Home > The Most Eligible Bride inLondon(75)

The Most Eligible Bride inLondon(75)
Author: Ella Quinn

A few minutes later Henrietta was dressed. She poked her head out of the door and, seeing no one about, rushed down the corridor to her rooms. The first thing she saw was the bathtub full of water.

The second she closed the door behind her, her maid entered the room. “Miss Henrietta, what happened to you?”

A quick glance in the mirror and she saw exactly what Spyer did. If it was not for the fact that Henrietta had no shoes and stockings, and her hair was not falling down in places, she might be able to get away with saying she fell, but that lie was not going to work now. Then again, she was going to be wed in just a few days. “I would prefer not to discuss it. It is private.”

“As you wish.” Spyer nodded sharply. Henrietta sat at the toilet table and her dresser put her hair back up for her bath. “Mr. Styles said that you and his lordship had returned, so I had the water brought up.”

Well, that was one person who appeared to know what had happened. He had probably heard Henrietta and Nate when he was in the other bedchamber. Henrietta fought the rising heat in her face. “Thank you.” She decided it was time to change the subject. “Lord Fotherby and I have decided to go to Paris for our wedding trip. We will leave the day following our marriage.”

“Oh, my lady!” Her dresser smiled broadly. “That is excellent. If you like, I will show you the best places to shop.” Spyer tapped her cheek. “I had better look at what you will need.”

That would take her mind off Henrietta’s appearance. The next time. If there was a next time before her wedding, she would take down her hair.

* * *

Nate held his breath as Henrietta rushed to her rooms. He’d hated to let her go. All he had wanted to do was hold her forever. It hadn’t occurred to him that being with her would be so unlike anything else he had ever experienced. Seeing her respond to him, feeling her body accept him, knowing she was his forever. The difference had to be that he loved her, and she loved him. Nate had never had a woman love him before.

He went back into the bedchamber, took out his handkerchief again, and dabbed at the spot of blood. Fortunately, the counterpane contained myriad dark colors, including red, and the spot didn’t show very much. He might have to have his valet clean it. He looked at the crumpled cloth in his hand. At least Styles wouldn’t make a fuss about it.

Using the door between the rooms, Nate entered his bedchamber. The full bath was already in front of the fireplace, and his valet was laying out his clothing. “Some of my betrothed’s garments are in the viscountess’s chamber. They will need to be given to her dresser.”

“I shall see to it, my lord. Is there anything else?”

He opened his hand. “This must be taken care of.”

Styles’s expression didn’t change at all. “Indeed, my lord. I shall take care of that as well.”

Nate glanced at the clock. It was still early, but he was hungry, and he knew Henrietta would be as well. “Send a message to Cook that I will be down within the hour to break my fast.”

“Do you wish to have breakfast served earlier from now on?” Styles asked

Nate stepped into the tub. That would be a good idea, except for Henrietta’s family arriving. His beloved rose early enough. “Tomorrow I do. After that Miss Stern’s parents arrive. I do not know if they are early risers or not.”

His valet nodded. “I have it ordered for tomorrow for you and Miss Stern.”

“Thank you.” It would be nice to have breakfast with only his betrothed.

Just under an hour later, Nate knocked softly on her door. Her dresser opened it and stood aside. “Miss, his lordship is here.”

She placed the book she was reading on the table next to her. When she rose he caught his breath. The pale pink gown she wore matched the color in her cheeks. How was it that every time he saw her she was more beautiful? “Has something happened?”

“Not at all.” He held out his hand to her. “I ordered breakfast for us. I am hungry, and I thought you might be as well.”

Her smile almost brought him to his knees. “That was an excellent idea. Let us go break our fast.”

As if by mutual consent, they refrained from speaking until they had reached the first landing. “I sent instructions for Cook to have breakfast ready tomorrow morning at about this time as well. What I do not know is whether your family are early risers.”

Henrietta patted his arm consolingly. “They are. But we have today and tomorrow.”

And, after they wed, the rest of their lives.




The next morning, Henrietta and Nate had been able to sneak into her future rooms and make love again. What she had not expected was that her dresser and his valet would be ready to attend to them as soon as they were finished.

Her parents arrived shortly before luncheon. After greeting them she motioned to Nate, who was standing by the stairs as if he was unsure about coming forward.

“Mama, Papa, I would like to introduce Viscount Fotherby to you. Nate, my parents, Sir Henry and Lady Stern.”

Nate stepped over to them and bowed to Mama before offering his hand to Papa. Henrietta held her breath until her father not only clasped Nate’s hand, but drew him into a hug. “So you’re to be my new son.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Welcome to the family.” Her father beamed. “We trust you will make Henrietta happy.”

“I shall do my very best.” She thought she saw a shine in his eyes as he put his arms around her father.

Mama took out a handkerchief and blew her nose. “Yes, indeed. Welcome.”

“Thank you, sir, ma’am.” Nate’s voice seemed to catch. “I am honored to be a part of the Stern family.”

“Is someone going to introduce us?” Stephen, her younger brother, who was fifteen, said.

Martha, their nine-year-old younger sister, tugged Henrietta’s hand and pulled her down. “He is very handsome.”

“I think so too. Let me introduce you.” She turned to Nate, who directed his attention to the children. “Martha, may I present my betrothed, Lord Fotherby. Nate, my youngest sister, Miss Martha Stern.”

Her sister performed a very creditable curtsey and held out her hand. “It is very nice to meet you, my lord.”

He took her hand and bowed. “It is my great pleasure to meet you. Please call me Nate.”

When her sister smiled and looked up to her, she nodded. “You may call me Martha.”

“Well done,” Henrietta whispered to her sister. “Now we have Mr. Stephen Stern, my youngest brother. Stephen, Lord Fotherby.”

Nate held out his hand and grasped the one Stephen offered. “Very pleased to meet you.”

“I’m glad to meet you too, sir. I understand you live not far from us.”

“About a half a day’s travel,” Nate confirmed.

“Good, good,” Papa said. “We’ll be able to see you and Henrietta more often.”

The only one who was not here was her older brother. “When will Henry arrive?”

“We expect him this afternoon,” her father said. He glanced at Nate. “Henry is a barrister in Bristol. I suspect he will decide to run for the Commons within the next few years.”

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