Home > Grim (Perished Riders MC)(18)

Grim (Perished Riders MC)(18)
Author: Nicola Jane

We drift to sleep naked and wrapped in each other.



I woke twice in the night to check he hadn’t realised the mistake he’d made and left, but he was still wrapped around me each time. So, when it’s time to actually get up and Grim wakes me with his mouth attached to my breast, it puts a smile on my lips. “I thought you’d do a midnight flit,” I say.

He parts my legs and settles between them. “I told you last night, this changes everything.” He slides into me with ease, and I close my eyes in pleasure. “It took me too long to wake up.”

“I’m glad you did.”

By the time we’ve showered and get downstairs, breakfast is over, and Brea is cleaning up the kitchen. She smiles and greets us. “Morning, I’ll get you some eggs.”

“Actually, I’m gonna talk to Mav,” says Grim, winking at me. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

Mum smirks at me as he leaves. “What?” I ask innocently.

“Don’t give me that look, young lady. I have Irish blood, so I know when Cupid’s been at work.”

I laugh, rolling my eyes. “You’re seeing things.”

“You’re everything he needs,” she says warmly, and I smile wider. “Just be careful.”

“We haven’t really put a label on anything, so can you keep it to yourself for a while? Just while we figure out what’s happening?” She nods. “Thanks, Mum.”




Hadley. Fuck. Hadley. I shake my head in disbelief. I told her I was seeing Mav, but in truth, I needed a minute to process the last twenty-four hours. I slide down the oak tree and rest my head back against the rough bark. It’s hard to believe I finally listened to my heart for once and it felt right. I feel good when I’m around her. It’s like whenever she’s near, there’s a light of hope in my fucking pointless life.

I tried to leave her alone, because fuck knows I don’t wanna be the reason her light ever fades, but she made it too hard. Being the selfish prick that I am, it didn’t take much convincing to make her mine. I mean, I actually said those fucking words out loud, and I didn’t feel panic or dread. But then, I think about Meli and how she’s going to react to this, and I get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I should have told Hadley from the beginning, but I talked myself out of it time and time again because what was the point if nothing was happening between any of us? Meli and I were nothing more than a quick fuck when there was no one else around to turn to, and Hadley, well, she wasn’t supposed to mean anything to me. Turns out, she means everything. I groan out loud and jump in fright when Hadley appears. “That was a loaded groan,” she states.

“Sorry, I’m overthinking.”

“Any regrets?” she asks, her voice full of dread. I smile and hold my hand out to her. She takes it, and I tug her to sit with me.

“No, Hads. No fucking regrets at all. In fact, I wanna tell the world about us and I’m trying to talk myself into slowing down.”

“Well, Mama B kind of guessed, but I asked her to keep it to herself for now.”

“I just . . . well, with my reputation, I know the guys are gonna be worried for you, and the ol’ ladies will warn you off. I don’t want anyone to ruin it.”

“I know what you mean,” she mutters. “Meli is gonna overreact.”

“Meli?” I repeat, “Why?”

“You know how she feels about you.”

Panic fills me. “Huh?”

She smirks. “She can’t stand you, Grim. You know she can’t. She’s gonna have a thing or two to say for sure.”

“I don’t blame them, any of them, they’re right to worry for you.”

She rests her head on my shoulder, and I kiss it gently. “I’m not worried, Grim. Did you talk to Maverick?”

I shake my head. “No. I needed five minutes, but he’s my next stop. He kind of pushed me towards you the other night.”

She looks up, surprised. “He did?”

“I think he worked it out that I liked you. He told me to go for it, said he couldn’t imagine anyone better for his sister.”

Hadley grins. “That’s actually cute.”

“Don’t let him hear you say that.” I spot Meli heading our way, and I stand. “That’s my cue to leave.”

“Just for the record, I’m not going to tell her yet. I want to enjoy this for a few more days.”

I nod in agreement. I need to speak to Meli alone before this gets out, but now isn’t the right time. “Catch you later,” I say.

As I head in, Meli narrows her eyes. “You two look cosy,” she whispers.

“She’s been a great friend, Meli. Nothing more.”

I find Mav in the kitchen making coffee. “Don’t we have people who do that for you?” I ask, grinning. He hates to be treated like he’s superior around here and wouldn’t dream of asking anyone to get his coffee, but I love to wind him up.

“Did you get some sleep last night?” he asks, arching his brow suggestively.


“Rylee asked Hadley to force you to rest. That’s the last we saw of either of you.”

I roll my eyes. “Should have known.”

“We were worried, brother.”

“Actually, your little plan worked. We talked and . . . well, that’s all you need to know. But we’re not ready for the club to find out. We’re taking it slow.”

“Good for you.”

“Aren’t you worried?” I ask, irritated by his easy attitude.

“Why would I be?”

“Because she’s your sister, Mav. Look at my track record.”

He holds his coffee and leans against the kitchen worktop. “First of all, you’re both adults. Hadley might be quiet and laidback, but she’ll let you know about it if you mess this up. But I’m not worried, Grim, because she’s gonna be good for you. She’s what you need, and as soon as you see that, you’ll do anything to keep her.”




“Spill the truth,” demands Meli, standing before me with her hands on her hips.

I laugh. “Who the hell are you, the Queen?”

“You’re spending a lot of time with Grim. All the club girls are talking about it. Star and Skye are his favourite girls and even they haven’t seen anything of him lately.”

I try to hide my smile. “I don’t know what to tell you, Meli. He’s having a tough time, and I’m there for him. I’m being a good friend.”

“Guys like Grim don’t have friends. He has fuck buddies, one-night stands, and a bottle of whiskey under his bed for when he’s exhausted all of the above.”

My smile falters. “You’re overreacting.”

“I just want to check he’s not taking advantage of my sister.”

“Well, I can assure you, he isn’t. You seem to forget we’re twins, Meli, and we’re both adults.”

“You’re being extremely defensive.”

Rolling my eyes, I push to stand and march towards the clubhouse. “I’m going to see Harriett. Are you coming?”

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