Home > The Most Eligible Bride inLondon(72)

The Most Eligible Bride inLondon(72)
Author: Ella Quinn

“Yes, my lord.”

He opened the door and Padraig bounded out, then waited for Nate. They were almost at Berkeley Square when a young maid, pulling a child in some sort of contraption on wheels and holding another young child’s hand, screamed and fell. Nate hurried toward her when a ball rolled into the street, and the boy dashed after it.

“Master James!” the maid shrieked.

Blast me. A carriage!

Nate ran into the street and grabbed the child.

Master James wiggled to be free and Nate tightened his grip. “Ball. I want my ball.”

“You shall have it soon.” He took the boy to his maid, who had managed to stand. “Are you injured?”

“No, sir. I tripped over something, but I’m fine.” As if just remembering, she bobbed a curtsey. “Thank you for saving Master James. I—I couldn’t have stood it if he’d been hurt.”

“You’re welcome. I was glad to be of help.” Nate glanced across the street and saw the ball. “If you’ll hold on to him, I’ll fetch the ball.”

She took her charge’s hand. “Thank you again.”

Looking for any traffic before he crossed, he saw a carriage carrying a woman who seemed to be staring at him, although, she was pressed back against the squabs, and he couldn’t see her well at all. Shrugging, he got the ball, returned it to the boy, and glanced at the carriage again. It had started moving forward. As it passed, he noticed Merton’s crest.

Lady Merton. It had to be her.

* * *

Henrietta had spent the last several days attending to things that had been put to the side during Nate’s illness. One of those items was a visit to Hatchards, and other shopping, and fittings. As usual, Dorie and Georgie accompanied her.

“I love the new gowns you ordered,” Dorie said. “Especially the emerald-green walking gown. It is the same color as your eyes.”

“I am partial to that one as well.” In fact, she so loved the color that she had decided to use it in her soon-to-be bedchamber and parlor for some of the pillows and other things. “Did I tell you that Lady Fotherby is encouraging me to redecorate my new apartments?”

“How nice of her.” Georgie held a bonnet trimmed in flowers and ribbons over Henrietta’s head. “I think this would be lovely on you, and it would go with at least three of your new gowns.”

She took the hat and placed it on her head. The brim stood up in a circle and was lined in pale yellow silk. A white ruffle completed the lining. The crown was fairly shallow but trimmed in blues and deep pink flowers. A narrow ribbon the same color of the lining tied under her chin. She peered into the mirror. “You have a good eye. This will look well with the gowns.”

“When will Fotherby be allowed to ride again?” Dorie asked.

“Tomorrow. If he is awake, I will ask him if he would like to join us.” Henrietta handed the bonnet to a clerk. “However, I do not wish to wake him.”

“No, absolutely not,” Dorie stated, then grinned wickedly. “He must be in good health for your wedding.”

“And the wedding trip,” Georgie added with her own grin.

And thank the deities they were going on a honeymoon. Henrietta had thought that she would be able to be alone with Nate, but once he started getting better, they had been seriously chaperoned. “My grandmother has arranged for a suite for us at the Pultney for our wedding night.” She paid for the bonnet, and they turned toward Hatchards. “At least then we will be alone.”

Dorie grasped Henrietta’s arm. “Do you mean to tell me that you have not had any time to be together?”

“Not since he awakened.” She sighed. “I had hoped. But I was no longer allowed in his chamber alone. And his mother’s room is between his bedchamber and mine. I thought that was odd, and I was correct. Apparently her apartments are on the opposite side of the house, but she moved into those rooms after I brought Nate back.”

“That is not helpful,” Georgie muttered.

“I do not think it was meant to be,” Henrietta retorted. “My parents and brothers and sister arrive the day after tomorrow. Mama and Papa will be given the rooms in which Lady Fotherby is now sleeping.”

Dorie patted Henrietta’s arm reassuringly. “You only have a few more days until the wedding.”

“That is true.” She just wished she and Nate could be together before then. She was not nervous about the ceremony but was concerned about the wedding night. It seemed as if there was so much pressure for everything to go right. If they could just make love before then, everything would be so much more enjoyable.

The next morning Henrietta woke as the sky was just lightening. Her red riding habit was already laid across a chair. She jumped out of bed and began her ablutions.

Before she was finished Spyer entered with toast and tea. “I explained to the kitchen that you like to ride early but needed some sort of sustenance before going out.”

“Thank you.” Henrietta cradled the tea cup in her hands before taking a sip and dressing. “Do you know if Lord Fotherby is awake?”

Her maid shook her head. “Sorry, miss. He is not.”

It had been too much to expect. And they had arranged to go for a ride later in the day. “In that case, he should sleep.”

“Padraig is up and waiting to go out.” Spyer brushed out Henrietta’s braid and twisted her hair into a knot. “If you want to take him, that is.”

She and the dog had become good friends over the past week or so. The question was whether or not he would stay with her. Well, there was only one way to find out.

When she reached the hall one of the footmen she had not seen before sat by the door. “Can you tell me where Padraig is?”

The servant jumped to his feet and bowed. “Sammy’s already left with him, miss.”

That was that. “I will not be too long.”

“Yes, miss. I was told you’d be riding this morning.” He turned his head and tried to stifle a yawn.

She hoped the man would be able to go to sleep soon. Not all households had servants attend to the front door all night, but apparently this one did. She reached Lilly and the groom came around to assist her. As she walked the mare to Grosvenor Square, she reviewed the things she had to accomplish before her parents arrived the next day. High on her list of things to do was to go over the fabric samples that had been sent to her and meet with the decorator. Nate had decided he would like his rooms refurbished as well.... That was it! She could spirit him to the adjoining chambers. The only problem might be Lady Fotherby. Henrietta tried to recall what her future mother-in-law’s schedule was for today and could not for the life of her remember. Perhaps she had not been told. She would have to ask when she returned.

Dorie and Georgie waved as they approached the turn on to Grosvenor Street, and Henrietta joined them.

Dorie rode up next to Henrietta. “You seem distracted.”

She was not going to tell even her best friend what she was planning. “It is just that my parents arrive tomorrow, and I have a great deal to accomplish before then.” Such as convince her soon-to-be-husband to make love to her. “I keep going over the list in my head.”

“I understand,” Georgie said. “My parents were in the North when Turley and I decided to wed. My grandmother and her friend arranged everything.”

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