Home > The Inn on Mirror Lake (Highland Falls #4)(25)

The Inn on Mirror Lake (Highland Falls #4)(25)
Author: Debbie Mason

“Do you remember when Bri had strep throat and ended up with rheumatic fever? She was around ten. I was fifteen.”

“Vaguely,” Sadie said. “They were worried about her kidneys, weren’t they?”

Ellie nodded. “The doctor thought she might lose one of her kidneys and there was talk about a transplant. They didn’t say anything to me, but because my gift had come online around that time, I knew they were looking at me as a potential donor.”

“That must have been scary for you.”

“It was, but not for the reason you might think. I’d walked into my mother’s bedroom to find her crying and tried to comfort her, telling her I was okay with donating my kidney and Bri would be okay too. But that wasn’t what she was worried about.” She glanced at her cousin. “My mom had an affair, Sadie. Bri isn’t my father’s, and my mom was afraid he’d find out if she needed a transplant.”

“She told you that?”

“No, I read her mind. I didn’t mean to, but it was all new to me, and I hadn’t learned to shield myself. And she was emotional, so she was broadcasting like a television with the volume on high.”

“So how…You asked her?”

Ellie nodded. “She lost it and went on the attack. Telling me I was crazy just like Granny, and that if I ever said anything to anyone, she’d have me put away.”

“Oh, Ellie, that’s awful. I wish you would have told me.” Sadie hugged her. “I’m so sorry.” She leaned back, searching Ellie’s face. “You know you’re not crazy, don’t you?”

“I do now. But those next few years when I was still living at home, I wondered if my mother was right. Looking back, I see that she was gaslighting me. Protecting herself and her secret by keeping me off balance. It got better when I left for college.”

“That’s why you spent all your holidays here, isn’t it?”

She nodded. “I was lucky Grandpa and Grandma let me. My mother didn’t want me out from under her thumb. She was terrified I would tell them what she had done and made sure they wouldn’t believe me. She told them I was mentally unstable and a pathological liar.”

“You’re the one who should sue her for abuse. How do you do that to your own child? Joe and Mary didn’t believe her, did they?”

“They did that first summer. I can’t say I blame them. I was acting out, trying to come to terms with reading other people’s thoughts and feelings. Each holiday got better though.”

“You should have talked to Granny about it, Ellie. Or me. You could have talked to me.”

“She did the same to Granny as she did to me, Sadie, and I think I know why. Granny saw what I did. She must have told my mother her future, and whatever she told her had to do with Bri not being my father’s daughter.”

“But Granny goes into a trance. She doesn’t remember what she tells people.”

“We know that, but I don’t think my mother does. But it makes sense that’s why she worked so hard to discredit Granny and keep her at arm’s length. The timing works too.”

“I can’t believe this. I can’t believe how far your mother would go to protect her secret.”

“The question is, What does any of this have to do with the inn? So far, the only thing I’ve come up with is that Richard knows, and he’s blackmailing her. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me.”

“You can’t read her?”

“Sometimes I can. She’s good at shielding her thoughts from me. Most of the time she just lets me see what she wants me to. It’s different when she’s upset; I can pick up on things then. Honestly though, she’s the last person I want to read. If I wasn’t trying to figure out what’s behind her deal with the developer, I’d stay out of her head.”

“And Bri and your father have no idea about any of this?”

“No. They’d be devastated. And I’ll do whatever I have to to make sure they never find out.”

“What a mess.”

“You have no idea.” She was about to share her suspicions about Richard and Bri’s relationship when the door opened. It was the judge.

“They found the boy.”

Ellie jumped from the bed. “Thank God. Is he all right? Is Toby okay?”

“It would appear so. They’ve just arrived.”

She squeezed past the judge, running to the stairs. She met Ryder on the landing. Toby was with him but Nate wasn’t. “We were so worried about you.” She hugged him. He was cold and shivering.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his teeth chattering.

“It’s okay. Everything will be okay, Ryder. What you need right now is a hot shower. I’ll make you some soup and something hot to drink. Sound good?”

“I don’t think I’m staying. Nate’s angry. He’s talking to my mom. I think he’s going to take me home.”

“Sometimes when we’re scared, we say things we don’t mean. Nate wants you here, Ryder, and so do I. Now go have that shower. I’ll be up in a few minutes with your soup.”

“Thanks, Ellie.” Head bowed and shoulders slumped, he walked to his room, the dog following on his heels.

“Sadie and Michaela up here?” Chase asked, coming up the stairs.

“They’re in the judge’s room. Where’s Nate?”

“He needed a minute.” He glanced at the door closing behind Ryder. “How’s he doing?”

“Cold, sad, and worried that Nate is going to send him home. Is he?”

“I’m not sure.” Chase rubbed the back of his neck. “It brought him back, Ellie. He tried to hide it, but I know he was remembering searching the woods for Brodie. He could use a friend.”

“I’m going to heat up some soup for Ryder and get him settled in, and then I’ll talk to Nate.” She hugged Chase. “I’m glad you were with him. You should take Sadie and Michaela home.”

“See if you can get Nate to open up to you. I’m worried about him, Ellie.”

Once she’d said goodbye to Sadie, Chase, and a half-asleep Michaela, and had Ryder settled in his bed with chicken soup and hot chocolate, she went in search of Nate. She found him standing on the dock, looking out over the lake.

He glanced over his shoulder. “You shouldn’t be out here, Ellie. It’s cold.”

“Then come inside with me,” she said as she walked to his side.

“I will. I just need a few minutes.” He didn’t add alone, but it was obvious he didn’t want company. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the water.

She moved in front of him, slipping her arms around his waist. “I’ll just wait right here until you’re ready to come inside.”

He sighed, his chest expanding under her cheek, and then his arms came around her. “I’m okay.”

“I know you are. You’re also right. It’s cold out here, and you’re warm. I figure if I’m waiting for you, I might as well share your body heat.” She tipped her head back to look up at him.

His gaze drifted to her mouth. “This isn’t a good idea, Ellie,” he murmured, slowly lowering his head.

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