Home > Sink or Swim (Shore Leave #2)(25)

Sink or Swim (Shore Leave #2)(25)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   “What? Why would you do that?” He wrinkled his nose even as his eyes flashed with something that might have been hope.

   “Because you’re a nice guy in a crap situation.” God, I wanted to touch him in the worst way. When he shook his head and frowned, I added, “I promised some buddies a ski weekend. Let me help with repairs and maybe we can trade.”

   I’d do it even without the trade because maybe I’d get at least one more weekend with Felix out of it, but something told me he’d accept a deal over an offer of friendship right now.

   Sure enough, he nodded. “We’ll see.”

   I could work with that, so I smiled at him. “I’m sorry for putting you through this.”

   “It’s okay,” he said but his grim eyes called him a liar.

   The mediator started talking again, and there were no more chances to whisper at Felix. The guy desperately needed a friend. I could be that guy. Neither of us wanted a relationship, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t be what he needed short-term, make up for his asshole ex’s greediness. When we’d kissed, I’d never felt so taken care of or safe sexually, and as much as I wanted to explore those feelings more, I also wanted to take care of Felix in return. Starting with dinner. As soon as we were free of this mess, I’d make it my mission to get Felix smiling again.



      Chapter Fourteen


   “Now on to the fun part.” Calder sauntered purposefully toward the bank of elevators. I’d been planning on begging out of dinner, but Calder moved like a man determined to see a plan through. Something told me that telling him I was tired wasn’t going to get me far. And honestly, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to make the excuse. Calder was the only bright spot in this whole mess, and I wanted more of his sunny determination, less of my own head.

   “This place I found has great reviews.” He hit the button for the elevator before turning back to me. “All the kimchi you can handle and some interesting fusion dishes too. Apparently they even have some spicy Korean cocktails, and you look like you could use one of those.”

   “No kidding. That was...” I trailed off because Calder didn’t need my complaints about Tim, so I stretched my back instead. And even without voicing my ire, Calder still gave me a sympathetic look.

   “Yup, it was pretty bad. And it was my fault, insisting on a meeting. I’m sorry I put you through that.” He looked so serious as the elevator arrived that I touched his jacket sleeve.

   “It’s not your fault. If Tim is going to go gamble my property away, we needed to have it out. It wasn’t pleasant, but it was necessary.”

   “Yeah, still sucks though. You deserve better.” Calder stepped ahead of me into the elevator and hit the close door button, not the lobby. He gave me an intense once-over, and the scrutiny made me want to loosen my tie. Suddenly, it was very warm and cramped with only him and me in there.

   “We are not making out in an elevator,” I said with all the sternness I could muster.

   “Well, there’s an idea.” He laughed lightly, but still didn’t hit L. “I was going to steal a fast kiss, but if you want to go all the way there, I’m more than game.”

   “I don’t.” No matter what I said, I still snaked my arms around him when he dipped his head to claim my lips. It wasn’t my smartest move, but after that meeting, having someone to hold on to felt so damn good. Calder was good at being comforting too, pulling me close and kissing me gently. True to his word, he didn’t try for a grope or even go for tongue, simply offering sweet solace and then releasing me to finally hit the Lobby button.

   “You might be better than a cocktail as far as stress relief,” I teased, liking how he preened at the praise.

   “Good. If you want, we could get the food to go. I wouldn’t object.” He gave me another of those heated looks. I reached to loosen my tie, but he batted my hand away. “That’s for me for later. Or sooner if you want the to-go option.”

   “You’re too tempting.” I groaned as we reached the lobby. “But my stepmom is bringing the girls back to my place after their burger dinner.”

   “Ah. Limited privacy and opportunity. I got you, Doc. It was only an idea.” Calder didn’t sound particularly put out. Confident as ever, he led the way out of the building. “Cocktail it is.”

   “Do you need directions?” I pulled out my phone.

   “Memorized them.” He tapped his temple before zipping his jacket. The sun was already fading, replaced by a wintery wind rolling in off the Sound. Holding out a hand, he smiled, demeanor all mischievous and his excitement contagious. “Come on. It’s not far.”

   Holding hands was decidedly date-like. I should decline. But the memory of that sweet kiss lingered, and I took his hand before I could talk myself out of it.

   “You didn’t have to do that. Giving up your claim to the cabin so easily, I mean.” I studied his face, but his cheerful expression never wavered.

   “Yeah, I did. Tim’s a jerk, looking for loopholes and trying to milk you for cash. That cabin means something to you, and maybe he couldn’t see it, but I do.”

   Buttery warmth spread across my chest, chasing away the chill. Calder truly was a good guy. “If the lawyers said you had a half interest, I’d buy it out.”

   “Nah. I’m not hurting for cash, and you don’t need another of Tim’s messes.”

   “Too true.” I followed him into an upscale restaurant. The smell of meat and strong spices greeted us along with a lively after-work crowd. Tastefully decorated in a black-and-gray color scheme with pops of red, the place was half-full. A young hostess led us to a table near the window and left us with an impressive drinks menu.

   “I drove, so I better stick to something light,” I mused as I scanned the list, considering a kimchi Bloody Mary or a Seoul Mule cocktail or another of the inventive drinks before settling on a fruity soju drink that promised more fruit than alcohol. “However, my car being close means that I can drop you at the ferry, save you the walk or bus.”

   “Excellent.” His expression turned decidedly smug, small smile and crinkles around his eyes.

   “What’s that smirk for?” Flirting with him was simply too easy, my voice already that much lighter and huskier and we hadn’t even gotten our drinks.

   “Nothing. Only that I’m totally getting another kiss after dinner.”

   “We’ll see.” Cheeks burning, I studied the menu to avoid his cocky gaze. After we placed our drink and appetizer order, the prospect of more kissing kept dancing through my head, making my pulse thrum.

   “Is that why you offered to help with cabin repairs?” I asked, trying to keep my voice light. “You’re hoping for a repeat?”

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