Home > The Inn on Mirror Lake (Highland Falls #4)(21)

The Inn on Mirror Lake (Highland Falls #4)(21)
Author: Debbie Mason

The phone in her hand trembled like the leaves on the sugar maples across the dirt road. And while the physical abuse her sister suffered at Richard’s hands was far worse than what Ellie had suffered at their mother’s, the latter was a form of mental abuse nonetheless. If she expected her sister to stand up to Richard, Ellie could do no less than stand up to her mother.

“I’d wondered how long it would take before you threatened me with my so-called mental instability. But here’s the thing, I’m no longer a teenager you can intimidate. Go ahead, Mom, do your worst. Just remember, I can prove that I’m psychic. I also know why that terrifies you. Why you tried for all those years to convince me I was crazy in an effort to silence me. I watched you do the same to my grandmother. I won’t let you get away with it again.”

“You have no idea what I’ve had to deal with,” her mother said, sounding like she was close to tears. “You have no idea what my life was like, how hard I’m trying to make things right. Please, Elliana, for your sister’s and your father’s sakes, convince your grandfather to let this go. He’ll have enough money from the sale that he can live wherever he likes, do whatever he wants. He doesn’t have to go in a home. I’m sorry I suggested it. I should have known how that would make him feel.”

Her mother’s 180-degree change of course had Ellie scrambling to keep up. “I suggested that to Grandpa last night. I told him I’d find a place in Highland Falls for us.”

“Thank you, Elliana. I—”

“He refused, Mom. He’s adamant about keeping the inn. You can try talking to him, but I honestly don’t think there’s anything you can say that will change his mind.”

“He won’t listen to me. You have to try again, Elliana. Convince him that this is the best thing for everyone concerned.” In the background, someone called her mother’s name. “I have to go. I’ll call you later this week.”

“Mom, what’s going—” Her mother had disconnected. Ellie stared at the phone, trying to make sense of the conversation. She’d thought she’d had her mother’s motivation nailed down.

After spending last night tossing and turning, trying to solve the puzzle, she’d begun to think her mother might have made a bad investment with Richard and lost their pension money. But given what her mother had just said about Joe having the money to live wherever he wanted, to do whatever he wanted after the sale, it didn’t sound like she wanted the money for herself. Unless it was a ruse to lull Ellie into complacency.



Chapter Nine


Nate glanced at the tray of homemade patties Ellie handed him. “There’s no way Joe and the judge won’t know they’re eating veggie burgers and not beef burgers.”

“They won’t if you don’t tell them.”

“All they have to do is look at them,” he said.

“They won’t see them. I’ll put their burgers on the buns and cover them with the caramelized onions, tomatoes, pickles, and lettuce before I hand them over. Don’t forget, no cheese on their burgers.” She took off her apron and smiled at him. “Thanks for offering to man the grill.”

Her smile and the scooped neckline of her sundress distracted him, and it took him a second to respond. “No problem. Ryder and I would be out a place to stay if you burned down the inn.”

“Very funny. Joe and the judge were exaggerating.”

“So you didn’t blow up the last barbecue?”

“It was really old, and it was the first time I’d used one. I think there must have been a gas leak.”

According to Joe and the judge, she’d started the barbecue with the lid down. “Too bad your YouTube fixer-up guy didn’t have a how-to-grill video.”

“Ha ha. Make fun of him all you want. His videos have been very helpful.”

Going by the issues Nate had encountered on the roof, either the guy was an idiot or Ellie had gotten creative with her repairs. But he figured he’d teased her enough. “How’s the hand?” he asked as she peeled off her gloves and tossed them in the garbage can.

“Much better, thanks.” She picked up the bags of burger buns. “Thanks for doing the grocery run, but I really wish you’d let me repay you.”

“Only if you let me pay for the room.” She didn’t know it yet, but he planned on buying the groceries while they were there.

“Between buying supplies for the roof and spending the entire afternoon repairing it, plus all of this, you’ve more than covered the cost of your room. You also missed out on spending time with Ryder.”

“Trust me, the kid was happier spending his day with the dog than with me. All I got out of him when we went into town were one-word responses. The longest conversation we had was when he asked if I’d buy him a pack of cigarettes, and I said no.”

“It’s his first day. I’m sure he’ll settle in. If it’s okay with you, I can have him help me around the inn. I’d pay him, not a lot, but just enough that he’d have some pocket money.”

“That’s not a bad idea. But only if you let me cover his pay.”

“We’ll talk about it later.” She nodded at Ryder, who’d opened the sliding glass doors leading into the dining room. “Table and chairs all set up on the patio?” she asked when he joined them in the kitchen.

“Yeah. Joe and the judge want to know when dinner will be ready.” He glanced at the tray, pointing at the veggie burgers. “What are those?”

“Told you,” Nate said to Ellie. “Grab the buns, will you, kid? You can help me grill the burgers.” Chase, Sadie, and the baby were joining them for dinner and were set to arrive anytime.

“I gotta take the dog for a walk.”

Ellie had no trouble getting the kid to do whatever she asked, but all he got was pushback. “It’s okay, I’ve got them,” Ellie said. “Don’t go too far though. We’ll be eating as soon as my cousin and her husband get here.”

“It’s okay. I’m not hungry.”

“Too bad. You’re joining us for dinner. And no smoking on your walk.” He’d checked Ryder’s bag for weed. He hadn’t found any, but that didn’t mean the kid hadn’t stashed it somewhere.

Ryder ignored him, looking at Ellie instead. “I’m still full from the panini and fries.”

“They were pretty filling. Maybe you can join us for dessert? Zia Maria sent her chocolate pie especially for you. Just do me one favor before you go. Distract Grandpa and the judge while Nate puts the burgers on the grill. If they see them before they’re on the bun, they might figure out they’re getting veggie burgers and not beef burgers.”

Ryder actually smiled at her. “I can do that.”

When she thanked him with that big, wide smile of hers, Nate figured he couldn’t blame the kid. If she smiled at him like that, he’d do anything she asked too. Ryder took the bags of buns from her and headed for the sliding glass doors. Nate waited until he was outside to turn to her.

She grimaced. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have overridden you, especially in front of Ryder, but I feel so sorry for him, Nate. It can’t be easy being away from his mom and his friends. He just needs some time to adjust. Besides that, the paninis really were filling.”

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