Home > The Secret Love Letters of Olivia Moretti(12)

The Secret Love Letters of Olivia Moretti(12)
Author: Jennifer Probst

   I glanced over and smiled. “Yeah. I’m pretty lucky. Now I just have to make sure I take advantage and push out of my comfort zone. I’ve been staying close to home with my sketch pad.”

   “Maybe I can help. I can show you some places most tourists don’t find.”

   “Secret adventures?” I teased, instantly pumped at the idea of spending more time with him.

   “Unless you want to double-date with my dad and your aunt.”

   I laughed at the image. “Sounds hot.”

   He laughed with me. “My days are pretty full, but I can call you about this week’s schedule. Maybe we can grab a few hours on a late afternoon?”

   My heart sped up. “That’ll work. I have nothing going on, so I’m flexible. Do you need my number?”

   “I’ll get it from my dad.”

   “Cool.” I swayed a bit on my feet, giddy with the warm night air and the stars streaked overhead and the warmth of his male body so close to mine. I studied the shape of his hooked nose and chiseled jaw, his dark brown eyes and heavy brow. Faint stubble clung to his chin. The white T-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, and my fingers curled with the need to reach out and touch him.

   Voices echoed in the air, and Rafe shook his head. “Better get back before they try to track us down.”

   I nodded and followed his lead.

   But I knew that simple walk with Rafael Sartori had changed everything.

   I just didn’t realize how much.



chapter six


   “I’m sorry, Dev. You didn’t get the dean position.”

   The words were like a harsh slap across the face. She blinked, trying desperately to compose her face into a smooth mask. “I see. Who got it?”

   Jordan Turner, current chair of the Accounting and Finance Department, regarded her from across the desk with a level gaze. “Elliot Feimer.”

   The name made her gnash her teeth together. Typical. Besides being male, Elliot was front and center on some of the most important committees. He was a decent teacher, but his arrogance was legendary. He gave mansplaining a whole new definition. Dev couldn’t help the bit of sting in her words. “I shouldn’t be surprised. Did I even have a fair shot?”

   She never would’ve challenged someone from the interview board, but Jordan had always been a champion of her work. Once he decided not to run for the position himself, he’d encouraged her to go for it, even though her administrative background was light. She had the most publications and committee experience and consistently scored at the top tier of student surveys.

   Jordan gave a sharp nod. “You were our second pick. Great interview, but Elliot has been here longer and served on a few more boards.”

   She let out a breath. “I understand.” After all, she knew how things worked. There was a hierarchy, and cliques were huge in the academic world. Still, it burned her that no matter how hard she worked, Dev was scolded for pushing too hard, too soon by the big boys. It was frustrating as hell.

   “What’s the next step?” she asked briskly. Better at this point to focus on the future and play nice for the team.

   “Glad you asked.” Jordan shifted his weight in the squeaky chair. He was an overlarge man; his muscled body always seemed to stretch out his suits, which added to his riveting presence when he stood in front of a group. Ruthlessly intelligent, he’d helped spearhead the department in new directions. His cultured voice held a hint of accent from his native country, Trinidad. He reached across his littered desk and grabbed a folder. “There’s an opportunity this summer to teach an advanced course in corporate accounting in the global economy specifically for work professionals in the industry. I’ve got demand for a diverse group of high-profile CEO types, Wall Street brokers, and admins who need a hands-on workshop but with big-level reach. I thought you’d be perfect for it.”

   She took the file he handed over and began to flip through it. “Nothing like this has been done before from our department.”

   “Exactly. It’s a rare opportunity to connect with some powerful contacts outside our normal efforts. Very high-profile—there’s already been some buzz, so you’ll be closely watched. You up for it?”

   A bloom of pride cut through her. Dev realized this was not just about teaching another course. Jordan had been working hard on leveling up the Finance Department at Stern School of Business to compete with the stellar reputation the college had for fashion and creative arts programs.

   She mentally sifted through her schedule but already knew she’d do anything for the opportunity. “Of course. Looking forward to it.”

   “Good. The course starts in August, but there will be a ton of prep.”

   “No problem. I’ll be ready.”

   “Excellent. Hope it won’t be ruining your summer plans.”

   She shook her head. “Why would anyone want to leave this crowded, hot, overpopulated haven in the height of summer?” He laughed as she got up, the file firmly closed in her hand. Then she suddenly remembered. “Oh, I will be going away next week. Did you need me to cancel?”

   “Don’t be silly, even you need to take a break sometimes, Professor. Where are you off to?”


   He raised a dark brow. “Nice. What part?”

   “Positano. I recently found out my mother owned a house there, so my sisters and I are going to check it out. Probably sell it.”

   His voice softened. “I’m really sorry about your mom, Dev. You doing okay?”

   She shifted her weight, uncomfortable whenever she talked about personal feelings. “Fine. I’ll only be gone about a week.”

   Jordan dismissed her with a wave of a hand. “Take two—you’ll probably need it. I have a feeling this course will help you in a lot of ways. And hopefully soon, I’ll be out of here and you can take over as chair.”

   “Oh, I’m not looking for that at all! I’m—”

   “Kidding, Professor. Have a good time, but don’t come home with any of those hot Italians. I hear they’re good at breaking hearts.”

   Dev rolled her eyes and headed to the door. “I’d prefer a hot bath, a healthy profit margin, and a good night’s sleep.”

   His laughter followed her out the door. She nodded to his secretary and headed to her office, mind buzzing.

   Finally, she’d have an opportunity that could be a big help with her career. She had no issue with leaving NYU eventually if the right positions didn’t open up. There was so much more she wanted to do; she refused to be limited for too long. Dev had never been afraid to push her way up the ladder of success instead of waiting her turn.

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