Home > Double Exposure(32)

Double Exposure(32)
Author: Emma Nichole

His response is vague and confusing to me, and I’m not sure that I like it, but I understand it. Even still, that small piece of my heart builds up just a bit more wall than was there before… just in case.

I nod. “I understand."


The drive first to her home to allow her to change, then to the bistro was quiet, but comfortable between us. I slipped her my phone that was connected to the Bluetooth in my car, and let her control the music. To say I was surprised by some of her choices would be an understatement.

Nora has rather eclectic tastes. She listens to the lyrics and bounces from genre to genre. I think in the twenty minutes or so she had the control, we listened to an eighties cover by a metal band, a country ballad, then wrapped with a Chopin classical piece. I didn’t mind any of them, however, the classical piece inspired a rough idea for my next painting. I’m still pinning that to my mental note file as I find the last space of on-street parking in the area.

“Thank you for giving me control of the music. I never really get to listen to what I want when I’m in the passenger seat.” She passes my phone back to me.

“Then trust that every time you’re in my vehicle, that phone will be in your hand.”

I climb from the car and walk around to open the door for her, offering my hand to help her stand.

“Thank you,”

“Petal.” I place my hand on the small of her back and close the door. “You don’t have to thank me for every kindness. I do these things because I want to, not for thanks.”

“That’s new to me too, Tristan. I can’t believe it. I’ve been here a year and I didn’t know this place existed so close to home. Are you sure it’s not too public? I don’t want to hurt your reputation.”

I laugh for what feels like a long time. “You’re worried about my reputation? I know what that is and the only opinion that matters is yours.

“Surely you can’t mean that. You’re a very respected professor at a very prestigious university. It’s impossible that you don’t care just a little bit.”

“Petal, my reputation is what it is. I don’t care about it at all. I care about my work and I care what you think. That’s all.” I open the door to the bistro and hold it back for her. “After you.” I motion for her to go inside.

It’s a very small place that only has seating available for twenty patrons, at most, and it’s dark with warm lighting. It’s cozy and private. Exactly what is needed, given the state of our impending relationship at the moment.

I speak briefly with a young hostess who leads us to a small booth in the back corner of the restaurant.

My lovely escort leans back to whisper in my ear, “This place is kind of sexy in a way.”

I kiss her temple. “Made sexier with you in it, love. Now I know you barely had lunch today. Let’s begin with a nice bottle of red, not too dry, and an appetizer of your choice we can linger over. I want to make this dinner last. We can close the place down and that would be just fine with me.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, because I just may take you up on that offer.”

“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. Trust that.”

She slides into the booth first then I take the spot next to her rather than across from her. I want to be close. I want to feel her in any way that I can, even if it’s just my thigh touching hers.

“I wasn’t expecting you to sit here,” she giggles. “I am glad you did. It makes me feel… protected, in a way. Does that make sense?”

I raise my arm to the back of the booth and speak so my breath touches her hair. “It does and I’m delighted. Trust me to order for us? Are you…ravenous?”

Her head turns slightly toward me before she gently licks her lips.



This is going to be one hell of a meal.


We, somehow, make it through one glass of wine each and appetizers without touching one another outside of passing fingertips and shoulder nudges, but even those feel like wildfire on my skin.

By the time entrees arrive, I’m casually and discreetly, sliding a lemon wedge against the skin on her neck before leaning over to kiss the juice away. I feel the rush of her inhale and the soft moan that comes from her exhale. My heart responds nearly as quickly as my cock when I hear her make such noises.

“May I have the honor of allowing me to watch you take the first bite? I want to watch you enjoy it.”

“If you insist. I’ve never been told that someone enjoys the way that I eat.” She uses her fork to swirl some pasta around before lifting it to her mouth. She makes quite the show of the bite, slurping up the noodle like she’s a Lady waiting for her Tramp on the other end.

I’ve had this dish before. It’s lemony, creamy pasta. It’s delicious, and watching her experience the pleasure of food makes me crave her all the more.

“How do you like it?” I ask.

“Oh my God.” She drops her head back and it thumps on the wooden booth back. “Wow.”

“I certainly hope to hear those words leave your mouth one day in regards to me.” I tease before taking a bite for myself.

“If I’m honest, Tristan, hearing you say things like that excites me so much that I nearly can’t breathe, but… it’s frightening.”

“Tell me why.” I tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear, lingering just long enough to stroke the lobe that is currently home to a small, diamond stud earring.

“Many reasons. Some I’m ready to share, some I’m not.”

“I understand that, Petal. I do. I wish I knew the reason behind it. I want you to feel like you can trust me implicitly. I will protect your secrets as I do you.”

“I want to believe that. I hope you won’t hurt me.”

“I’ll earn that trust one step at a time.” I slide my arm to rest along the back of the booth. “You said something very interesting to me earlier.”


“You said our relationship was starting to sound very dominant and submissive. I was surprised to hear you reference that.”

“Oh. You caught that. I umm…”

I watch her start to bundle her fingers inside the linen napkin in her lap. I can feel her heart pounding beneath the back of my fingers as I trace the lovely vein in her neck. “Just be honest. Nothing you could say could change my opinion of you, if that’s what you’re concerned about. How I see it, everything you’ve done or had done to you has blended to make the beautiful and sexy woman before me. Just tell me.”

I can see her throat bob up and down with her nervous swallow.

“I was in a relationship… my last one, actually, and it started like that. I trusted and it ended less than stellar, let’s just say.” She hasn’t even told me the details, and I already want to pummel whoever hurt her into the fucking ground. “You already look angry. That’s what I was most afraid of. I’m sorry if you’re disappointed in me.”

“Nora, do not mistake my anger for a judgment on you. I’ve seen this lifestyle in my circle, even though I’ve never participated. It’s an expressed contract between two consenting adults. It should never be about abuse or shame. My eyes are telling me you’ve been subject to both. That is what my anger is. You infuriate me with your mouth and your body. I don’t think I could ever be angered by you.”

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