grimaced. “I’m sorry, I know names, but I’m not sure if I know exactly who they belong to.”

The guys all introduced themselves, with Greer giving me a dirty look. “Of course, she knows who you are.”

I paid him no mind. I wanted to get inside and see Pen, but that didn’t go according to plan. The second we walked inside the beautiful house, we were stopped by Lexie.

“Hey, guys. We’re all set up in the back. I thought we could eat lunch before we get started. My husband is out back grilling, so I hope you like burgers. If I know him, though, there’s probably chicken as well. I’ve got to go grab my batteries, and then I’ll be right out.” Lexie swept out of the room, her blue hair bouncing as she went.

“This house is sweet,” Kenton whistled.

He wasn’t wrong. It was all modern, the back almost completely glass looking out at the Pacific. I wouldn’t mind living here one day.

“Follow us,” Stella and Remy moved past us and to the backyard.

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